Rural Banking in India Project Report

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Rural banking in India Price per Unit (piece): $92.00 IN Rs.4, 44.!

Rural banking in India pr"#ect rep"rt Rural banking in India started since t$e establis$%ent "& banking sect"r in India. Rural 'anks in t$"se da(s %ainl( &"cussed up"n t$e agr" sect"r. Regi"nal rural banks in India penetrated e)er( c"rner "& t$e c"untr( and e*tended a $elping $and in t$e gr"+t$ pr"cess "& t$e c"untr(. ,'I $as -0 Regi"nal Rural 'anks in India kn"+n as RR's. .$e rural banks "& ,'I is spread in /- states e*tending &r"% 0as$%ir t" 0arnataka and 1i%ac$al Prades$ t" N"rt$ 2ast. .$e t"tal nu%ber "& ,'Is Regi"nal Rural 'anks in India branc$es is 2-49 (/34). .ill date in rural banking in India, t$ere are /4,4!5 rural banks in t$e c"untr( "& +$ic$ 2/23 (9/4) are l"cated in re%"te rural areas. ,c"pe "& t$e stud( ,c"pe "& t$e stud( is t" t" understand t$e c"ncept "& rural banking and +$at are t$e c$allenges &aced in case "& rural banking and "ur sc"pe "& t$e stud( is li%ited t" &e+ banks and rural areas 6i% "& t$e stud( 6i% "& t$e stud( is t" understand t$e Rural 'anking in detail and $"+ banks are $elping rural areas b( +a( "& pr")iding &inance and "t$er banking &acilities. 7b#ecti)es "& t$e stud( 8 ." stud( Indian banking industr( in detail 8 ." stud( t$e rural banking in detail 8 ." stud( t$e rural banking 9current status 8 ." stud( t$e :uncti"ning &"r t$e de)el"p%ent "& Rural area 8 ." stud( t$e r"le "& R'I in Rural ;redit 8 ." kn"+ t$e 6ppr"ac$ t" Rural 'anking 8 ." stud( t$e tec$n"l"g( and rural banking

8 ." kn"+ t$e kind "& l"ans pr")ided b( ,tate 'ank "& India l"ans 9 Rural banking 8 ." stud( t$e c$allenges &aced in rural banking Researc$ <et$"d"l"g( Researc$ %et$"d"l"g( stands &"r t$e +a(s = %eans t$at +e ad"pt &"r c"nducting researc$. In t$is +e stud( t$e )ari"us steps t$at are generall( ad"pted b( a researc$er in pursuing t$e researc$ :U>> PR2?I2@ N7. 6?6I>6'>2 ke(+"rds : ,'I , PN' , '6N0, , I;I;I , 1A:; ,1,';, ,.6NA6RA ;16R.2R2A


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