Abs - Paper7 Aug 2011 G Tiyas

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Pengadilan Niaga sebagai Lembaga Penyelesaian Sengketa Merek

(Commercial Court as Dispute settlement Institution on Trade Mark)

MRR Tiyas Maheni DK Staf pengajar jurusan Administrasi Niaga, Politeknik Negeri Semarang Abstract: Commercial Court is reguired to settle commercial disputes in a shorter time. Therefore, this kind of court is aimed at settling commercial dispute. Formerly, the absolute competence of commercial court is limited for the court of bankruptcy matters. However, since 2001, the competence has been broadened to cover the authority in the court of intelectual property rights, including trade mark disputes. The recent bill on trade mark states a strategy in trade mark dispute settlement, by empowering the role of commercial court. This is done to accelerate court process in trade mark dispute, due to the fact that trade mark is closely related to business field. Kata Kunci: Pengadilan Niaga, Merek

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