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Promotion Price Price Per Room per night "tan#ar# "ingle "uperior "ingle Delu*e "ingle "tan#ar# Dou,le-.

/in "tan#ar# .riple "uperior Dou,le-./in "uperior .riple Delu*e Dou,le- ./in Delu*e .riple 0one1moon "uite Famil1 ( #ou,le ,e#s)

Promotion Price

Regular Price 1st Oct to 31 Dec 1st Jan to 30th Apr, 014 ( up to 40% OFF) $ 3% $4 $ 4+ $ 4! $ 4! $ 4( $ 4) $ !! $ !+ $ !+ $ %! $ &oo' $ ( &oo' $ 3! &oo' $ ( &oo' $ 30 &oo' $ 30 &oo' $ 3( &oo' $ 4 &oo' $ 4 &oo' $ 4 &oo' $ 4! &oo' ( up to 3!% OFF) $ ! &oo' $ ) &oo' $ 3+ &oo' $ ) &oo' $ 33 &oo' $ 3! &oo' $ 4 &oo' $ 4! &oo' $ 4! &oo' $ 4+ &oo' $ ! &oo'

Website: Free airport pic' up2 o33erre# 3or ,oo'ings sta1 up to nights (consecuti4el1)5 .his o33er is 6O. 3or the stan#ar# room t1pes Hostelworld: Free airport pic' up 3or night ,oo'ings up (7O6"879.:;8<=)(> pri4ate car)5 .his o33er is 4ali# till 30th "ep, 013 an# is not applie# 3or the "tan#ar# an# &u#get room t1pes)5 Hostelbookers: Free airport pic' up (pri4ate car) (4ali# till the 30th "ep, 013) 3or2 1, ./o night ,oo'ings (7O6"879.:;8<=) (this o33er is applie# 3or all room t1pes e*cept 3or the &u#get Rooms) , .hree night ,oo'ings2 applie# 3or all room t1pes

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