April Newsletter

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April 2'1( Maplehurst )ACC

Did you know that you can sign up for the Summer Camp Program online at www.ymcahbb.ca or by calling the YMCA at 9 !"#$%"! . &rochures are a'ailable online( or at your Centre. Please see a centre staff for more info. )e now ha'e a website* Please take the time to check it out at maplehurstsacc.weebly.com and let us know what you think. )e+ll be keeping you updated with the website through email. )e will be holding a Parent Ad'isory Committee on )ednesday( April $ . Please let us know if you+re interested in participating*

2his month we are focusing on the core 'alue5


One of the great things about YMCA Child Care is the experience ou and our child will have no matter where ou live. !hether our child is a pre"schooler or school" age# YMCA Child Care operates with consistent best practices and standards across the countr .

,esearch has shown that there are - critical components that children need to grow into positi'e and successful adults .www.searchinstitute.org/. ,ecreation and childcare programs( like those offered through the YMCA( encourage children to gain these skills( attitudes( and beliefs.

21. Achievement Motivation Young person is motivated to do well in school.

April 18th 6ood 7riday 8 Closed April 21st 9aster Monday 8 Closed April 22nd 9arth Day $lease ensure our child%ren& come to program with the appropriate clothing as per the expected weather condition that da . !e do not go outside when it is raining.

Many of today+s children and youth are faced with comple0 issues and challenges on a daily basis. Po'erty( obesity( drug and alcohol abuse( underperformance in school and an unstable economy are 1ust a few of the factors working against our young people. 2he YMCA Strong 3ids Campaign responds to these challenges by offering children and youth life"changing opportunities and e0periences. Something as simple as learning to swim or as enriching as gaining leadership skills at summer camp can mean the world of difference to a child who otherwise would not be gi'en the chance to succeed.

:asmine ; Steisha

9 ! 94! #$-! 9 ! #$% ! 0 #%$# Melissa 3elly < 9 ! #$% ! 0 #%#%

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