Test Your Reading Skills Reading Job Advertisements

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Test Your Reading Skills Reading Job Advertisements

Read the following extracts from job advertisements. Complete the gaps using the words below, then match each extract (1-10 to a sentence (a-j !

conditions benefits


part time applicants

exp pay

dependent discussion


1. "or# from $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

%. &revious $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ need not appl'.

(. )xcellent terms and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. essential. +. ,our $$$ will include-

*. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ preferred but not

.. /tarting salar' $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ on experience. 0.)xcellent $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ include %+ da's1 paid holida'. 2 3or an informal $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ about this post, please telephone )mma &eet on 01((% 4*20.0*. 4. 5ood rates of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ . 10. 3ull and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ vacancies.

a 6f 'ou get the job, 'ou will be well loo#ed-after b' the compan'. b 6f 'ou have applied for the same job before, please do not reappl'. c 7ere are some of the duties. d 6f 'ou would li#e to tal# about the job in more detail, please contacte 8he mone' 'ou will earn will var' depending on what 'ou have done in the past. f ,ou can appl' even if 'ou have never done this job before.

g ,ou will be well rewarded financiall'. h 8here are jobs with various hours available. i ,ou don1t need to go to wor# ever' da'. j 5ood annual leave entitlement is one of the per#s of the job.

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