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Lack of Water, Death Toll Increases
Caroline Haggarty, District 137 L.A. Times


Drought and lack of

water ( 2052A.D.) Government officials keep water for themselves, Prices 2 raise( 2055 A.D.) The Government pollutes the land and water( 2057 A.D.)

Now that no one seems to care enough about the water resources that we have, there is not a drought and water shortage. Now nothing can be done and water

has been wasted so frequently that there is hardly enough for anyone to survive. Now we do not even have enough water for future generations.

Government can now manipulate nature and natural 4 resources(2060A.D.)

Now that America has no water, there is not much to turn too. Most of the water supplies are gone and the fresh water resources are limited. Now many people have acquired diseases. The death toll for America has reached the millions. The death toll has increased rapidly since 2052 A.D. Many have been affected by diseases and are malnourished since supplies are limited. Yet, nothing can be done for this malnourishment since the water supply has decreases drastically every since the beginning of the drought

in 2052 A.D. Most people do not know what to turn No Water for America

too and feel that it is the government that they have to blame. Now that there is a lack of water, people are trying to find new ways to acquire water. Yet technology cannot do anything.

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New Water Resources?

Scientists are now looking for news was to increase the water supply for the country. It is the governments way of creating artificial water. Yet this artificial water is not doing people any good. More people have gotten sick and are malnourished from this artificial water. The government is still working out the problems before the death toll increases. Scientist predict that by 2080 A.D., more than half of Americas population will be dead. If scientist do not act quickly America and many other nations will soon be faced with even more problems and higher death toll. This drought, as stated, started in 2052A.D. and has claimed many lives, especially those who live inland and have no way of getting the water sources that they need. Those who live closer to the shoreline and where the climate is not as hot and have some small amount of water, are not willing to share their resources. They claim that it all that they have left and that it is not their problem that other states and nations did not plan for this. They are adding to the death toll since they are refusing to share that water supply that they have. If more people do not take this matter more seriously, then future generations might not exist and this might mean the end of human life on that planet. Finding other solutions for this water shortage will be challenging, and it seems as though there is nothing that can be

America and the rest of the world is running out of ideas. Water resources (freshwater resources) are diminishing too quickly and there is not enough to supply everyone. The world is running out of options and it seems like only this artificial water is the only things that people have. Something needs to be done quickly or as mentioned half of America will be dead by 2080A.D. The population of America depends on us and how water wise we can be.

Government Needs to Take a Stand

Our future and the lives of many others are at stake. If the government does not do something to help it people, everyone will be faced with the same problem. Problems will only increase over the years and this will affect every person all over the globe.

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