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LESSON PLAN- Increase and Decrease

Teacher Candidate ____Travis Read___________________________________________________________ Grade Level __7th______ Subject/Content:___Math 7_____________ Title___Increase and Decrease___ CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (e.g. ethnicity, gender, exceptionalities, ELL, GATE, etc.) which need differentiation in instruction and assessment. 4-ELL 7-Below Grade Level 4-Accelerated 3-Intentional non-learners

WALK-AWAY (what do I want students to know, understand, and be able to do?) Content Walk-Away: I will be able to set up the appropriate proportion to find a percent of increase or decrease. Reading/Language Walk-Away: I can recognize what words or phrases suggest an increase or decrease.

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (formative/summative checks for learning) (Match the Content Walk-Away) Students answers to bellwork will be checked to see if they can recognize the relationship between the numbers in a proportion from the previous lesson. Students will finish filling in table to find amounts of change as teacher checks for accuracy. Students will demonstrate setting up appropriate proportions to their shoulder partners. Homework will be checked the following day for accurate proportions.

Modifications/Accommodations (ELL,

IEP, GATE, etc.) ELL and below grade level students will be paired up with shoulder partners who will check for understanding and accuracy throughout activities.


Modifications/ Accommodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

Activate Prior Knowledge/Experiences 1. Students will be given a quarter sheet of paper and asked to describe how the numbers in a given proportion relate to each other. They will be collected and quickly read through and select ones shared with class. Focus Lesson (I do it) 2. A story problem will be presented to students as follows. Lexie has a collection of 5 rings. If her grandmother gives her 2 rings for her birthday, by what percent did her collection increase? 4. A table will be given on smartboard of different scenarios of objects changing (# of goldfish, number of oreos in a bag, etc). The table will have blanks to fill in to show if our object is increasing or decreasing, the next column will be by amount that our object changed. The first example will be demonstrated. 6. The amounts of change from the table will be displayed as a ratio compared to the original amount. Students will be shown with the first example that we are looking for a percent so the other side of the proportion will look like x/100. Guided Instruction (We do it) 3. Students will be guided through questioning to recognize that the percent we are looking for is the percent her collection increased or the percent of change. They will be asked to think about what number we should use as the part if we are looking for a percent of change. As needed they will be instructed and guided to answer that we want to use the number that our object changed. Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together) 5. Students will work with their shoulder partners to fill in the remainder of the table finding if object increased or decreased and how much did it change. 7. Students will finish setting up the other examples from the table as proportions and then solve to find the missing percents. 3.5 Accelerated students will be given an extension worksheet requiring them to find amounts of change for given situations and then solve for the percent of change (Assume each female goldfish has 40 baby goldfish per year, and half of them are female. If I put 50 female goldfish in a pond, how many goldfish will I have after 1 year? How many will I have after 3 years? What percent of change do I have per year of female goldfish?). ELL and below grade level students will have shoulder partners checking for understanding as they work collaboratively. They will also receive individual instruction during 7,8.

Independent (You do it alone) 8. Students will be given a practice sheet to spend last ten minutes of class setting up the correct proportions for given scenarios. When they have all have been set up and checked for accuracy by teacher they will solve for missing percent. Summarization/Closure Students will be asked to share one thing they learned with their shoulder partner. Students will be asked to share something they hope to learn with their shoulder partner.

NOTES TO TEACHER What do I need to remember to do? Have seating arrangements ready. Create extended worksheet as well as tables and examples for presentation. Materials to have ready? Extension and practice worksheets. sheets for bellwork. Approximate time needed for lesson? 50 minutes.

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