Comparison Muslim and Christians

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Comparison Chart: Islam and Christianity



Jesus" 'esurrection



Only one god - called Allah Only one God - a Triune being called God or Yahweh A prophet who was virgin- Divine son of God who was born, but not the Son of virgin-born !e is God"s God #ord and Savior to hu$anity Jesus was not crucified A fact of history that is So$eone was substituted necessary for the atone$ent for Jesus and !e hid until of sin and the salvation of !e could $eet with the believers disciples Since (usli$s do not A fact of history that believe in the %rucifi&ion, signifies God"s victory over there is no need to believe sin and death in the 'esurrection A blasphe$y signifying The one God is eternally belief in three gods )n revealed in three coe+ual )sla$, the Trinity is and coeternal persons, God $ista*enly thought to be the -ather, God the Son, God, Jesus, and (ary and God the !oly Spirit Sin is disobedience to the Sin is rebellion against established law Sin does God Sin grieves God not grieve Allah (an is created by Allah and is sinless Salvation is achieved by sub$itting to the will of Allah There is no assurance of salvation - it is granted by Allah"s $ercy alone (usli$s accept the .ible /especially the 0entateuch, 0sal$s, and Gospels1 insofar as it agrees with the 2ur"an A later revelation that supersedes and corrects errors in the .ible The last in the line of prophets and, therefore, the (an is created in God"s i$age and is sinful by nature Salvation is a gift accepted by faith in the atone$ent of Jesus %hrist on the %ross and provided through God"s grace The .ible is the inspired #ord of God that is co$plete and not to be added to 4ot accepted as divine revelation 4ot accepted as a prophet or legiti$ate theological

(an Salvation


2ur"an /3oran1 (uha$$ad


5ast Days

final authority in spiritual $atters These divine $essengers are created fro$ light and are not worshipped Satan is an angel There will be bodily resurrection and final 6udg$ent with final destination All (usli$s go to heaven, though so$e $ust be purged of their sins first All infidels are destined for hell

source Angels are defined in the .ible as heavenly servants of God who act as !is $essengers There will be bodily resurrection in the last days -inal 6udg$ent and eternal destination /heaven or hell1 will be decided based on acceptance of Jesus as Savior and !is re$oval of the sin which separates each person fro$ God

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