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Candidate Reflection Form Progress Update 3

Name: Maggie Thomas Date: April 8, 2014 Candidate reflects: Please respond to the following question: 1. Identify any connections you have made in the course between theory and classroom practice. While I completed the readings and participated in the discussions there were a lot of a-ha moments for me in terms of things I was aware of, but never exactly knew the actual reasons/explanations/definitions for. For example, reading about the science behind how adolescents behave was enlightening because I knew how they acted but just never thought about why. I truly feel that this example and everything else I have learned throughout this course will make it easier for me to connect with junior learners and provide them with a great educational experience. 3. Write any next steps you wish to take: A giant step I really would like to take(other than getting on a supply list!) would be to once again volunteer my time in an elementary school. Previously, I acted as an ESL assistant throughout the entire school but now I would be more interested in staying in one class and putting my new found junior grade knowledge to use.

Instructor responds: 1. Instructor feedback is based on the following expectations : o Contribution to a supportive learning environment o Completion of tasks o Participation in discussion o Connections to topics, concepts and tasks o Connections and reflections on personal experience and new ideas

2. The feedback and suggested next steps from your instructor will appear in the Dropbox folder, Progress Update 3 under the word Feedback or in the space provided below.

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