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Child: Shahzaib Date: 12th March 2014 Written by: T. Natasha This morning we all went outside to enjoy the brief sunshine, during which I saw Leena reading a book on the cushions. As she continued to read I could see her becoming more engrossed in the book. Leena looked up, spotting her friend Adham and excitedly showed him the firefighter book she was reading. Adhams eyes lit up as he exclaimed FIRETRUCK, Leena responded quickly by jumping up and squealing, WEE-OH WEE-OH!! Together you ran around the playground, catching the interest of Faiza and Shahzaib. Shahzaib ran to the play house, quickly re-emerging to proudly show Adham, Leena and Faiza what he had found. As he held up the firefighter hat he had found, Leena and Adhams excitement grew and they both suggested how the firefighting team could progress. Adham exclaimed, I am driving, Im driving the firetruck! before calling out the sound of the siren as he climbed the fort to the steering wheel. Leena however called to Faiza Quick! The firetruck is waiting; we need to find the fire! Faiza then decided she wanted to help shahzaib put out the fires, and quickly they ran together to their imaginary fire by the swings saving their friend Ahmad! Review of learning Shahzaib it is wonderful to see you taking an interest and being involved in play with peers older then yourself. This is great to see as your sister Wajiha is at home currently and you usually choose to interact with your kiwi group peers. This took a lot of courage well done.. I can also see your Mana Whenua or Belonging being supported by how comfortable you are with our routine, customs and regular events as well as coping with unfamiliar experiences, even without your sister around. When you are involved in experiences you are demonstrating the positive learning disposition of trust and playfulness. I enjoyed observing you expanding your social strategies to join a group, offering a way to expand on the play through finding a firefighter hat. I could see your friends Adham and Leena were excited to see you had found a firefighter hat!

Where to next? I plan to continue building on your social strategies as your English language continues to expand and sentence structures more sophisticated. What kind of games would you enjoy playing with friends and peers? I can use these to introduce and support pro-social strategies.

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