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you should not only focus on "coconut oil.

" I feel the message she wanted to get across is that your brain does not get powered with only glucose, but also keto nes, and hence, the reason for taking coconut oil(because it generates ketones). just look here In 2012 it was announced in an epub ahead of print[5] that resear chers had discovered that bexarotene reduced amyloid plaque and improved mental functioning in a small sample of mice engineered to exhibit Alzheimer's symptoms . It is thought that bexarotene stimulates expression of apolipoprotein E (ApoE) , which leads to intracellular clearance of -Amyloid."We've fixed Alzheimer's in mice lots of times, so we need to move forward... "Ketogenic Diet" Ketosis means that the body is in a state where it doesn't have enough glucose a vailable to use as energy, so switches into a state where molecules called keton es are generated during fat metabolism. Ketones can be used for energy, and have a special property -- they can be used instead of glucose for most of the energ y needed in the brain, where fatty acids can't be used. Also, some tissues of th e body "prefer" using ketones, in that they will use them when available (for ex ample, heart muscle will use one ketone in particular for fuel when possible). F or more information, see:

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