Abs - Paper6 Aug 2011 F Ririn

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Mengembangkan Kepercayaan sebagai Upaya Mencegah/Mengatasi Kekerasan dan Agresi pada Masyarakat

Rara Ririn Budi Utaminingtyas Staf pengajar Jurusan Administrasi Niaga Politeknik Negeri Semarang Abstract: Violence is aggression from human to other human beings, from one group into other groups. Aggression is phisicaly and verbal behaviour. The effects of the aggression are in the form of destructive, painful, or the victims death. Aggresions are caused by prejudice. The primary sources of prejudice are group differences, like ethnic and race differences or minority and majority groups. There are many human efforts to minimize aggression desire such as law enforcement to protect innocence people and moral growth with humanity values, nonaggresive behavior development, and develop emphaty competence.Trust Development is other way to minimize agrression because distrust to other people or institution can make social crisis. The distrust to individual or institutions is caused by no alignment of individual and institutional behaviour with social values and destruct social identity. Keywords: trust development, violence, and aggression

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