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College of Education, Health, and

Human Sciences
Student Services
1122 Volunteer Blvd,
4332 Claxton Complex
Knoxville, TN 37996-3433
Phone: 865-974-8194
Fax 865-97 4-57 81

May 20,2009

Susan MacArthur
1502 Rockland Drive
Columbia. TN 38401
Dear Susan,

It is my pleasure to notif,z you that the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences
Scholarship Committee has awarded you the following scholarship(s) for the 2009-2010
academic year:

Eleanor Waters Wilson Scholarship s2700

Ruby McKeel Rives Scholarship s1000

These awards are made possible through the generosity of our donors, many of whom are
still actively involved in the life of our college. A letter of appreciation from you means
a great deal to them and may help insure that others benefit from scholarships in the
future. Contact information for your donor(s) is attached. Please send a copy of your
letter to me, at Il22Yolunteer Blvd., A332 Claxton, Knoxville, TN 37996-3433.

Your scholarship will be divided into two disbursements, at the beginning of the fall and
spring semesters. Please sign and retum the enclosed Scholarship Agreement Form at
your earliest convenience.

Congratulations on your outstanding academic achievements !


Sarah W. DeYoung
Director of Undergraduate Advising Services

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