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Welcome to Ms. Reverman's classroom!

Please fill out this information sheet about your child! I would love to know more about all of my students so that I will be able to make the most of our school year together!
Basic Information: Child's Name: Birthday: Guardians' Names: Address: Phone Number: Email: Emergency Contacts: Primary language(s) spoke at home: Dietary Restrictions/Allergies: Does your child have any families members also attending this school? Please provide names and ages. Does your child attend a childcare after school? If so, please provide the contact information. How will your child transported to and from school? Favorite Snack: Interests/Hobbies: Favorites TV show: Favorite Book: Favorite School Subject:

1. Is your child involved in any activities outside of school? If so, what are they?

2. How often does your child read each week?

3. What is your child most excited about this school year?

4. What is your child most interested in learning about?

5. What do you consider to be your child's strength and areas that he or she needs to work on?

6. Can your child identify and letters, colors, shapes, or numbers? If so, which ones?

7. Does your child have any fears about the upcoming school year?

8. Does your child need any extra assistance in any areas?

9. Is there anything else that you would like me to know about your child or your family?

Thank you so much for taking your time to fill this out! I am excited to get to know you and your child this school year! -Ms. Reverman

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