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Conjunctions and Linking Words Contrast conjunctions: Although / Though / Even though + subject + verb + In spite o / !

/ !espite + "ing or# o the verb + noun e$g !espite the rain% &e &ent or a &alk$ In spite o raining% &e &ent or a &alk$ Though it &as raining% &e &ent or a &alk$ 'eason conjunctions: (ince )ecause

*age ++, e-ercise . Addition Also In addition and o !ue to 'eason /or Ti#e Whenever Contrast Though 1o&ever !espite Even though *urpose (o that To In order to (o as to In that order

)ecause A ter 0ntil be ore

*age ++2 e-ercise 3

a4 Even though Morangos com acar has changed the lives o teens% so#e parents don5t agree &ith the issues depicted in #ost episodes$ b4 !espite usuall6 being real% the situations are so#eti#es super icial$ c4 Although the societ6 portra6ed doesn5t look like the *ortuguese one% the places are a#iliar$ d4 In spite o not being at or unattractive% the actors &on5t have a long career$

7$ a4 so that/in order that b4 so as to/in order to/ to

e-ercise 8

a4 9ost teenagers &atch soaps so that the6 can be as ashionable as the characters$ b4 *arents look or guidance in order to select the T: progra##es that their children &atch$

c4 Critics &rote about the negative aspects in order that the public #ight be a&are o the#$ d4 T: producers &on5t change the or#at Morangos com Acar to go on broadcasting teen realit6$

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