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To study about IRONCAD.

IRONCAD is a cost effective, full-featured, detail design production tool for engineering design users. It utilizes a ne Innovative Design approac!, !ic! allo s greater design fle"ibility and capability, resulting in better products in a s!orter ti#e. IRONCAD provides an alternative to t!e current !istory based para#etric syste#s by utilizing a radical drag-and-drop $D environ#ent dra ings. it! Direct %ace &odeling, allo ing un#atc!ed ease-of-use and t!e ability to generate fully associative #anufacturing

System Requirements

&icrosoft (indo s )*, )+, and (indo s NT ,.- .(indo s /--- is not currently

supported0 ' 1entiu# class or greater processor ' CD-RO& drive ' 2, &3 or #ore preferred ' 45A ./*2 color0 or better, supported by (indo s NT, )*, )+ or greater ' 6upport of Open57 accelerated grap!ic !ard are ' Typical install )* &3 of !ard dis8 space

Creati e Desi!n A""roa#$

T!e po er of Creative Design is in t!e freedo# it gives t!e user to c!oose and !en

!ere to apply a traditional para#etric approac!. T!is freedo# of c!oice allo s t!e e"actly !at constraint sc!e#e ould or8 t!e best. (it! IronCAD

user to apply t!e best design approac! for t!e :ob at !and. In t!e early stages of a design it is !ard to 8no t!e user does not !ave to concern t!e#selves about later in t!e design process. !ic! constraint sc!e#e to adopt

instead t!ey can focus on t!e conceptual design issues leaving t!e para#eterization until

Creati e Desi!n %ene&its

T!e Creative Design approac! delivers t!e follo ing 8ey benefits to t!e user.

Im"ro e' Desi!n (ro'u#ti ity) Dra! an' Dro" ; Drag and Drop of basic geo#etry features fro# pre built catalogs allo s #odels to be built faster t!an on it. In #onte*t 'esi!n - Traditional CAD syste#s create feature tree t!at captures t!e order in !ic! t!e features create t!e#odel.(!en you !at is called a ere co#bined to it! t!e current CAD approac! of first building a profile, and t!en perfor#ing so#e operation

ant to edit a feature in t!is tree all t!e

features t!at occur after t!at point in t!e !istory are blan8ed out. 6oft are t!at utilizes t!is approac! creates a non-productive situation for t!e user because #any ti#es t!e feature t!ey ould li8e to reference !as been re#oved. IronCAD does not !ave t!is restriction. A user can reference any visible feature on a part !ile #a8ing any re<uired c!anges. T!is #a8es it bot! easier and faster for t!e user. Sin!+e 'esi!n en ironment ; IronCAD is very uni<ue in t!at it does not re<uire t!e support of a separate asse#bly and part file, instead it only re<uires a single file asse#blies sea#lessly. / !ic! !as t!e ability to support bot! parts and

Cata+o!s - Catalogs provide a fast #et!od to <uic8ly apply design co#ponents suc! as Intellis!ape features, parts, asse#blies, te"tures, ani#ations, etc, to t!e #odel by si#ply using t!e (indo s drag and drop standard interface

Desi!n F+e*ibi+ity
Im"ort,E*"ort - IronCAD !as a co#plete set of data translators t!at allo bot! facet and solid geo#etry to interc!ange it! all leading syste#s. IronCAD allo s engineers to confidently e"c!ange and #a8e use of CAD data t!roug!out t!e design process, as users and novices to s!are parts or asse#blies. Dua+ -erne+ ; IronCAD supports bot! t!e ACI6 and 1arasolid 8ernels si#ultaneously allo ing t!e user to sea#lessly s itc! bet een t!e t o. T!roug! 8ernel collaboration if one 8ernel fails to perfor# a certain operation t!e ot!er 8ernel is auto#atically called to see if it !as better success. DFM ; Direct %ace &odeling .D%&0 allo s #odel #odifications to be #ade irrespective of t!e previous feature !istory or in cases not even e"ist. D%& is very effective !en or8ing geo#etry t!at does not !ave feature !istory. !ere it does it! i#ported b-rep ell as enabling po er

Ease o& Use

.an'+es ; IronCAD as a pioneer in t!e use of dyna#ic !andles for

#ainstrea# #ec!anical design. %ro# its earliest beginnings t!is patented approac! !as consistently been en!anced until today it is t!e #ost productive ay to design available any !ere. Smart Sna" ; 6#art 6nap, a dyna#ic $D constraint solver, provides precise positioning and align#ent !ic! !ile grap!ically dragging

Intellis!ape features. It allo s t!e user to see !ic! face, edge, and verte" or center point t!ey are about to select for t!e active co##and. $

Tri%a++ ; T!e patented Tri3all, a re#ar8ably intuitive #ulti-purpose tool provides precise positioning or copying of any ob:ects by translation, rotation, #irroring, patterning or any co#ple" $D transfor#ation.

Im"ro e' Desi!n /isua+i0ation an' Communi#ation

Ren'erin! - T!e integration of po erful, !ig!-end visualization tec!nologies into t!e core of t!e soft are #a8es t!e entire design process faster, #ore productive, and #ore understandable. %ully integrated, realti#e, te"ture, bu#p, and decal #apping to represent design details are available to save ti#e and valuable data space. Animation ; T!roug! t!e use of 6#art &otions IronCAD parts and asse#blies can be given realistic #otion pat!s allo ing t!e visualization of dyna#ic designs.

(ro'u#tion Dra1in! Automation

Fu++y asso#iati e ; IronCAD supports bi-directional associativity bet een t!e $D #odel and its /D dra ing. C!anges #ade in t!e scene can be auto#atically updated in t!e dra ing and c!anges #ade in t!e dra ing can be updated bac8 in t!e $D #odel Detai+ 'ra1in! !eneration ; Associative /D #ulti-s!eet layout dra ings can be created auto#atically fro# parts and asse#blies. %i2'ire#tiona+ %OM ; 3O& creation is #ade si#ple t!roug! t!e auto#ated e"traction of designated part properties into a fully editable table on t!e dra ing.

T!us t!e various co#ponents and features of IRONCAD are studied.

To study about NI6A fa#ily of soft ares.

About NISA
NI6A is one of t!e #ost co#pre!ensive engineering analysis suites available globally to address t!e Auto#otive, Aerospace, =nergy > 1o er, Civil, =lectronics and 6porting 5oods industries. Cranes soft ares provides global custo#ers it! solutions in t!e areas of 6tress Analysis, 6eis#ic Analysis, 4ibration Analysis, Co#posite &aterial Analysis, &otion > 7in8age Analysis, %atigue Analysis, T!er#al Analysis, 1C3 Analysis, Co#putational %luid Dyna#ics, =lectro#agnetic Analysis and Civil 6tructure Analysis. T!e NI6A fa#ily includes t!e follo ing soft ares.

DI617A?, a po erful interactive grap!ics pre and post-processor, #a8es co#ple" finite ele#ent #odeling, analysis and results interpretation a cinc!.6ince its introduction in 9)@,, DI617A? !as been continuously developed to reflect t!e latest advances in co#puter grap!ics. DI617A? is re<uired t!e NI6A fa#ily of progra#s. (it! DI617A?, $D grap!ics !ave been elevated to a !ig!er level using Open 57 capability, !ic! en!ances dyna#ic vie ing, s!ading, lig!ting and ani#ation capabilities. T!ese !ave been incorporated for all grap!ical entities. !en using any analysis #odule in

NISA Stati#,Dynami#
NI6A is t!e parent progra# of t!e NI6A fa#ily. It offers an i#pressive list of linearAnon-linear staticAdyna#ic analysis features co#ple#ented solvers. * it! an e"tensive finite ele#ent library. NI6A !as efficient solvers li8e direct .frontal and sparse0 and iterative

NI6AAROTOR offers CA= based solutions to a ide variety of proble#s

encountered in t!e Dyna#ic Analysis of Rotor-3earing syste#s. NI6AAROTOR presents an elegant platfor# for analyzing different rotor bearing syste#s fre<uently encountered in practice. 3earings influence t!e dyna#ic be!avior of t!e rotor in a significant ay. Bsers !ave been given t!e facility to input bearing dyna#ic coefficients using t!ree different options. %irst one is defining t!e bearing coefficients directly. 6econd option is to provide a table of non-di#ensional bearing dyna#ic coefficients vs. 6o##erfeld nu#ber. %ro# t!is table, t!e bearing coefficients at a particular speed are obtained by linear interpolation. %inally, t!ere is a t!ird option to co#pute bearing coefficients for a specified bearing geo#etry. An independent progra# is incorporated into NI6AAROTOR #odule to co#pute t!e bearing dyna#ic coefficients. T!e progra# utilizes linearized ReynoldCs e<uation about a steady state position.

NI6A ACO&1O6IT=6 is t!e #ost po erful and econo#ical general purpose finite ele#ent progra# to solve a ide range of static, dyna#ic, buc8ling, !eat transfer, opti#ization and nonlinear .bot! geo#etric and #aterial0 analysis proble#s encountered in Aerospace, &ec!anical and Civil =ngineering environ#ents.

To facilitate t!e integration of analysis it! CAD, NI6AA$D CAD offers a sle of data e"c!ange capabilities. T!ey ta8e one of t!e t o for#sD .90 Direct CAD syste# interfaces, i#ple#ented by a #enu co##and it!in a CAD progra#, and ./0 Indirect data e"c!ange interfaces, provided by various data translators or built-in co##ands of DI617A? Data conversion ta8es place in a #anner transparent to t!e user.

NI6A-Eeat is a general purpose finite ele#ent progra# to analyze a spectru# of proble#s encountered in !eat transfer. ide

NI6A-=NDBR= is a general purpose soft are for analyzing t!e fatigue perfor#ance and fracture c!aracteristics of engineering structures and co#ponents. T!e progra# is co#pletely #enu-driven and e"tre#ely user friendly. It e#ploys t!e latest t!eories to deter#ine crac8 initiation and crac8 propagation lives for fatigue analysis and to evaluate fracture para#eters. =NDBR= provides various analysis #odels and allo s different types of load and #aterial data descriptions suc! as t!ose encountered in aerospace, offs!ore, and auto#obile structures. =NDBR= is directly interfaced II and ot!er co##ercially available finite ele#ent. it! NI6A

NI6AA$D-%7BID is a general purpose finite ele#ent-based, co#putational fluid dyna#ics co#puter code for analyzing fluid flo and !eat transfer proble#s.

%=A1 is t!e largest and #ost sop!isticated finite ele#ent progra# for t!e stress, rando# vibration, fatigue life, $D convective fluid flo circuit boards .1C3s0 and electronic syste#s. and t!er#al analysis of printed

NI6AO1T is t!e #ost sop!isticated fa#ily of co#puter progra#s available in t!e orld for opti#u# structural design. T!e t!ree progra#s in t!e NI6AO1T fa#ilyD 6TRO1T, 6EA1=, and 6=CO1T, are fully integrated design. Design sensitivity coefficients are also available. @ it! NI6A II and DI617A?. 6tateof-t!e-art #et!ods are utilized at initial design, inter#ediate design, and opti#u# .final0

=&A5 is t!e electro#agnetic #odule of t!e fa#ily of general purpose finite ele#ent based progra# NI6A. It can deter#ine electric and #agnetic field distributions in a ide class of electro#agnetic devices. =&A5 perfor#s electro#agnetic analyses by solving t!e appropriate &a" ellCs for#ulations. It is coupled it! NI6AAE=AT to enable a coupled analysis of electro#agnetic and t!er#al fields.

A general purpose progra# for static, 8ine#atic, and dyna#ic analyses of constrained #ultibody #ec!anical syste#s undergoing large, nonlinear, t!ree-di#ensional displace#ents. D?&=6AControl !as been integrated #ec!anical syste# si#ulations. it! D?&=6 for controlled

NI6AACI4I7 offers CAD based solutions to a ide variety of proble#s

encountered in t!e Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete and 6teel 6tructures. 3ac8ed by po erful NI6A II Analysis and DI617A? t!e grap!ical 1re and 1ost processor of NI6A fa#ily of progra#s, NI6AACI4I7 provides e"cellent tools for #odeling, associating design infor#ation and carry out design process in 7i#it state and engineering dra ings in AutoCAD environ#ent. or8ing stress #et!odologies of design. Design results are processed to produce structural

T!us t!e various soft ares in NI6A fa#ily are studied.

To study about Bni-5rap!ics and its various features.

(it! a co#pre!ensive range of co#puter aided design .CAD0 applications, NF is un#atc!ed in po er and fle"ibility !en it co#es to #ec!anical design and engineering. NF offers a broad set of CAD solutions for t!e design of co#ple" #ec!anical products ; including dedicated solutions for processes li8e routed syste# design, s!eet #etal design, and plastic part design ; t!at deliver !ig!er efficiency and s!orter design cycles at lo er costs. NF enables design professionals of any s8ill level to consider #ore alternatives, evaluate t!e# #ore t!oroug!ly, and get to #ar8et <uality. NF design applications include tools forD

it! innovative designs of superior

Eu#an &odeling &odeling Asse#bly Design 6yste#-based &odeling Bser-defined %eatures Routed 6yste#s Design Drafting 6!eet &etal Design %le"ible 1rinted Circuit Design (it! NF, efficiency and cost savings e"tend far beyond t!e design process to all

p!ases of product develop#ent. NF dyna#ically integrates CAD design decisions can be #ade #ore <uic8ly,

it! planning,

si#ulation, #anufacturing and ot!er develop#ent processes to !elp ensure t!at design it! detailed 8no ledge of product perfor#ance ) and any potential #anufacturability issues.

(ro'u#ti e
Co#ple" products and processes de#and user interactions and or8flo s t!at

reduce co#ple"ity. NF strea#lines decision-#a8ing by providing critical infor#ation !ere it is needed. Intelligent user interfaces provide dyna#ic feedbac8 t!at accelerates design or8flo s, !et!er you are interactively creating product #odels or eig!ing perfor#ance and #anufacturing cost trade-offs. NF design is intelligent ; t!e productive environ#ent organizes tools, co##ands and infor#ation in straig!tfor ard convenient user input control or8flo s t!at direct t!e designerGs input to acco#plis! tas8s very efficiently. On-screen displays provide instant feedbac8 and it!out diverting attention fro# t!e tas8 at !and. 1art and asse#bly navigation aids enable designers to <uic8ly co#pre!end t!e structure and tec!ni<ues used to create product #odels. To reduce of error, NF provides previe s for design co##ands, !elping designers to proceed it! confidence.

NF goes far beyond traditional CAD. Bsing process auto#ation and 8no ledge capture toolsH NF enables reusable and disciplined processes !en re<uired. T!is directly supports processes li8e lean design, design for si" sig#a, co#ponent and process reuse, and ad!erence to organizational and industry standards. NF enables co#panies to balance structured, repeatable best practices innovation for ard. NF captures design intent t!roug! intelligent user input #et!ods, enabling intelligent design #odifications and #odel updates. It leads t!e designer t!roug! an intuitive process of <uerying a#biguous design decisions t!at need to be #ade c!anges occur. !en it! t!e fle"ibility t!ey need to #ove

T!e sea#less integration of NF design it! data and process #anage#ent

capabilities ensures a continuously up-to-date and sync!ronized digital product #odel for 9-

t!e entire tea# to use. T!e NF =ngineering 1rocess &anage#ent #anages and protects your product data co#ple"ity it! access and security controls. It also !elps #anage product it! auto#ated bill of #aterials #anage#ent and sync!ronization, product

configurations, options and variants. Intuitive or8flo s in NF present tools to t!e designer !en t!ey are #ost

needed, it! real-ti#e feedbac8. &ore B56 CADACA& 6olutions

NF CA& 3ypasses CAD 6tep to 6trea#line Design and &anufacture CAD 4isualization Tools I#prove Asse#bly Accuracy .Design 1roduct Ne s CAD Data IsnCt Iust %or =ngineering %ranceGs 6econd 7argest CADACA&A=R1 6upplier Declares B56G 1arasolid (orldGs 3est $D 5eo#etric &odeling 6oft are after ="!austive 3enc!#ar8


Industrial Design > 6tyling .CAID0

o o o o o

%reefor# 6!ape &odeling 4isualization Auto#otive 6tyling Reverse =ngineering =ngineering Integration &odeling Eu#an &odeling Asse#bly Design 6yste#-based &odeling Bser-defined %eatures Routed 6yste#s Design 6!eet &etal Design Drafting 99

Design .CAD0
o o o o o o o o

6i#ulation .CA=0
o o o o o

NF Nastran I-deas NF 6i#ulation NF Opti#ization (izard NF 6trengt! (izard NF Design 4alidation

NF Juic8 C!ec8

o o o o o o

NF &old Design NF 1rogressive Die Design NF Auto#otive 6ta#ping Die Design NF =lectrode Design NF Iig and %i"ture Design Tools NF Advanced Tooling 6olution Overvie Turning $ A"is &ac!ining Eig! 6peed &ac!ining * A"is &ac!ining &ulti-function &ac!ining (ire =D& &ac!ining 6i#ulation 1rogra##ing Auto#ation 1ost 1rocessing > 1ost 7ibrary NC Data &anage#ent 1art 1lanning 6!op Docu#entation Resource &anage#ent Data ="c!ange CAD for NC 1rogra##ing 9/

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

=ngineering 1rocess &anage#ent 1rogra##ing > Custo#ization

o o o o

Kno ledge-based 1rogra##ing Iournaling A1Is Custo#ization

I-deas NF 6eries NF 1ress Releases NF Case 6tudies > 4ideos NF Collateral 7ibrary Already o n NFL NF 3eta Testing 1rogra# Contact B56 about NF 6oft are %ind a B56 C!annel 1artner

NF CA& delivers a co#plete and proven solution for #ac!ine tool progra##ing t!at enables co#panies to #a"i#ize t!e t!roug!put of t!eir #ost advanced #ac!ine tools. (it! NF CA&, co#panies can transfor# t!eir NC progra##ing and #ac!ining processes to dra#atically reduce aste and significantly boost productivity. O"timi0in! I2'eas N6 To s#oot!en t!e value of transition fro# t!e latest #ac!ine tool e<uip#ent NF CA& offers you advanced progra##ing tec!nology developed over #any years of e"perience enabling youold 6DRC I-D=A6 to get t!e #ost fro# your advanced #ac!ine. %or Eig! speed #ac!ining, *-a"is #ac!ining, &ulti-%unction &ac!iningne NF CA& offers t!e range of fle"ible and advanced processors needed for effective progra##ing. A++ in one system 9$

In NF CA& you !ave all t!e pieces you need for, B56 sell a co#plete NC progra##ing syste#. It provides a full set of toolpat! processors .drilling, turning, /-* a"is #illing, (ire =D&, feature based #ac!ining0, post processor build and edit tool, full $D #ac!ine tool si#ulation and a #ar8et leading CAD tec!nology for part, tool and #ac!ine #odeling > asse#bly. (ro!rammin! Automation B56 sees t!e value of auto#ation as a #eans of ac!ieving a co#petitive business advantage in NC progra##ing. NF CA& offers out of t!e bo" capabilities ranging fro# 1rocess (izards and te#plates to auto#ated feature based #ac!ining capabilities. S#a+ab+e &rom stan' a+one CAM to a (3M so+ution NF CA& can be purc!ased as a stand alone NC progra##ing syste#, as a CADACA& solution, or it! CA& data #anage#ent and tool library solutions. It can be i#ple#ented along side NF tool design applications to provide a unified solution. NF CA& can be a 8ey co#ponent of an entire part #anufacturing solution including part planning, s!op floor connectivity and #ore. To" 17 reasons to use N6 CAM 9. A' an#e' #a"abi+ity in 8ey #ac!ining areas including Eig! 6peed &ac!ining, *-A"is #ac!ining and t!e support of #ulti-function #ac!ine tools suc! as #illturns, #a"i#izes t!e value of your advanced e<uip#ent. /. In 'e"t$ &un#tiona+ity t!at gets t!e progra##ing :ob done, even on t!e toug!est parts. $. Com"+ete "ro!rammin! "a#8a!e it! everyt!ing fro# a ide range of NC progra##ing functions in t!e sa#e syste#D turning, basic #illing and drilling, fi"ed a"is #illing, variable a"is #illing, feature based auto#ated progra##ing, support for #ulti-function #ac!ining and syste#. ,. Ease o& use. (it! a indo s based user interface, NF CA& !as a fa#iliar loo8 > feel. &enus it! grap!ical content #a8e t!e syste# easy to learn and use. 9, ire =D&. ?ou only need one CA&

*. Inte!rate' su""ortin! &un#tions. NF co#es

it! translators, integrated

#ac!ining si#ulation, a grap!ical post processor editor and a s!op docu#entation generator. - No need for e"pensive add-on solutions fro# different vendors. 2. A ai+ab+e 1it$ &u++ CAD &un#tions, everyt!ing you need fro# drafting, feature based #odeling, surface #odeling to asse#blies. Allo s t!e progra##er to !andle all geo#etry issues. @. E&&e#ti e automation too+s #a8es t!e tas8 faster, easier to repeat, easier to learn and to use and ensures t!e use of your preferred #anufacturing #et!ods and resources. +. (ro en 1it$ t$ousan's o& #ustomers, fro# #any of t!e orldGs largest co#panies to t!ousands of typical #ac!ine s!ops of all sizes and in all areas of #anufacturing fro# aerospace to #edical devices. B56 understands your needs. ). Wor+' #+ass te#$ni#a+ su""ort t!roug! B56 5lobal Tec!nical Access Center .5TAC0. 9-. CAM 'ata mana!ement, e"tensions for tool libraries, resource #anage#ent, part process planning.

T!us t!e various features and applications of Bni-5rap!ics are studied.



To study about AN6?6 and its various features.

AN6?6 is general-purpose finite ele#ent analysis .%=A0 soft are pac8age. %inite =le#ent Analysis is a nu#erical #et!od of deconstructing a co#ple" syste# into very s#all pieces .of user-designated size0 called ele#ents. T!e soft are i#ple#ents e<uations t!at govern t!e be!aviour of t!ese ele#ents and solves t!e# allH creating a co#pre!ensive e"planation of !o t!e syste# acts as a !ole. T!ese results t!en can be presented in tabulated or grap!ical for#s. T!is type of analysis is typically used for t!e design and opti#ization of a syste# far too co#ple" to analyze by !and. 6yste#s t!at #ay fit into t!is category are too co#ple" due to t!eir geo#etry, scale, or governing e<uations. AN6?6 is t!e standard %=A teac!ing tool it!in t!e &ec!anical =ngineering Depart#ent at #any colleges. AN6?6 is also used in Civil and =lectrical =ngineering, as ell as t!e 1!ysics and C!e#istry depart#ents AN6?6 provides a cost-effective virtual prototyping. (it! virtual prototyping tec!ni<ues, users can iterate various scenarios to opti#ize t!e product long before t!e #anufacturing is started. T!is enables a reduction in t!e level of ris8, and in t!e cost of ineffective designs. T!e #ultifaceted nature of AN6?6 also provides a #eans to ensure t!at users are able to see t!e effect of a design on t!e electro#agnetic, t!er#al, #ec!anical etc. !ole be!avior of t!e product, be it ay to e"plore t!e perfor#ance of products or processes in a virtual environ#ent. T!is type of product develop#ent is ter#ed

5eneri# Ste"s to So+ in! any (rob+em in ANSYS

7i8e solving any proble# analytically, you need to define .90 your solution do#ain, ./0 t!e p!ysical #odel, .$0 boundary conditions and .,0 t!e 92

p!ysical properties. ?ou t!en solve t!e proble# and present t!e results. In nu#erical #et!ods, t!e #ain difference is an e"tra step called #es! generation. T!is is t!e step t!at divides t!e co#ple" #odel into s#all ele#ents t!at beco#e solvable in an ot!er ise too co#ple" situation. 3elo ter#inology slig!tly #ore attune to t!e soft are. %ui+' 5eometry Construct a t o or t!ree di#ensional representation of t!e ob:ect to be #odeled and tested using t!e AN6?6. De&ine Materia+ (ro"erties No t!at t!e part e"ists, define a library of t!e necessary #aterials t!at co#pose t!e ob:ect .or pro:ect0 being #odeled. T!is includes t!er#al and #ec!anical properties. 5enerate Mes$ At t!is point AN6?6 understands t!e #a8eup of t!e part. No !o t!e #odeled syste# s!ould be bro8en do n into finite pieces. A""+y 3oa's Once t!e syste# is fully designed, t!e last tas8 is to burden t!e syste# it! constraints, suc! as p!ysical loadings or boundary conditions. Obtain So+ution T!is is actually a step, because AN6?6 needs to understand state .steady state, transientL etc.0 t!e proble# #ust be solved. (resent t$e Resu+ts After t!e solution !as been obtained, t!ere are #any contour plots. 9@ ays to present AN6?6. Results c!oose fro# #any options suc! as tables, grap!s, and it!in !at define or8 plane coordinate syste# it!in describes t!e processes in

S"e#i&i# #a"abi+ities o& ANSYS

Stru#tura+ 6tructural analysis is probably t!e #ost co##on application of t!e finite ele#ent #et!od as it i#plies bridges and buildings, naval, aeronautical, and #ec!anical structures suc! as s!ip !ulls, aircraft bodies, and #ac!ine !ousings, as ell as #ec!anical co#ponents suc! as pistons, #ac!ine parts, and tools. Stati# Ana+ysis - Bsed to deter#ine displace#ents, stresses, etc.

under static loading conditions. AN6?6 can co#pute bot! linear and nonlinear static analyses. Nonlinearities can include plasticity, stress stiffening, large deflection, large strain, !yper elasticity, contact surfaces, and creep. Transient Dynami# Ana+ysis - Bsed to deter#ine t!e response of a

structure to arbitrarily ti#e-varying loads. All nonlinearities #entioned under 6tatic Analysis above are allo ed. %u#8+in! Ana+ysis - Bsed to calculate t!e buc8ling loads and

deter#ine t!e buc8ling #ode s!ape. 3ot! linear .eigen value0 buc8ling and nonlinear buc8ling analyses are possible. In addition to t!e above analysis types, several special-purpose features are available suc! as Fra#ture me#$ani#s, Com"osite materia+ ana+ysis, Fati!ue, and bot! "2Met$o' an' %eam ana+yses.

T$erma+ AN6?6 is capable of bot! steady state and transient analysis of any solid it! t!er#al boundary conditions. 6teady-state t!er#al analyses calculate t!e effects of steady t!er#al loads on a syste# or co#ponent. Bsers often perfor# a steady-state analysis before doing a transient t!er#al analysis, to !elp establis! initial conditions. A steady9+

state analysis also can be t!e last step of a transient t!er#al analysisH perfor#ed after all transient effects !ave di#inis!ed. AN6?6 can be used to deter#ine te#peratures, t!er#al gradients, !eat flo follo ingD Convection Radiation Eeat flo rates Eeat flu"es .!eat flo per unit area0 Eeat generation rates .!eat flo per unit volu#e0 Constant te#perature boundaries A steady-state t!er#al analysis #ay be eit!er linear, #aterial propertiesH or nonlinear, te#perature. T!e t!er#al properties of #ost #aterial vary it! constant rates, and !eat flu"es in an ob:ect t!at are caused by t!er#al loads t!at do not vary over ti#e. 6uc! loads include t!e

it! #aterial properties t!at depend on it! te#perature. T!is

te#perature dependency being appreciable, t!e analysis beco#es nonlinear. Radiation boundary conditions also #a8e t!e analysis nonlinear. Transient calculations are ti#e dependent and AN6?6 can bot! solve distributions as as create video for ti#e incre#ental displays of #odels. F+ui' F+o1 T!e AN6?6A%7OTRAN C%D .Co#putational %luid Dyna#ics0 offers co#pre!ensive tools for analyzing t o-di#ensional and t!ree-di#ensional fluid flo fields. AN6?6 is capable of #odeling a vast range of analysis types suc! ings .lift and drag0, flo in asD airfoils for pressure analysis of airplane ell

supersonic nozzles, and co#ple", t!ree-di#ensional flo patterns in a pipe bend. In addition, AN6?6A%7OTRAN could be used to perfor# tas8s includingD calculating t!e gas pressure and te#perature distributions in an engine studying t!e t!er#al stratification and brea8up in piping syste#s 9)

e"!aust #anifold

using flo #i"ing studies to evaluate potential for t!er#al s!oc8 doing natural convection analyses to evaluate t!e t!er#al conducting !eat e"c!anger studies involving different fluids

perfor#ance of c!ips in electronic enclosures separated by solid regions %7OTRAN analysis provides an accurate fluid flo s in co#ple" solids able to perfor# includeD ? 7a#inar or Turbulent %lo s T!er#al %luid Analysis Adiabatic Conditions %ree surface %lo Co#pressible or inco#pressible %lo s Ne tonian or Non-Ne tonian %luids &ultiple species transport ay to calculate t!e effects of

it!out !aving to use t!e typical !eat transfer

analogy of !eat flu" as fluid flo . Types of %7OTRAN analysis t!at AN6?6 is

Acoustics is t!e study of t!e generation, propagation, absorption, and reflection of pressure aves in a fluid #ediu#. Applications for acoustics include t!e follo ingD is desired Noise #ini#ization in #ac!ine s!ops Noise cancellation in auto#obiles Bnder ater acoustics Design of spea8ers, spea8er !ousings, acoustic filters, #ufflers, and 5eop!ysical e"ploration /6onar - t!e acoustic counterpart of radar Design of concert !alls, !ere an even distribution of sound pressure

#any ot!er si#ilar devices.

(it!in AN6?6, an acoustic analysis usually involves #odeling a fluid #ediu# and t!e surrounding structure. C!aracteristics in <uestion include "ressure 'istribution in t!e fluid at different fre<uencies, pressure gradient, "arti#+e e+o#ity, t!e sound pressure level, as ell as, scattering, 'i&&ra#tion, aves. A trans#ission, ra'iation, attenuation, and 'is"ersion of acoustic

coupled acoustic analysis ta8es t!e fluid-structure interaction into account. An uncoupled acoustic analysis #odels only t!e fluid and ignores any fluid-structure interaction. T!e AN6?6 progra# assu#es t!at t!e fluid is co#pressible, but allo s only relatively s#all pressure c!anges it! respect to t!e #ean pressure. Also, t!e it! fluid is assu#ed to be non-flo ing and inviscid .t!at is, viscosity causes no dissipative effects0. Bnifor# #ean density and #ean pressure are assu#ed, pressure. Cou"+e' Fie+' A coupled-field analysis is an analysis t!at ta8es into account t!e interaction .coupling0 bet een t o or #ore disciplines .fields0 of engineering. A piezoelectric analysis, for e"a#ple, !andles t!e interaction bet een t!e structural and electric fieldsD it solves for t!e voltage distribution due to applied displace#ents, or vice versa. Ot!er e"a#ples of coupled-field analysis are t!er#al-stress analysis, t!er#al-electric analysis, and fluid-structure analysis. 6o#e of t!e applications in !ic! coupled-field analysis #ay be re<uired constrictions .fluidare pressure vessels .t!er#al-stress analysis0, fluid flo t!e pressure solution being t!e deviation fro# t!e #ean pressure, not t!e absolute

structure analysis0, induction !eating .#agnetic-t!er#al analysis0, ultrasonic transducers .piezoelectric analysis0, #agnetic for#ing .#agneto-structural analysis0, and #icro-electro #ec!anical syste#s .&=&60.

T!us t!e study of AN6?6 and its various features are studied.


To study about A&16 and its various features.

A&16 Tec!nologies Co#pany develops t!e Advanced &ulti-1!ysics 6i#ulation .A&160 soft are decade, it! t!e #ission of delivering an advanced si#ulation syste# it! t!e #ost up-to-date %= tec!nology and t!e best co#puter soft are engineering. In t!e past e !ave developed A&16 fro# scratc! based on t!e strictest soft areengineering principles and t!e advanced #odular co#ponent soft are design. 6tarted in 9)), it! develop#ent funds fro# Ingersoll-Rand and O ens-Corning R>D Centers, e focused on developing an innovative finite ele#ent analysis tool for rotor dyna#ics and glass fiber for#ing si#ulations. 6ince /--$, t!ey !ave for#ed A&16 Tec!nologies Co#pany it! #ain goal to deliver office-tool style finite ele#ent soft are based on #odern soft are engineering design and t!e ne est finite ele#ent t!eory. A&16 Tec!nologies is a dyna#ic, gro ing co#pany it! a co##it#ent to

continual i#prove#ent and <uality custo#er support. (e pride in delivering t!e #ost convenient des8top %=A tools based on creative soft are engineering, and constantly pus! t!e #ost advanced co#putational t!eories to ne li#its for our custo#ers.

A&16olid, t!e solid #odeling front-end, is built on t!e industrial standard ACI6 solid #odeling 8ernel including full #odel creation A #odification A featuring A defeaturing abilities designed specifically for %= si#ulation. %ull #odel creation !istory recordingAretrieval and for ardAbac8 ard rolling to ease #odel creation. Auto#atic #es!ing ability is at t!e press of a button, it! advanced options to control /DA6!ell triangle, <uad, #i"ed #es!ing, or in $D tetra or !e"a #es!ing. 1roprietary %le"&es! !e" #es!ing tec!nology provides anot!er option for a structured !e"aAbric8 #es!ing directly //

fro# a solid #odel. T!e post-processing part includes ani#ation, contouring, vector flo field, user generated arit!#etic results co#bination, volu#eAareaAside result integral in<uiry, and all standard reporting features (RO5RAMS AM(S offers $ different progra#s and / add-ons, one t!at is sure to serve your needs and #eet your soft are budgetM A&16olidD %ull 6olid &odeling geo#etry creation and auto#atic /dA$dAs!ell

triA<uadA#i"ed, tetra, !e"a!edron #es! generator. A&14ie D 1re-and 1ost-1rocessor for finite ele#ent analysis, #aterial and boundary condition controls. Bser supplied D77 for special #aterial and boundary conditions. A&16olD 5eneral-purpose linear A&16 including stress static and transient dyna#ics, #odal, buc8lingAinstability, !-Ap-adaptive refine#ent. T!er#al !eat transfer analysis full stress coupling, and basic nonlinear feature. A&16 AdvancedD ="pand t!e A&16 ability it! full functions of large strainArotation it!

defor#ation, #aterial nonlinearity and full runti#e property dependency, advanced contact and arc-lengt! auto#atic loading stepping and advanced features not included in t!e linear A&16 #odule. A&16 ="plicitD i#pactAcras!A fracture analysis it! !-adaptive refine#ent. AM(So+ A&16ol is a #ulti-p!ysics finite ele#ent analysis progra# developed for si#ulations in stress, t!er#al, flo , and electro-#agneto analyses, including steady-state, transientAdyna#ic, instability buc8ling, and #odal analysis abilities defor#ationArotation 7agrangian for#ulation .T7 or B70, /$ it! fully coupled for#ulation. It follo s t!e latest and rigorous %= for#ulations including large eig!ted Opti#al 7east="plicit add-on transient stressAt!er#al #odule for transient

6<uares fluid for#ulation steppingAincre#ent

it! arbitrary 7agrangian-=ulerian e"tension, auto#atic load

it! arc-lengt! post-buc8lingAinstability options, and advanced

auto#atic load-balanced #ulti-t!read controls designed for #ulti-coreA#ulti-processor or8station. A&16 solver options include iterative ele#ent-by-ele#ent solver, fast direct sparse and t!e large capacity iterative 1C5766 solver capable of solving #illions of e<uations in #inutes. AM(/ie1 A&14ie is a grap!ical environ#ent for t!e user to define all necessary finite

ele#ent #odeling para#eters suc! as #aterial data, boundary conditions, and analysis controls. It lin8s t!e solid #odeling geo#etry to t!e discrete %= based #odeling specifically designed for %= analysis data grap!ical association. It controls t!e A&16ol %= analysis, and t!en retrieves t!e results in real-ti#e for user in<uiries and e"a#inations. T!e advanced ani#ation #et!od allo ing fast interactive e"a#ination of t!e #odel be!avior, it! result in<uiry functions suc! as areaAline integral in<uiry, user created results type, and advanced cutting F+ui' Stru#ture Intera#tion 1it$ A3E Met$o' A&16 1roducts are true general-purpose #ultip!ysics pac8ages featuresD

it! t!ese #ain

T!e latest %= tec!nology uses t!e best co#puter science soft are engineering i#ple#entation. %ully coupled fluid solid interaction Opti#al 7east-6<uares fluid for#ulation it! Conservative (eig!ted it! proven t!eoretical convergence variables are fully

it!out any nu#erical treat#ent or rela"ation. Arbitrary 7agrangian-=ulerian .A7=0 for large #otion %6I analysis. 6tress, t!er#al, and flo coupled

it! t!e electro-#agneto fields especially suitable for #ulti-p!ysics

electronic, &=&, 476I design analysis. Robust large defor#ationAfinite rotation for#ulation #atc!ing field results and e"peri#ents. Rigorous continuu# #ec!anics t!eory it! t!e opti#ized nu#erical i#ple#entation for practical applications. /,

%le"ible and open access &odel Data3ase .&D30

it! tool8it for user e"tensible

develop#ent. Advanced and fle"ible Dyna#ic 7in8 7ibrary .D770 user supplied constitutive #odel for special user #aterial #odel researc! and develop#ent. 6pecial user interface loading for special user progra##ed loadAflu" data.

Clear, intuitive, easy to follo

industrial standardized (indo s #enu and 5BI

convention. Online and conte"t sensitive docu#entation are available at t!e clic8 of a button. T!is allo s t!e user to learn t!e use of A&16 t!roug! bro sing t!e #enus instead of reading volu#inous docu#entation.

%ull featured solid #odel creationA#odificationAfeatureAde-feature capabilities specialized for %= si#ulation applications. 6tandard ACI6 solid #odel geo#etry data e"c!ange #es!ing it! #ost CAD products. Auto#atic tetraA!e"aA<uadAtriA#i"ed it! full detailed control. 1roprietary %le"&es! structured !e"a!edron it! special arc-lengt! post-buc8ling

#es!ing for !ig! <uality !e" #es!ing.

Auto#atic ti#eAstep loading control

controls. It ta8es t!e burden of nonlinear analysis off t!e analystCs s!oulders. %ully !-Ap-adaptive ability it! based on t!e energy error control and refine#ent.









creation designed by t!e engineers

!o !ave used t!e# to e"a#ine, understand, it! tutorials, and

and e"plore intuitive design variations. ="tensive on-line reference and 5etting 6tarted docu#entation users. Designed specifically for (indo s platfor#, A&16 delivers t!e best %= features it! t!e fully coupled stress, t!er#al, fluid flo , electro and #agneto abilities 1C platfor# pricing. (ide application profiles it! t!e it! custo#ers fro# corporate R>D, t!e full version of A&16 pac8age can be do nloaded for free trial for registered

university researc!, and industrial design engineers in electronics, civil, #ec!anical,

A&16ol is a #ulti-p!ysics finite ele#ent analysis progra# developed for si#ulations in stress, t!er#al, flo , and electro-#agneto analyses, including steady-state, /*

transientAdyna#ic, instability buc8ling, and #odal analysis abilities defor#ationArotation 7agrangian for#ulation .T7 or B70, 6<uares fluid for#ulation steppingAincre#ent

it! fully coupled

for#ulation. It follo s t!e latest and rigorous %= for#ulations including large eig!ted Opti#al 7eastit! arbitrary 7agrangian-=ulerian e"tension, auto#atic load

it! arc-lengt! post-buc8lingAinstability options, and advanced

auto#atic load-balanced #ulti-t!read controls designed for #ulti-coreA#ulti-processor or8station. A&16 solver options include iterative ele#ent-by-ele#ent solver, fast direct sparse and t!e large capacity iterative 1C5766 solver capable of solving #illions of e<uations in #inutes. T!e ric! #aterial library includes inco#pressible &ooney-Rivlin inco#pressible #aterial, anisotropic t!er#alAelastic, visco-elastic-plastic #odel ORN7 e"tension. T!e ele#ent library contains bea#ArodAs!ellA.bric8AtetraApyra#id ele#ents it! advanced

it! user e"tendable #aterial #odel and

progra##able user loadAflu" function it! access to all solution variables.

(it! t!e e#p!asis on realistically coupled #ulti-p!ysics si#ulations, #any legacy si#ulation codes patc! up segregated co#ponents obtain it! batc! iterative #et!ods to ea8ly-coupled solutions. No #at!e#atical proof of t!e solution e"ists for suc!

an ad !oc #et!od, and t!e solution convergence is no proble#, A&16 for#ulated t!ese p!ysics in a single ele#ent and directly coupled t!e# by using a strain rate based continuu# for#ulation and a consistent least-s<uare based #et!od for all governing differential e<uations. All variables suc! as te#perature, defor#ation, flo , electrical potential, stress, ti#e, etc. are directly coupled and can be applied to t!e sa#e analysis do#ain by si#ply clic8ing a #ouse button to activate t!e desired p!ysics. T!e consistent for#ulation correctly si#ulates strongly coupled proble#s suc! as nonlinear large defor#ation fluid-solid interaction, Ioule !eating, con:ugate !eat transfer, electro#agnetic-stress contact, and co#ple" #aterial nonlinear dependency suc! as &=&6 applications. A&16 developers !ave e"tensive e"perience in finite ele#ent t!eoretical develop#ent, i#ple#entations, and applications e"periences in civil, #ec!anical, auto#otive, nuclear, aerospace, defense, and general %= applications. T!e #ost advanced field-tested %= tec!nologies are i#ple#ented on t!e ne /2 ob:ect-oriented

CNN language it! data structures designed specifically for si#ulations. T!e #ain A&16 %= tec!nologies includeD auto#atic !-Ap-adaptive error controls, 7agrangian finite strain and large rotation support, co#plete elastic-visco-plastic #aterial library, Aribtrary 7agrangian =ulerian .A7=0 fluid-structure #et!od, (eig!ted Opti#al 7east-6<uares fluid for#ulation, auto#atic loadAstepping controls it! arc- lengt! post-buc8ling #et!od, load-balanced #ulti-t!read i#ple#entation for fast parallel processing, and t!e fastest industrial direct sparse and iterative solver .1C57660 it! #inutes of run ti#e for #illions of e<uations.

T!e study of A&16 and its various features is done.



To study about e"pert syste# of #ac!ine ele#ents.

An e"pert syste# is a co#puter progra# designed to si#ulate t!e proble#solving be!avior of a !u#an !o is an e"pert in a narro do#ain or discipline. An e"pert syste# is nor#ally co#posed of a 8no ledge base .infor#ation, !euristics, etc.0, inference engine .analyzes t!e 8no ledge base0, and t!e end user interface .accepting inputs, generating outputs0. T!e pat! t!at leads to t!e develop#ent of e"pert syste#s is different fro# t!at of conventional progra##ing tec!ni<ues. T!e concepts for e"pert syste# develop#ent co#e fro# t!e sub:ect do#ain of artificial intelligence .AI0, and re<uire a departure fro# conventional co#puting practices and progra##ing tec!ni<ues. A conventional progra# consists of an algorit!#ic process to reac! a specific result. An AI progra# is #ade up of a 8no ledge base and a procedure to infer an ans er. ="pert syste#s are capable of delivering <uantitative infor#ation, #uc! of develop#ent #odels, pest population #odels0 as !ic! !as been developed t!roug! basic and applied researc! .e.g. econo#ic t!res!olds, crop ell as !euristics to interpret <ualitatively derived values, or for use in lieu of <uantitative infor#ation. Anot!er feature is t!at t!ese syste#s can address i#precise and inco#plete data t!roug! t!e assign#ent of confidence values to inputs and conclusions. One of t!e #ost po erful attributes of e"pert syste#s is t!e ability to e"plain reasoning. 6ince t!e syste# re#e#bers its logical c!ain of reasoning, a user #ay as8 for an e"planation of a reco##endation and t!e syste# reco##endation and acceptance of t!e e"pert syste#. ill display t!e factors it considered in providing a particular reco##endation. T!is attribute en!ances user confidence in t!e


Com"onents o& an E*"ert System

All e"pert syste#s are co#posed of several basic co#ponentsD a user interface, a database, a 8no ledge base, and an inference #ec!anis#. &oreover, e"pert syste# develop#ent usually proceeds t!roug! several p!ases including proble# selection, 8no ledge ac<uisition, 8no ledge representation, progra##ing, testing and evaluation.

-no1+e'!e in t$e E*"ert System

T!e 8no ledge t!e e"pert uses to solve a proble# #ust be represented in a fas!ion t!at can be used to code into t!e co#puter and t!en be available for decision #a8ing by t!e e"pert syste#. T!ere are various for#al #et!ods for representing 8no ledge and usually t!e c!aracteristics of a particular proble# appropriate representation tec!ni<ues e#ployed. Kno ledge bases can be represented by production rules. T!ese rules consist of a condition or pre#ise follo ed by an action or conclusion .I% condition...TE=N action0. 1roduction rules per#it t!e relations!ips t!at #a8eup t!e 8no ledge base to be bro8en do n into #anageable units. Eaving a 8no ledge base t!at consists of !undreds or t!ousands of rules can cause a proble# it! #anage#ent and organization of t!e rules. Organizing rules and visualizing t!eir interconnectedness can be acco#plis!ed t!roug! dependency net or8s. T!is #et!od of 8no ledge representation is discussed later in t!is discussion under 8no ledge ac<uisition and representation. During t!e consultation, t!e rule base is searc!ed for conditions t!at can be satisfied by facts supplied by t!e user. T!is operation is perfor#ed by t!e inference engine. Once all of t!e conditions .i.e. I% parts of rules0 of a rule are #atc!ed, t!e rule is e"ecuted and t!e appropriate conclusion is dra n. 3ased upon t!e conclusions dra n and t!e facts obtained during consultation, t!e inference #ec!anis# deter#ines <uestions available ill be as8ed and in to perfor# t!e tas8s of /) searc!ing, #atc!ing, and !ic! !at order. T!ere are various inferencing #et!ods e"ecution. ill deter#ine t!e

A distinctive c!aracteristic of e"pert syste#s t!at distinguis!es t!e# fro# conventional progra#s is t!eir ability to utilize inco#plete or incorrect data. 5iven only a partial data set, an e"pert is li8ely to !ave less t!an absolute certainty in !is conclusion. T!e degree of certainty can be <uantified in relative ter#s and included in t!e 8no ledge base. T!e certainty values are assigned by t!e e"pert during t!e 8no ledge ac<uisition p!ase of developing t!e syste#. 3y incorporating rules in t!e 8no ledge base different certainty values, t!e syste# soft are. E*"+anation o& t$e De#ision Ma8in! (ro#ess One of t!e attractive features of e"pert syste#s is t!e progra#Cs ability to revie a consultation and provide t!e user it! an e"planation for !o its conclusion as derived. T!e e"planation function is essentially a record of t!e reasoning process used by t!e e"pert to resolve t!e proble#. It provides for a better understanding of !o conclusion t!e e"pert syste#. T!e accu#ulation of facts to be presented as8ed for is usually part of t!e develop#ent s!ell or soft are. Ma8in! t$e E*"ert System Easy to Use (!et!er or not an e"pert syste# ac!ieves success #ay be deter#ined by t!e nature of its user interface. T!is is t!e part of t!e e"pert syste# t!at interacts user. =ven t!e #ost po erful e"pert syste# it! t!e ill not be applied if it re<uires too #uc! t!e as reac!ed and instills in t!e user a greater confidence in t!e conclusion and !en an e"planation is co#plete set of data. T!e capacity to deal it! ill be able to offer solutions to proble#s it!out a it! uncertainty is available in develop#ent

effort on t!e part of t!e user. %or t!is reason, it is i#portant to #a8e t!e co#puter as easy for t!e user to operate as possible. Al#ost all #odern develop#ent progra#s offer t!e capacity to interact it! t!e syste# t!roug! bot! te"t and grap!ics. De e+o"in! an E*"ert System T!e po er of an e"pert syste# is derived fro# t!e 8no ledge of t!e e"pert. T!e lac8 of co#puter s8ills s!ould not in!ibit anyone fro# using t!is tool in i#ple#enting t!eir disease #anage#ent progra#. T!ere are publis!ed procedures t!at one can follo to develop e"pert syste#s, alt!oug! rigid ad!erence to t!ese procedures is not necessarily $-

a prere<uisite for a successful develop#ent effort. &atc! your develop#ent tec!ni<ue it! your o n style of t!in8ing and your resources and proble# area. 7isted belo several e"a#ples of are !ere t!e developers of t!e 1enn 6tate Apple Orc!ard Consultant

.16AOC0 strayed fro# accepted develop#ental procedures and still produced a successful e"pert syste# !ic! is advising 1ennsylvania apple gro ers. Se+e#tin! t$e (rob+em In t!is section e ill discuss t!e develop#ent of e"pert syste#s in t!ree partsD 6electing a proble# Kno ledge ac<uisition and representation =valuation and adoption. (e ill concentrate our discussion on t!e plant ill give very little

pat!ology related aspects of developing e"pert syste#s and Orc!ard Consultant develop#ental p!ases.

ti#e to discussing e"pert syste# soft are tools. In addition, t!e 1enn 6tate Apple ill be used as an e"a#ple to furt!er illustrate eac! of t!e

T!e #ost critical step in developing an e"pert syste# is identifying a suitable proble#. Criteria to deter#ine t!e feasibility of developing e"pert syste#s and selecting t!e proble# !ave been discussed previously. ="pert syste#s are best suited to proble#s t!at re<uire e"perience, 8no ledge, :udg#ent, and co#ple" interactions to arrive at a solution. One of t!e first tests to deter#ine if a sub:ect area is suitable for an e"pert syste# is !et!er t!e solution of t!e proble# re<uires t!e 8no ledge and e"pertise of a !u#an it! t!e e"pert. %or #any agricultural situations a reasonably 8no ledgeable person available can deter#ine t!e solution proble#. 1roble#s suc! as deter#ining days-to-!arvest li#itations for a pesticide, or calculating infection periods #ay be better acco#plis!ed by using a production #anual, $9

correct infor#ation suc! as a production guide or a data base #anage#ent syste# it!out t!e !elp of an e"pert or an e"pert syste#. T!e abilities in!erent in t!e e"pert syste# soft are #ay not be necessary to solve t!e

or a conventional co#puter progra# suc! as a spreads!eet or database #anager. In addition, in crop areas !ere little is 8no n about certain diseases t!e po er of an e"pert syste# is really not necessary Cost o& De e+o"ment ="pert syste#s are e"pensive to develop. T!ey re<uire resources, e"pertise and ti#e to build. It s!ould be deter#ined if t!e proposed e"pert syste# can be :ustified in ter#s of savings or ot!er benefits it produces. Costs include soft are, !ard are and personnel to do t!e or8. A developer s!ould as8 if t!e proble# to be solved :ustifies t!e invest#ent of ti#e and #oney. If current loss due to disease, !et!er it be due to reduced yield or <uality, is great enoug!, t!en t!e successful i#ple#entation of an e"pert syste# #ay offset cost of develop#ent. 6o#eti#es t!ere are ot!er benefits in using e"pert syste#s !ic! #ore t!an

:ustify cost suc! asD reduced pesticide inputs, en!anced I1& training, effective delivery of I1& strategies not possible by any ot!er delivery #et!od and identification of gaps in 8no ledge to direct researc! progra#s. ="pert syste#s also !ave value in t!at t!ey can #a8e e"pertise available to decision #a8ers in agriculture !en e"pert opinions are not available. An e"pert syste# can be available for t!e gro er to use at any ti#e of t!e day and it could be available to every gro er in t!e state at t!e sa#e ti#e. -no1+e'!e A#quisition an' Re"resentation After t!e proble# !as been selected, t!e 8no ledge ac<uisition p!ase of e"pert syste# develop#ent is begun. T!e tas8 no co#puter. T!ere are #any discussions in t!e literature on t!e e"traction of 8no ledge fro# do#ain e"perts. &ost e"pert syste# developers suggest t!at a 8no ledge engineer .so#eone !o is trained in t!e e"traction of infor#ation fro# e"perts0 e"tract t!e it! 8no ledge and design t!e e"pert syste#. In so#e cases, a 8no ledge engineer is needed to Ctease apartC !ig!ly co#piled e"pert 8no ledge because t!e e"pert is too fa#iliar $/ is to !ave t!e 8no ledge !ic! t!e e"pert uses to solve t!e proble# displayed in a logical fas!ion so t!at it can be coded into t!e

t!e area to brea8 it into its logical co#ponents. T!ere is also soft are available to !elp in self 8no ledge engineering. In t!e develop#ent of t!e 16AOC a different #et!od of 8no ledge ac<uisition as underta8en. T!e do#ain e"perts ere trained in 8no ledge ac<uisition and ere given to progra##ers !o coded it representation. After t!e do#ain e"perts !ad represented t!eir 8no ledge in dependency net or8s .diagra#s of t!e rules0, t!e net or8s into t!e co#puter. T!e do#ain e"perts in t!is case ere bot! t!e source of 8no ledge

and t!e designers of t!e e"pert syste#. T!e #ost obvious advantage of t!is develop#ent #et!od is t!at it is #uc! less e"pensive to build e"pert syste#s if it is not necessary to support a 8no ledge engineer for t!e e"traction and representation of 8no ledge. Eo ever, t!ere is a #ore i#portant advantage in using t!e do#ain e"perts as t!e 8no ledge engineers. Only t!e do#ain e"pert 8no s t!e e"tent of !is 8no ledge, !o !e t!in8s about proble#s and !at variables are i#portant in t!e decision process. Rat!er t!an t!e 8no ledge engineer painfully e"tracting t!e infor#ation fro# t!e e"pert, t!e 8no ledge flo s fro# t!e e"pert as !e articulates fro# internal e"a#ination !o !e #a8es decisions. T!e do#ain e"pert beco#es an active participant in t!e 8no ledge ac<uisition and representation process rat!er t!an a passive participant !o is acted upon. T!e do#ain e"pert beco#es #ore involved in t!e develop#ent of t!e e"pert syste# as !e is c!allenged to represent on paper and t!en progra# into t!e co#puter, t!e #et!ods and processes by !ic! !e solves proble#s. In addition, do#ain e"perts can better !ere co##unicate t!eir logic to ot!er do#ain e"pertsH an i#portant consideration specialists !o serve as t!e do#ain e"perts are #ore fa#iliar it! !o

different do#ains overlap and t!ere #ust be agree#ent a#ong do#ains. Also, e"tension t!e end users ill prefer to t!in8 about and solve proble#s. T!eir e"perience understand and utilize it! t!e user clientele

!elp t!e# to for#at t!e e"pert syste# in a #anner t!at county agents or gro ers ill best

T!e study about e"pert syste# of #ac!ine ele#ents is done.



To study and fa#iliarize different features in internet. In t!is session eac! candidate !as to ac<uire 8no ledge about t!e follo ing I. %a#iliarization of =lectronic &ail 9. Eo to create an e-#ail id. /. To fa#iliarize free e-#ail providing ebsites. $. 6end and receive e-#ail. ,. %eatures in e-#ail service suc! as a. Deleting, for arding, replying etc. b. 3ul8 #ail option c. %older creation d. 3riefcase e. 6ettings f. Attac!ing large files II. %a#iliarization of orld ide ebs 9. =ducation sites /. Ne s sites $. 6ites related to place#ents ,. 7AN > (AN facility *. A areness of 3ulletin 3oard 6ervice .3360 2. A areness of %orte %ree Agent @. A areness of Netscape Co##unicator III. %a#iliarization of different searc! engines suc! as 9. ya!oo /. google - Ac<uire 8no ledge about different groups available in different ebsites - Ac<uire #e#bers!ip in any of t!e groups related to education - Bsing #essage boards I4. %T1 - 3asic idea on %T1 - 6etting of %T1 - Different types of %T1 4. %a#iliarization of C!atting - Ac<uire #e#bers!ip in c!at roo#s - %a#iliarization of =ngineering related c!at sites $,

4I. 6tudy on cyber la s 4II. 3asic idea on creation of eb pages - Bse of ET&7, Bse of database progra# etc.

T!e study about various internet tools is done.


To study about &AT7A3 and its various co#ponents.

&AT7A3 is a !ig!-perfor#ance language for tec!nical co#puting. It integrates co#putation, visualization, and progra##ing in an easy-to-use environ#ent !ere proble#s and solutions are e"pressed in fa#iliar #at!e#atical notation. Typical uses include &at! and co#putation Algorit!# develop#ent Data ac<uisition &odeling, si#ulation, and prototyping Data analysis, e"ploration, and visualization 6cientific and engineering grap!ics Application develop#ent, including grap!ical user interface building. &AT7A3 is an interactive syste# especially t!ose ta8e to !ose basic data ele#ent is an array t!at does ould

not re<uire di#ensioning. T!is allo s you to solve #any tec!nical co#puting proble#s, it! #atri" and vector for#ulations, in a fraction of t!e ti#e it rite a progra# in a scalar non interactive language suc! as C or %ortran. you to learn and apply

&AT7A3 features a fa#ily of add-on application-specific solutions called toolbo"es. 4ery i#portant to #ost users of &AT7A3, toolbo"es allo specialized tec!nology. Toolbo"es are co#pre!ensive collections of &AT7A3 functions .&-files0 t!at e"tend t!e &AT7A3 environ#ent to solve particular classes of proble#s. Areas in !ic! toolbo"es are available include signal processing, control syste#s, neural net or8s, fuzzy logic, avelets, si#ulation, and #any ot!ers. T$e MAT3A% System T!e &AT7A3 syste# consists of five #ain partsD .90Des8top Tools and Develop#ent =nviron#ent. T!is is t!e set of tools and facilities t!at !elp you use &AT7A3 functions and files. &any of t!ese tools are grap!ical user interfaces. It includes t!e &AT7A3 des8top $2

and Co##and (indo , a co##and !istory, an editor and debugger, and bro sers for vie ing !elp, t!e or8space, files, and t!e searc! pat!. ./0T!e &AT7A3 &at!e#atical %unction 7ibrary. T!is is a vast collection of co#putational algorit!#s ranging fro# ele#entary functions, li8e su#, sine, cosine, and co#ple" arit!#etic, to #ore sop!isticated functions li8e #atri" inverse, #atri" eigen values, 3essel functions, and fast %ourier transfor#s. .$0T!e &AT7A3 7anguage. T!is is a !ig!-level #atri"Aarray language it! control flo state#ents, functions, data structures, inputAoutput, and ob:ect-oriented progra##ing features. It allo s bot! Oprogra##ing in t!e s#allO to rapidly create <uic8 and dirty t!ro -a ay progra#s, and Oprogra##ing in t!e largeO to create large and co#ple" application progra#s. .,05rap!ics. &AT7A3 !as e"tensive facilities for displaying vectors and #atrices as grap!s, as ell as annotating and printing t!ese grap!s. It includes !ig!-level functions for t oyou to fully di#ensional and t!ree-di#ensional data visualization, i#age processing, ani#ation, and presentation grap!ics. It also includes lo -level functions t!at allo custo#ize t!e appearance of grap!ics as interfaces on your &AT7A3 applications. .*0T!e &AT7A3 ="ternal InterfacesAA1I. T!is is a library t!at allo s you to rite C and %ortran progra#s t!at interact riting &ATit! &AT7A3. It includes facilities for calling routines fro# &AT7A3 .dyna#ic lin8ing0 calling &AT7A3 as a co#putational engine, and for reading and files. (ro!rammin! &AT7A3 is a !ig!-level language t!at includes #atri"-based data structures, its o n internal data types, an e"tensive catalog of functions, an environ#ent in $@ !ic! to ell as to build co#plete grap!ical user

develop your o n functions and scripts, t!e ability to i#port and e"port to #any types of data files, ob:ect-oriented progra##ing capabilities, and interfaces to e"ternal tec!nologies suc! as CO&, Iava, progra#s Data 6tructures Data Types 3asic progra# co#ponents &-%ile progra##ing Data I#port and e"port =rror !andling 1rogra##ing Tips ritten in C and %ortran, and serial port devices. T!e &AT7A3 progra##ing features and tec!ni<ues in t!e follo ing c!aptersD

5ra"$i#s T!e i#portant features of &AT7A3 in grap!ics are t!e follo ingD .90&AT7A3 1lotting ToolsD -It !elps in creating plots and setting grap!ic ob:ect properties ./0Data ="ploration ToolsD - T!ese tools are used to e"tract infor#ation fro# grap!s interactively .$0Annotating 5rap!sD - Eere e are able to add annotations, a"is labels, titles, and legends to grap!s. .,03asic 1lotting Co##andsD - T!is co##and !elps in plotting vector and #atri" data in /-D representations .*0Creating 6pecialized 1lotsD - T!is enables in creating bar grap!s, !istogra#s, contour plots, and ot!er specialized plots .20Displaying 3it-&apped I#agesD - It is used for displaying and #odifying bit$+

#apped i#ages it! &AT7A3 .@01rinting and ="portingD - T!is #et!od is used for printing grap!s on paper and e"porting grap!s to standard grap!ic file for#ats .+0Eandle 5rap!ics Ob:ectsD -&AT7A3 grap!ics ob:ects and properties .)0%igure 1ropertiesD - Eo to use figure properties .9-0A"es 1ropertiesD - Eo to use a"es properties 42D /isua+i0ation &AT7A3 also !ave $D visualization tec!ni<ues and t!e application of t!ese tec!ni<ues to specific types of data. Creating $-D 5rap!s Defining t!e 4ie 7ig!ting as a 4isualization Tool Transparency Creating $-D &odels it! 1atc!es 4olu#e 4isualization Tec!ni<ues

T!us t!e various features and co#ponents of &AT7A3 are studied.



To identify t!e given speci#en by conducting suitable #etallurgical e"a#ination of t!e given speci#en

&etallurgical #icroscope .9D9--0, polis!ing #ac!ine, e#ery paper .//-, ,,-, 2--, etc0, etc!ing #aterial

&etallograp!y is t!e science and art of preparing a #etal surface for analysis by grinding, polis!ing, and etc!ing to reveal #icrostructual constituents. 5rinding is a #ost i#portant operation in speci#en preparation. During grinding t!e operator !as t!e opportunity of #ini#izing #ec!anical surface da#age t!at #ust be re#oved by subse<uent polis!ing operations. =ven if sectioning is done in a careless #anner, resulting is severe surface da#ageH t!e da#age can be eli#inated by prolonged grinding. 1olis!ing is t!e final step in production a surface t!at is flat, scratc! free, and #irror li8e in appearance. 6uc! a surface is necessary for subse<uent accurate #etallograp!ic interpretation, bot! <ualitative and <uantitative. T!e polis!ing tec!ni<ue used s!ould not introduce e"traneous structure suc! as disturbed #etal, pitting, dragging out of inclusions, co#et tails and staining. Alt!oug! certain infor#ation #ay be obtained fro# as-polis!ed speci#ens, t!e #icrostructure is usually visible only after etc!ing. Only features is true of #icro structural features it! strong color differences or !ic! e"!ibit a significant difference in reflectivity .9-P or greater0 can be vie ed it!out etc!ing. T!is it! large differences in !ardness causing relief for#ation. Crac8s, pores, pits, and non#etallic inclusions #ay ,-

be observed in t!e as-polis!ed condition. In #ost cases, a polis!ed speci#en

ill not

e"!ibit its #icrostructure because incident lig!t is unifor#ly reflected. 6ince s#all differences in reflectivity cannot be recognized by t!e !u#an eye, so#e #eans of producing i#age contrast #ust be e#ployed. Alt!oug! t!is !as beco#e 8no n as Oetc!ingO in #etallograp!y, it does not al ays refer to selective c!e#ical dissolution of various structural features. T!ere are nu#erous ays of ac!ieving contrast. T!ese #et!ods #ay classified as optical, electroc!e#ical .c!e#ical0, or p!ysical, depending on !et!er t!e process alters t!e surface or leaves if intact. After preparation, t!e sa#ple can easily be analyzed using optical or electron #icroscopy. 1repared sa#ples are #ost often inspected using an inverted #etallograp!ic #icroscope. T!is type of #icroscope is sufficient for #agnifications less t!an 9---". If sa#ple #ust be observed at !ig!er #agnification, it electron #icroscope .6=&0. ill be e"a#ined in a scanning

T!e given speci#en, t!e end surface as #ade flat by filing to get a clean boundary !en vie ed .T!en t!e speci#en is polis!ed by ater e#ery paper of different grades of no.s //-,$--,,,-,2-- etc. T!e no.2-- e#ery is attac!ed on t!e rotating disc. During finest polis!ing process, t!e Alu#ina .Al/-$0 po der as applied bet een t!e speci#en and rotating clot! covered !eel. (ater #ay be used as lubricant and to as cleaned it! etc!ent to #a8e t!e grain ea8 acidic or re#ove Afles! out t!e particles cut fro# t!e surface. In t!e etc!ing process, t!e speci#en boundaries visible. %or etc!ing t!e polis!ed surface is i##ersed in a

alco!olic solution. 6uitable solution .etc!ents0 for speci#en of various #etals is listed. T!e etc!ed speci#en is no ready to be vie ed in a #etallurgical #icroscope. Ad:ust t!e focus for clear i#age. T!en t!e structure #etal as identified. as co#pared to p!oto #icrograp! and t!e


Na#e of

Deco#position ,9

1ercent of


6peci#en Iron, 6teel, Cast iron 6tainless 6teel Alu#inu# and alloys Copper and Alloys Qinc and alloys

=tc!ent Nital EnO$,&et!ale alco!ol Nitricacid,Eydroc!loric acid Kollers Eydroc!loric acid, ECl reagent ENO$,Distilled ater %erric c!loride, ECl &et !ale alco!ol EnO$,&et!ale alco!ol

Concentrate / , )+ ++ , 9/ 9, 9.* /.* , )* *,/ )$ / , )+ seconds0 /$-9* 9-9--$--


T!e #etallurgical test ----------as conducted and t!e speci#en as identified as



9. To #a8e a study of profile pro:ector /. To deter#ine t!e no#enclature of t!e given scre t!read, gear toot!, tool $. 6urface e"a#ination for #inute crac8s and surface irregularities

T!e profile pro:ector available in t!e lab is &etzer optical pro:ector #anufactured by &etzer India optical instru#ent co#pany.

T!e optical pro:ector displays t!e #agnified i#ages of t!e ob:ects located by so#e !olding device or slaging fi"ture or an appro"i#ate scre . An optical pro:ector consist of9. A pro:ector dra ing a lig!t source, condenser or colli#ating lens syste# to direct t!e lig!t part by part into an elliptical syste# /. 6uitable or8 !olding table $. 1ro:ection optics including #irror and lenses ,. 6creen !ere t!e i#age of or8 piece is pro:ected and !ere t!e #easure#ents are #ade. *. &easuring device T!e i#age of t!e tool is produced on t!e screen by a bea# of lig!t. T!e lig!t source being a tungsten la#b, fila#ent la#b or !ig! pressure #ercury la#b. A strong bea# of lig!t consisting of bundle of lig!t rays !ic! are parallel is produced by optical #eans. 3ea# s!ould be of large enoug! dia#eter to provide convergence of tool and accurate illu#ination on t!e screen. T!e co##on arrange#ents of lig!t screen used in optical pro:ector are- .i0 s!ado .ii0 surface. T!e s!ado i#age of t!e ob:ect #ay be produced eit!er on !orizontal or vertical screen surface illu#ination produces a reflected i#age of t!e face of t!e ob:ect. ,$

T!e lig!t bea# after passing on to t!e pro:ector syste# co#prising of lenses and #irrors !ic! #ust be !eld in accurate align#ent on rigid support. T!e lenses are used to get t!e desired #agnification and #irrors to direct t!e bea# of lig!t on screen. An optically flat glass is set on to t!e top of t!e table and glass surface in addition to allo t!e passage of lig!t bea# also serves a good surface positioning of a variety of flat pat!s.

1lace t!e ob:ect on t!e #icro#eter stage. 6 itc! on t!e trans#itted lig!t source. An i#age ill be obtained on t!e screen. Do t!e focusing of i#age by ad:usting t!e it!in t!e screen by selecting t!e #agnification factor !andle provided. Ad:ust t!e i#age of t!e ob:ective scale. Trace out t!e i#age on t!e tracing paper. Calculate t!e re<uired di#ension fro# t!e observed values. a> For e*aminin! t$e #ra#8 %or t!e e"a#ination of t!e surface irregularities and #inute crac8s, s itc! off t!e trans#itted lig!t source and s itc! on t!e incident lig!t source. 1lace t!e ob:ect on t!e stage for t!e e"a#ination. Ad:ust t!e focus and observe crac8s. T!e lengt! and breadt! of t!e crac8s can be #easured by ad:usting t!e #icro#eter of t!e stage. b> For s#re1 t$rea' an' !ear toot$ T!e linear #easure#ents in F and ? directions are done clear by sliding t!e tube up or do n, it! t!e !elp of t!e !eel. No t!e #icro#eter provided. To #easure t!e angle, t!e i#age obtained on t!e screen is #ade !ic! is done by rotating t!e !and tracing paper is placed on t!e screen and t!e i#age is s8etc!ed on to it. T!e procedure is repeated by altering t!e position of t!e tool on t!e glass surface, so t!at various angles are obtained.

#> For #uttin! too+


T!e cutting tool is placed on t!e glass surface of t!e profile pro:ector. T!e lig!ts on t!e pro:ector are s itc!ed on. T!e i#age obtained on t!e screen is #ade clear by sliding t!e tube up or do n, !ic! is done by rotating t!e !and !eel. No t!e tracing paper is placed on t!e screen and t!e i#age is s8etc!ed on to it. T!e procedure is repeated by altering t!e position of t!e tool on t!e glass surface, so t!at various angles are obtained.


T!e study of profile pro:ector is co#pleted. Too+ an!+es %ront cutting edge angle R 6ide cutting edge angle R %ront clearance angle 3ac8 clearance angle S#re1 t$rea' 1itc! 7ead Angle R R R -------------------------------------------------R R


5ear toot$

6l no

Di#ension part

Initial reading

%inal reading

Actual di#ension



Iournal bearing apparatus is designed on t!e basis of !ydrodyna#ic bearing used in practice. To for#ulate t!e bearing action accurately in #at!e#atical ter#s is a #ore co#ple" :ob. Eo ever, one can visualize t!e pattern of bearing pressure distribution due to t!e !ydrodyna#ic action t!e sub:ect properly. T!e e"peri#ental rig consists of a s#all :ournal bearing as s!o n in fig. T!is apparatus !elps to de#onstrate and study t!e effect of i#portant variables suc! as speed, velocity and load on t!e pressure distribution in a :ournal bearing. T!is pressure distribution can be verified it! 6o##erfield e<uations. it! t!e !elp of e"peri#ental rig. T!is !elps to understand

T!e apparatus is illustrated in %ig. No. 9. It consists of a &.6. bearing #ounted freely on a steel :ournal s!aft .A0. T!is :ournal s!aft is fi"ed directly on to a #otor s!aft .60. T!e speed of t!e 1&DC #otor is finely controlled by a D.C di##erstat. T!e :ournal bearing .=0 !as t elve .No.9 to 9/0 e<ui-spaced pressure tapping around its circu#ference and four No. A, 3, C, D additional pressure tapping are positioned on t!e topside of t!e bearing. T!e t o sides of bearing are closed sealed it! gas8et pac8ing to avoid lea8age. 6#all balancing it! t o &.6. plates and eig!ts .I0 are provided to !ile ta8ing t!e

#aintain t!e bearing in its nor#al position during t!e test run and readings. 3ot! t!e eig!ts can be ad:usted freely along t!e rod.

T!e fil# pressure is indicated by using a pressure transducerAindicator. %or t!is, tappings are ta8en fro# t!e bearing to co##on !eader pipe using valves for eac! tapping. T!us pressure at eac! point spaced around t!e bearing is 8no n by selecting t!e valve every ti#e. T!e oil reservoir can be ad:usted at re<uired !eig!t and connected to t!e bearing t!roug! plastic tube.



To observe t!e pressure profile of a :ournal bearing at various conditions and after noting t!e pressure profile for any c!osen condition, t!e follo ing analysis are to be conducted. a0 1lotting t!e Cartesian and polar pressure curves b0 1lotting t!e t!eoretical and polar curves.

Iournal dia#eterD 3earing dia#eterD 3earing idt!D (eig!tsD sets of ad:ustable eig!ts Reco##ended oilD Any lubricating oil &otorD DC, $---R1& Control unitD special design to give variable speed &ano#eter panelH 92 tubes, $--c# .appro"0

T!e 6o##erfield pressure function is given by 1-po R -2SR//T U sin./N U cos0 c/./N U /0 .9N U cos0/ (!ere VpG is t!e pressure of t!e oil fil# at t!e point #easured cloc8 ise fro# t!e line co##on centers and .--G0 and 1R1- at R - and R W (ref figure) T=speed of rotation of :ournal ,+

R/Rradius of :ournal R9Rradius of bearing CRradial clearance U=eccentricity S=viscosity of oil !R.cN U cos0/ 6o#e boo8s on lubrication give t!e 6o##erfield function it! a negative sign for U. t!is

is true if is #easured fro# t!e point of #ini#u# t!ic8ness of oil fil#. !Rc.9- U cos0 Also, cos#R-$ U A./N U /0 Eence t!e #a"i#u# pressure occurs at t!e point R -# T!e total load 1 on t!e :ournal is given by 1R 9/SR//7 TW U C/./N U /0 .9N U /09A/ !ic! is acting perpendicular to OOG 7R idt! of t!e bearing Total force along OOG is zero.

%ill t!e oil tan8 by using proper lubricating oil under test and position t!e tan8 at t!e desired !eig!t. Drain out t!e air fro# all t!e tubes of t!e #ano#eter. C!ec8 t!at so#e oil lea8age is t!ere for cooling purpose. 6tart t!e #otor slo ly and reac! t!e desired speed. 6elect t!e direction of rotation and s itc! on t!e #otor. 5radually increase t!e speed. 7et t!e :ournal run for about an !our until t!e oil in t!e bearing is Reduce t!e speed and allo ar#ed up. t!e bearing to settle do n for about 9- #inutes. Add t!e

re<uired loads and return t!e bearing to vertical position. (!en t!e #ano#eter levels ,)

!ave settled do n, ta8e t!e pressure readings on 92 #ano#eters. Repeat t!e e"peri#ent for ot!er speeds. 1olar plot of pressure variation #ay be obtained fro# t!e readings on t!e #ano#eter. After t!e test is over, bring do n t!e position of t!e oil tan8 so t!at t!ere ill be no lea8age in t!e idle period. C!ange t!e oil seals starts. !en t!ey rupture and lea8age


6upply !ead, 1- R --------- c# *-

(eig!t of bearing R -------- 8g

6peed .rp#0 w1

Tube no.

1 .c#0






9. To study t!e instru#ent in detail /. To #easure t!e straig!tness error of t!e given surface using autocolli#ator

T!e autocolli#ator is a precision optical instru#ent for #easuring very s#all angular #easure#ent over a significant distance. T!ey can be used for evaluating align#ent of #ac!ine surfaces, surface plate flatness, and s<uareness of one surface to anot!er, straig!tness of s!afts and a variety of ot!er orientation #easure#ent. Interfero#eters and optical flats are used for so#e of t!ese evaluations. T!e #easuring range of autocolli#ators varies instru#ents are in t!e 9 arc second angle. A brig!t lig!t source is condensed t!roug! a lens. T!e lig!t t!en goes t!roug! a graticule it! an etc!ed i#aged. T!is is t!en pro:ected t!roug! a bea# splitter, !ic! pro:ects t!e i#age on t!e graticule t!roug! t!e colli#ating lenses of t!e autocolli#ator. T!e colli#ated i#age goes to a precision #irror at t!e surface to be evaluated. T!e #irror reflects t!e i#age bac8 t!roug! t!e colli#ating lenses of t!e interfero#eter. If t!e #irror is precisely perpendicular to t!e colli#ated lig!t pat!, t!e i#age be perfectly aligned it! t!e vie ing optic graticule. Ot!er ise, it ill it! t!e design, but t!ey are

typically used for angles of under $- arc #inutes. Resolutions of #oderately priced

ill appear as an

offset i#age. T!e distance .or angle0 of deviation can be deter#ined by graduations on t!e graticule or by ad:usting t!e cross !airs of t!e graticule to coincide it! t!e i#age. In t!e latter type, t!e a#ount of #ove#ent is trac8ed by graduations on t!e ad:usting scre s t!at #ove t!e cross !airs */

T!e autocolli#ator is basically a telescope per#anently focused at infinity, and incorporating an illu#inated target graticule in t!e focal plane of t!e lens. =very point on t!e graticule produces a parallel bea# of lig!t fro# t!e lens and parallel bea#s of lig!t entering t!e lens are broug!t to focus in t!e focal plane T!e instru#ent uses one of t!e basic principles of reflection ; t!at a parallel bea# of lig!t pro:ected on to a plane reflector s<uare to t!e bea#, is reflected along t!e sa#e pat!. (!en t!e reflector is tilted it! respect to to t!e incident bea# ,t!e return angle of t!e reflected bea# is t ice t!e angular displace#ent of t!e reflector t!e a#ount of t!is displace#ent can be read off directly t!roug! t!e instru#ent eye piece, or by #icro#eter or by digital display depending upon t!e type of autocolli#ator being used .

%ind t!e pitc! lengt! of t!e vertical reflector unit and understand t!e optical read out syste# &ove t!e vertical reflector along t!e surface to be tested in steps e<ual to t!e pitc! lengt! of t!e vertical #irror. &easure angular variation at eac! position Convert t!ese readings into !eig!t differences Deter#ine t!e !eig!t above and belo t!e starting point Convert t!ese !eig!ts differences Deter#ine t!e straig!tness error. it! regard to t!e datu# line t!at is t!e line :oining t!e first and t!e last point, coordinates of t!e to points being zero.


O%SER/ATIONS Ad:ust#e 1osition of t!e reflector Autocolli#at or reading Rise or fall fro# first .sec0 readings Rise fall .#icro#e ter0 or nts to be final Cu#ulative done to rise point line .r.t @ datu# of readings #a8e t o or fallof eac! in colu#n , end points * zero 2





To deter#ine t!e profile #easure#ent of t!e given ca#s, also find t!e #a"i#u# lift.

4- bloc8, 5raduated protractor, Dial test indicator it! stand.

A ca# is a #ec!anical #e#ber for trans#itting #otion to a follo er by direct contact. T!e ca# profile is t!e actual or8ing contour of t!e ca#. It is along surface of contact of ca# and follo er. T!e base circle is t!e s#allest circle dra n to t!e ca# profile fro# t!e centre of rotation of t!e radial ca#. Ca# angle is t!e angle of rotation of t!e ca# for t!e definite displace#ent of t!e follo er. D ell period of t!e ca# is t!e angle of #ove#ent of t!e ca# for !ic! t!e follo er !as no displace#ent fro# t!e base !ic! t!e follo er starts to rise !ic! t!e circle of t!e ca#. Rise of t!e ca# is t!e angle t!roug!

and attains #a"i#u# displace#ent or lift. %all of t!e ca# is t!e angle t!roug! t!roug! !ic! bot! t!e ca# operate t!e follo er si#ultaneously

follo er starts to fall and attains zero displace#ent. Overlap of t o ca#s is t!e angle

1lace ca# s!aft on 4- bloc8 and fi" t!e graduated protractor at t!e end of t!e ca#s!aft. 6et t!e dial gauge plunger at d ell position and set dial to zero. &ar8 t!e reference point as zero degree. Rotate t!e s!aft gently and note do n t!e deflection at eac! 9- degree. Repeat t!e e"peri#ent till one co#plete rotations of ca#s!aft. At t!e sa#e settings of t!e dial gauge also note do n t!e deflections of ne"t ca# by t!e sa#e procedure. Dra t!e base circle of t!e ca# e it! scale factor and #ar8 t!e readings. Connect t!e tabulated points and ill get t!e profile of t!e given ca#s, and also find

t!e lift over lapping period and d ell period. **

T!e profile #easure#ent of ca# is conducted 9. &a"i#u# valve lift .inlet valve0 /. &a"i#u# valve lift .e"!aust valve0 $. D ell period ,. Overlapping period R XXXXX R XXXXX R XXXXX RXXXXX.




Angle of

Inlet valve .##0

="!aust valve .##0

Angle of

Inlet valve .##0

="!aust valve .##0

Angle of

Inlet valve .##0

="!aust valve .##0

rotation deflection deflection rotation deflection deflection rotation deflection deflection 9/$,*2@+)9-999/-

&a"i#u# lift of inlet valve ca# D ell period of ca# Overlapping period


&a"i#u# lift of e"!aust valve ca# RXXXXX


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