How To Enable IPv6 On Windows XP

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How To Enable IPv6 On Windows XP

Most ISPs are in the process of enabling the IPv6 protocol which is then available for usage in addition to the currently used IPv4 protocol. Windows Vista and Windows 7 users do not need to enable or configure their operating syste for IPv6 usage as it is enabled by default. !he situation is different for Windows "P users who need to install the IPv6 protocol to add support for it to the operating syste . It is probably a good idea to test if IPv6 is already available on the operating syste . #n easy option to find out is the ipconfig co and which displays networ$ infor ation in a co and line window. !o run the co and press Windows%&' type c d and hit enter. !his opens the Windows co and pro pt. (ow use the co and ipconfig to find out if IPv6 is available on the co puter. Please note that the following screenshot is showing ipconfig on Windows 7.

If you do not see an entry IPv6 #ddress in the listing it is not enabled and needs to be installed. !he easiest way to install the IPv6 protocol under Windows "P is fro the co and pro pt. )nter the following co ands separately and press return after each of the *

netsh interface ipv6


!his installs IPv6 under Windows "P. It is also possible to install the protocol under the networ$ settings options of the +ontrol Panel. &ight%clic$ on the appropriate networ$ adapter and select Preferences fro the selection. (ow select Install on the screen and then Protocol fro the available options. ,ocate Microsoft !+P-IP Version 6' a clic$ on ./ installs the selected protocol.

0. .pen (etwor$ +onnections 1. &ight%clic$ any local area connection' and then clic$ Properties. 2. +lic$ Install. 4. In the Select (etwor$ +o ponent !ype dialog bo3' clic$ Protocol' and then clic$ #dd. 4. In the Select (etwor$ Protocol dialog bo3' clic$ Microsoft !+P-IP version 6' and then clic$ ./. 6. +lic$ +lose to save changes to your networ$ connection. 5ou can chec$ again with the ipconfig co and to installed successfully on the operating syste . a$e sure that the IPv6 protocol was

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