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2013 Statement of Obligation

2013 Statement of Obligation

Recovery and Recycling Obligations for 2013

Member Name Scheme Reference Number Category of Producer -

Essar Steel Processing & Distribution UK Ltd GB\831 Seller

Table 4a

Your recycling and recovery obligations for 2013

* please note these figures are in tonnes Total recovery obligation: Minimum recycling obligation: Balance recovery: 169 155 13

Total recovery minus your 92% minimum recycling obligation

Balance recycling: 53

92% of total recovery obligation

Table 4b Data for material-specific recycling obligation

Balance of recycling obligation which is non-material specific

* Please note that your total recycling could be higher than your recovery obligation. Your material-specific recycling obligation calculated from your data in tables 1 - 3c (in tonnes) PAPER 0 GLASS 0 ALUMINIUM 0 STEEL 77 PLASTIC 1 WOOD 25 TOTAL 103

Table 4C Your Subsidiaries small producer's material-specific recycling allocation (in tonnes): PAPER 0 GLASS 0 ALUMINIUM 0 STEEL 0 PLASTIC 0 WOOD 0

Table 4d

Group total material-specific recycling obligation

* Please note that your total recycling could be higher than your recovery obligation.
Your group total material-specific recycling obligation (the sum of your data calculation table 4b and small producers allocations table 4c) in tonnes:








Table 4d will only be completed if you are making a group registration where one or more subsidiaries are using
the small producer's allocation method.

Material-specific recycling from Tables 4b and 4c are added together to give the totals in Table 4d. The allocation tonnages in Table 4c are the same as the total tonnages in the subsidiary allocation table below.
Allocation table for small producer subsidiaries that are part of a group registration. Please note: this table will only be completed if you are making a group registration and have one or more subsidiaries which are using the small producer's allocation method. The allocations for each subsidiary are shown in the table below. Subsidiary recycling allocation (in tonnes): Subsidiary name Material Allocation

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