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Child: Ahmad Date: 21/2/2014 written 7/3/2014 Written by: T. Maysoon During the red day T.

Maysoon gave a session on the heart anatomy. At the start of the session she mentioned that today we are going to be doctors and scientists. She talked about the heart, how it works, heart beat along other things. She then showed the stethoscope and blood pressure tools that doctors use to check heart beats, and said we would learn how to use these later. The anatomy lesson went longer and we didnt get to use the tools for measuring blood pressure and heart beats. The next day Ahmed asked the teachers about the tools and they said they are with Teacher Maysoon who was away in Dunedin. Next week the minute Ahmad saw Teacher Maysoon he asked, When are we going to be doctors? She promised tomorrow. The next day Ahmad asked the same question again so T. Maysoon brought the tools and said, Come Dr. Ahmad! He was full of joy and enthusiasm. Nusayaba was his first patient and then Steven came running and was the second patient. Nusayba wanted to be the doctor. Ahmad gracefully gave her the tools after reassuring her that her health is good, blood pressure is fine. Juwairiya was keen to be the patient too. She was very well aware of what to do as a patient; she rolled her sleeve up and gave her hand to Dr. Nusayba willingly as it seems she is familiar with such check-ups. She then became the doctor. Steven was so proud when I addressed him Dr. Steven would you kindly check Juwairiyas blood pressure and heart beats? He confidently started acting like a real doctor. Well done to all four children involved I wish you a great future!

Teachers voice: Ahmad I am very pleased to hear the wear red for healthy hearts day has sparked an interest for you which T. Maysoon has been able to extend. During this experience you demonstrated a range of positive learning dispositions including listening with understanding and empathy, responding with wonderment and awe, and remaining open to continuous learning. I was most impressed with your demonstration of confidence, by verbally expressing yourself to your teachers, management and peers as you posed questions, and how you took responsibility for your own and others learning. Using your observed interest of anatomy and insects/animals we will continue to encourage and support the development of confidence and responsibility in preparation for your transition to primary school. -T. Natasha

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