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The storys review

Malaysian Folktales Village setting Typical husband and wife lifestyle

The drama technique

Methods used during a dramatical scene to create tension, an impact or a
certain atmosphere that makes the scene more interesting to watch. MAIN TECHNIQUE:

DRAMATIC IRONY - the audience knowing more than a character from

his/her action or dialog.

The significant part

ACT 3 ~

Narrator :
After evening prayers, both husband and wife wrapped the body with mengkuang leaves. It is a kind of screw pine use for mat making. Pak Pandir took the body to bury it in the village cemetery. He put the body over his shoulder but on the way to the cemetery, the body slipped out and fell onto the ground. Pak Pandir was not aware of that incident and walked on without looking back. When he reached the burial ground, he took out a shovel, dug a hole and buried the empty case to finish the burial of the body. Narrator : On his way back to is home. He saw a dead baby body on the ground. He did not recognized the dead baby is his dead son because all babies look the same to him.

Narrator :
So he ran quickly to his house to share about the news.

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