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All about Sea Turtles

by: Haley and Jeremy

How big is a sea turtle?

When a baby sea turtle is born they are only five cm (2 in.) long.The Kimps Ridley is the smallest sea turtle at (30 in).The bigest sea turtle is the lether back turtle.

How do sea turtles use camoflage ?

Sea turtles use patterns and colors to camoflage on the sand and rocks. Can you see the turtles hiding in the pichure?

What do turtles eat?

Green sea turtles eat crabs,jellyfish,spong es and other sea crechers.

How long can a sea turtle stay under water?

A green sea turtle can stay under water for five hours.

How many turtle speshes are there?

The 7 turtle speshes that can be found today have been around for 110 million years.

Are turtles warm or cold blooed?

Turtles are cold blooed replils. That means if they are cold they get in the sun and if they are hot they get in the shade.

Where do turtles make there home?

Green sea turtles make there home in tropical and subtropical oceans.

Lets watch a video about sea turtles. Click on the pictuer.

Thanks for watching and learning about sea turtles.

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