Hrudka (Slovak Easter Cheese)

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Hrudka (Slovak Easter Cheese) This is to be made the night before Easter.

1 dozen eggs 1 quart milk 1 1/2 tablespoons sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla Crack eggs in a bowl and beat until smooth. ut eggs into large sauce or fr!ing pan and stir in milk" sugar and vanilla. #n medium low heat" stir mi$ture constantl! until curds separate from whe!. our into cheesecloth" squeeze out as much of the whe! as !ou can and hang overnight. #n Easter morning" cut into slices or cubes and serve cold. %! &randmother taught me how to make hrudka. 't is traditionall! onl! made and eaten on Easter (unda! and served with kolbasi" ham" paska )a sweet bread with whole hardboiled eggs baked into it* and freshl! grated horseradish. Ever!thing is put on a platter and ever!one eats from the same big platter. ' teach cheesemaking classes and alwa!s add this recipe to m! handout+

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