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Kumaraguru College of Technology Candidates Name: Fathers Name: Mothers Name: Date of Birth: Se !Male / Female": Spouse !Date Of Birth": Mother $ongue: &anguages 'no(n Language Details:

Photo <raph Date of Birth: Date of Birth: Married/ Single Children: Yes/ No

Occupation: Occupation: Place of Birth:

Mo#ile No: Spouse !Occupation": %eligion: No , . Proficienc) in &anguage %ead *rite Spea+


Full address ualifications Details: / am Passed YearPass Board/ 0ni1ersit) Medium of 2nstruction 3 Ma4or Su#4ects


"#$erience% Internshi$ Details: Name of the Designation Organi5ation 6 $enure

%eason for &ea1ing/ C$C

%oles 6 %esponsi#ilities

/ pected Salar): 7777777777777777777777 Notice: Period: 7777777777777777777777777777777 *illingness to tra1el: 7777777777777777777 Preferred &ocation: 777777777777777777777777777 Date: 77777777777777777777 Signature of 8pplicant: 7777777777777777777777777

8fter filling the form mail it to +ctinflu ,9talentties:com as attachment: Su#: Name ; Department ; Date ; Batch Num#er/ $ime

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