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21 NOVEMBER 2012


This agreement has been concluded between the following : A) PARTIES: S.C. BENATAV ROM S.R.L head uartered in !"#T$%EN$& 'TR( T"R"N%)TE$ NR( 1* registered at the trade register Office under no( + ,,-1./-2002 & the ta0 code RO 11.22/,. re3resented b4 5ENER"# "6M$N$'TR"TOR 5"BR$E#" +"NER) as CUSTODIAN and D.M BENATAV LTD %oils 7Transformers& head uarter in $srael& 8e9i: Bergman 1/& ;etah:Ti<9a & re3resented b4 6ROR BEN"T"V "N6 T"# BEN"T"V in as O=NER& also the owners of '(% BEN"T"V ROM '(R(#& "%%OR6$N5 TO MEMOR"N6)M O! "''O%$"T$ON( B) OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT Ob>ect of the contract is re3resented b4 machiner4 and tools in guardian retention ( sagging commodit4-3roduct as

C) THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT The 3eriod of 9alidit4 of this agreement is 'T$;)#"TE6 for the machiner4 and tools from the date of its signing for all the machineries and tools left in custod4 for more than one 4ear until undetermined 3eriod( D) OBLIGATIONS The OWNER: 1( to lea9e in custod4? 2( to notif4 the intention to ta<e o9er the goods from custodian with 21 hours in ad9ance? ,( all ad9ertisements to uantitati9e and ualitati9e ga3s within 21 hours from the date of recei3t of the goods? 1( to res3ect the wor<ing hours of the guardian( The CUSTODIAN: 1( to ta<e the merchandise?

2( to claim uantitati9e and ualitati9e differences ads within 21 hours after rece3tion of the goods? ,( to ta<e care of the goods ta<en into custod4 as a good owner? 1( to release the goods at the re uest of the owner( GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. b !" #a$!%&' (nd&$!a)& ! #$&'&$*& !"& + n,%d&n!%a-%!. , !"& #$ *%'% n' , !"%' C n*&n!% n/ 0. %n +a'& , , $+& 1a2&($&3 b !" #a$!%&' a$& $&-&a'&d ,$ 1 $&'# n'%b%-%!./ the 3art4 in9o<ing force ma>eure must notif4 in writing the in the case of force ma>eure within , da4s from the occurrence thereof& the notification is accom3anied b4 a certificate issued b4 the %hamber of %ommerce and industr4 of Romania? 1( an4 dis3utes which ma4 arise in connection with the e0ecution and inter3retation of this "greement shall be amicabl4& and if this is not 3ossible& the dis3ute will be deducted towards sol9ing the com3etent court? 2( termination of the contract will be made b4 consent of both 3arties? ,( this contract was signed in 2 @twoA co3ies& one for each 3art?

'igned toda4 : 21 NOVEMBER 2012



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