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Smith Date: 4/10/14

Name: City/Town/Village Charge: Lo ation: Relea!e/Ret"rn: Narrati#e

Lori J. Rhode Colton Issue Bad Check !otsda" !olice #e$art"ent State NY

Age: Date: Time:

41 04/10/14 08:00 A

A$$earance ticket issued returna%le to !otsda" &illa'e Court on 04/()/14 *he a%o+e listed su%,ect -as arrested .or the a%o+e char'e a.ter in+esti'ation into a %ad check that -as issued on 1(/18/1/ at a local %usiness.

0)/1 0001 10)1 1(08 1(18 1)(1

*ra..ic sto$ co"$leted. &er%al -arnin' issued. An ille'all1 $arked +ehicle on Ba1 2treet -as to-ed a.ter it -as"ed to %e on the to- list .or un$aid $arkin' tickets. !atrols assisted a citi3en -ith co"$laint. Assisted another a'enc1 -ith a record chech. Recei+ed a co"$laint concernin' a harass"ent. Recei+ed a co"$laint a%out a disorderl1 indi+idual at a local %usiness.

10/0 !atrol initiated a tra..ic sto$ on 2andstone #ri+e. *he dri+er4 #arin #eneke4 o. Lancaster4 NY -as issued a tra..ic ticket .or .ailin' to sto$ at a sto$ si'n. *he !assen'er4 5illia" 5hale14 o. Nor-ich4 NY -as issued a tra..ic ticket .or not -earin' his seat%elt. Both are due to a$$ear in !otsda" &illa'e Court on 0)/0(/(014. 1800 1611 !ro$ert1 -as turned o+er to $atrols .ro" a local %usiness and returned to the o-ner. !atrol initiated a tra..ic sto$ on Ra1"ond 2treet and issued the dri+er4 7""a 8li+er4 o. Jericho4 &* a tra..ic ticket .or not -earin' her seat%elt. 2he is due to return to !otsda" &illa'e Court on 0)/0(/(014. !atrols res$onded to a do' co"$laint on 7l" 2treet. !atrol initiated a tra..ic sto$ on outer a$le 2treet and issued the dri+er4 *re+or 7""et4 o. 5intro$4 NY a tra..ic ticket .or o$eratin' an unre'istered "otor +ehicle. 9e is due to return to !otsda" &illa'e Court on 0)/0(/(014.

16/) (((1


!atrol initiated a tra..ic sto$ on outer a$le 2treet and deter"ined that the dri+er4 Rose In'ra"4 o. Canton4 NY -as o$eratin' -ith a sus$ended dri+er license. 2he -as issued tra..ic tickets and is due to return to !otsda" &illa'e Court on 0)/0(/(014. !atrols initiated a tra..ic sto$ on ain 2treet and issued the dri+er4 Richard Be'14 o. Rochester4 NY a tra..ic ticket .or s$eed in 3one. 9e is due to return to !otsda" &illa'e Court on 0)/0(/(014.


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