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Please note this mail from 6/12/13 just sending accounts from March

Dear Sir, 20.6.13 How are you,I send march and April account and also some of the more expenses expressions are as follows, All of the caf exp are normal. Factory Phone bill 375000 for 28202 foreign call FEC 327 for two months bill and 50000ks for Local bill. Water Supply 204000 for new factory building water supply for over two months. New factory Supply Its include factory moving transport charges ,staff house moving fees and some material cost , wood for under the coaintainer,take out the dryer fees and worker fees for carrying factory machine. Other exp exp for stept up transformer 350000 ,cartain and other small exp include. Caf income are down.factory road was finished. Crushing machine man was came to fix but green bean are still mix with shell.he could not separate cleaning and He doesnt want to try again.He want money . but ,I didnt gave him .So,he was very angry and he cannt come back again.we are trying another ways ourself .its can be better. The water receiver is start to put today.other small affair will be finish this weekend. Caf affair are nothing change like before. May Account are working now.take care yourself . Toe Toe Lwin Date

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