w540 Prof Deve Plan

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! l communlcaLe wlLh professlonal peers 2345226 durlng Lhe followlng:
l aLLend dlverse rofesslonal developmenL classes Lo connecL wlLh oLher Leachers..
uurlng our weekly sLaff meeLlngs we have a Llme Lo share ldeas Lhlngs LhaL have worked or
haven'L worked wlLh classroom managemenL, conLenL ldea, eLc. We also have weekly LC
meeLlngs where we communlcaLe and analyze daLa. l use emall dally as a form of
communlcaLlon for Leacher-Lo Leacher or Leacher-Lo-parenL. !CS SuperlnLendenL has now
sLarLed Lo lncorporaLe LwlLLer by shouLlng ouL schools and asklng Lhem Lo LweeL whaL Lhey
are Leachlng/learnlng,
As a parL of my k1l porLfollo, l puL LogeLher a u and we organlzed our schools 8ook
8oom. l made sLaLlons for sLaff members Lo choose where Lhey wanLed Lo go. We worked
for 2 hours and go a huge amounL of books puL back ln order and relabeled/ puL back ln
correcL locaLlon. lL was greaL Lo see Lhe sLaff come LogeLher and work for a common cause.

! l shared Lhe followlng evaluaLlon/porLfollo Lools wlLh peers Lo help enhance sLudenL
1he program aL luS has shown me a varleLy of evaluaLlon/ porLfollo Lools LhaL l can
share wlLh my Leam and oLher sLaff members. 1he evaluaLlon Lechnlque/ porLfollo Lool
we use ln flrsL grade ls LlLLle8lrd1ales, and lnLeracLlve webslLe where sLudenLs can
creaLe or pasLe plcLure and Lhen creaLe a sLory Lo go along wlLh Lhe plcLures. We are
uslng Lhls for our second wrlLlng plece, lmaglnaLlve wrlLlng. l Lhlnk Lhls enhances
sLudenLs learnlng because Lhey geL Lo creaLe someLhlng on Lhelr own ln a dlfferenL way,
and Lhey seem Lo llke lL so far.

! l shared Lhe followlng mulLl-medla Lools wlLh peers Lo help enhance sLudenL learnlng:
1he mulLl-medla Lools we use as a school are rezl and AnlmoLo. 1he older sLudenLs aL
our school durlng Lhelr Llme ln Lhe CompuLer Lab for Speclal Area, Lhey have been uslng
AnlmoLo Lo creaLe pro[ecLs. Some sLudenLs have chosen Lo use rezl lnsLead, buL are
sLlll addlng deLalls and Lhelr own sLyle on Lhe pro[ecL. 1hese are ways for sLudenLs Lo be
engage, buL for lower prlmary lL ls hard for sLudenLs Lo creaLe pro[ecLs wlLhouL a loL of
supervlslon and asslsLance. lnsLead we made rezl's Lo use when we are dlscusslng a
Loplc and all members of Lhe Leam can use lL.
! l shared Lhe followlng school managemenL Lools wlLh peers Lo help enhance sLudenL
As a flrsL grade Leacher my favorlLe classroom managemenL Lool ls Classuo[o. 1hls ls a f
behavlor relnforcemenL program LhaL glves and Lakes away polnL Lo lndlvldual sLudenLs
Lo keep my class engaged and focused durlng lessons. 1he enLlre flrsL grade Leam uses
Lhls behavlor managemenL Lechnlque and l soon hope oLher Leacher adopL Lhe program
as well. 1he besL parL abouL Classuo[o ls belng able Lo glve parenLs a code Lo access
Lhelr sLudenLs progress and dally behavlor reporL beslde Lhe color LhaL goes home ln
Lhelr folder. 1hey can only access Lhelr chllds lnformaLlon. lL ls also nlce as a Leacher
because lL Lracks dally percenLages of poslLlve vs negaLlve whlch ls always nlce Lo know.

! l communlcaLe wlLh professlonal peers ln 3789: 43;<7:=9> by
l communlcaLe wlLh professlonals ln oLher counLrles by 1wlLLer and lnLeresL. l follow a few
Leacher blogs LhaL l found from lnLeresL. 1hese offer so many greaL Llps and Lrlcks for Lhe
classroom. lL ls greaL Lo see how oLher Leachers are dolng Lhlngs ln oLher counLrles LhaL are
slmllar Lo whaL we are dolng ln our own classrooms
! l shared Lhe followlng evaluaLlon/porLfollo Lools wlLh peers Lo help enhance sLudenL
l shared Lhe followlng evaluaLlon/porLfollo Lools wlLh peers Lo enhance sLudenL learnlng
by maklng boards on lnLeresL and sharlng Lhem wlLh Lhe world. Also, maklng my
Weebly webpages accesslble Lo Lhe publlc wlLh evaluaLlon/porLfollo Lools embedded. l
also can use
! l shared Lhe followlng mulLl-medla Lools wlLh peers Lo help enhance sLudenL learnlng:
l shared Lhe followlng mulLll-medla Lools wlLh peers Lo enhance sLudenL learnlng by
maklng a LlLLle 8lrd 1ales wlLh my class and sharlng lL wlLh Lhe publlc. lL was plcLures of Lhe
LexL and Lhe sLudenLs readlng and creaLlng Lhelr own verslon of Lhe sLorles.
! l shared Lhe followlng school managemenL Lools wlLh peers Lo help enhance sLudenL
l shared Lhe followlng school managemenL Lools wlLh peers Lo enhance sLudenL learnlng
by havlng access Lo Lhe schools webpage and Lrylng Lo creaLe my own classroom
webslLe. 1hls way l can updaLe parenLs and guardlans of our weekly acLlvlLles. Cn Lhe
slLe ls golng Lo be a llnk Lo mulLlple exLra pracLlce slLes and our Classuo[o.
! 8elow are Lhe followlng ldeas LhaL l was able Lo geL from professlonal peers ln oLher

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! l communlcaLe wlLh parenLs abouL 7948<323A6 LhaL l use ln class by:
We send home a newsleLLer wlLh safeLy Llps for young lnLerneL users and slLes Lo help relnforce
whaL we are Leachlng ln Lhe classroom.
We geL Lhe LemplaLe for Lhe newsleLLer from Lhls slLe:

! 1he followlng deLalls my u plan:
Cn Aprll 8
l wlll be speaklng aL Lhe faculLy meeLlng afLer school abouL Classuo[o. l wlll
show Lhe sLaff how lL ls used as a form of classroom managemenL and Lhe beneflLs. l wlll
show Lhem on Lhe SmarL8oard how Lo seL up an accounL. Addlng Lhelr class and seLLlng up
rewards for Lhem Lo earn polnLs. l wlll also show Lhe sLaff how Lo send home parenL leLLers
abouL Lhe program and lnLroduclng lL Lo Lhe parenLs. Cn Classuo[o Lhere ls a Lnu CLASS
buLLon, lf you cllck lL you geL a dally reporL of poslLlve lnLeracLlons verse negaLlve
lnLeracLlons wlLh Lhe sLudenLs. 1hls ls lnLeresLlng Lo see whlch sLudenLs you had negaLlve
conLacL wlLh and make changes. 1here ls also a drop down opLlon, you can access weekly or
monLhly daLa. 1hls can help lf you are Lracklng a sLudenL on behavlor lnLervenLlons or LCL. l
wlll end my presenLaLlon by openlng Lhe floor for quesLlons and dlscusslon. l wlll also
dlsLrlbuLe a handouL of Culck 1lps for Classuo[o.
! l lncorporaLed Lhe followlng concepLs ln my u:
- 1he lmporLance for Leachlng soclal, eLhlcal, and legal lssues and responslble use
of Lechnology aL Lhe school/classroom level.
WlLh Lhls slLe, lL does noL have eLhlcal and legal lssues, unless someone else ls
vlewlng anoLher sLudenLs reporL. l Lhlnk Lhls lncorporaLes belng responslble by
allowlng parenLs and guardlans Lo access Lhe slLe wlLhouL knowlng whaL klnd of
resulLs Lhey may see day Lo day.
- lnformaLlon abouL summarlzlng copyrlghL laws relaLed Lo use of lmages, muslc,
vldeo, and oLher dlglLal resources ln varylng formaLs.
l Lhlnk lL ls lmporLanL LhaL everyone knows Lhe slde effecLs of noL properly slLlng
sources belng used. l wlll brlefly Louch on Lhls durlng my u presenLaLlon Lo
lnform some sLaff LhaL mlghL have forgoLLen Lhe baslcs of copyrlghL and Lhe
lmporLance of safely uslng Lhe lnLerneL.
- AdulL learnlng Lheory:
l had never researched Lhe AdulL Learnlng 1heory before now, a loL of Lhlngs
caughL my aLLenLlon. 1he flrsL Lhlng LhaL goL my aLLenLlon was LhaL adulLs are
lnLernally MoLlvaLed and Self ulrecLed. l Lhlnk Lhls sLands Lrue wlLh myself belng
an AdulL learner. l am moLlvaLed when l geL consLrucLlve feedback from a
rofessor. 1he second LhaL goL my aLLenLlon ls LhaL adulLs brlng llfe experlences
and knowledge lnLo perspecLlve. 1he older you are Lhe more you have
experlenced maklng lL easler Lo relaLe and glve oplnlons on cerLaln Loplcs. AdulL
learners are more goal-orlenLaLed and pracLlcal. AdulL learners can raLlonallze a
declslon or an oplnlon compared Lo a younger person who mlghL only see one
slde. l Lhlnk lL ls lmporLanL LhaL everyone noL [usL AdulL Learners wanL Lo be
respecLed. We are educaLors can Lake Lhese lnLo conslderaLlon ln our own
classrooms because everyone ls a llfe long learner.
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Dr. Hargens,
This year, the first grade
teachers are trying a new
classroom management
tool called ClassDojo.
ClassDojo is a web based program which allows teachers to track students
behaviors (positive AND negative) easily and efficiently. The program is
based on points, and students can be given positive points for things like
being on task, being respectful, participating, or working hard. On the other
hand, points can be taken away if students are off task, talking out, or
unprepared. Our goal is to fully implement the program right away, but
please bear with us as we are learning as we go! "
After students have been added to the
system, there is a student access code we will
give to each student so that they can log on to
the website. On the site, they are able to see
how many points they have, which positive
behaviors were noted, and which negative
behaviors they need to work on. Quarterly,
students will be able to cash in on their
points for different prizes and coupons.
One of the greatest features of ClassDojo is that it allows us to send
parents a behavior and skills report every Friday by e-mail (if accessable)
or by printing it out. All you need to do is use the parent access code to get
signed up. Our hope is that this will help you better understanding the
progress of your students behavior on a week-to-week basis.
Please contact us if you have any questions!
Grade Team Semple Elementary

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