Persuasive Outline

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Persuasive Essay C)utline Worksheet

By: Shyann Dailey

1. What is the topic you are writing about'7

The topic I chose to present is on animal cruelg because and people may not even realize it.

it happens quiet often

be chalged, such as a law)? This

2. What is your stand on this topic (are you for it or against it, or do you think snrnething needs to rvill be yourr thesis statement.

Animal Cruelty is a growing protrlem in today's society, and a way to prevent that from happening is to enforce more brutal penalties among every state. I think there needs to be a law made that any type of animal abuse is illegal and all punishments ar* highly consequential to anyone who disobe,vs this law.
3. What is the hook you rvill use to grab your reader's attention?

The way I intend to grab the readers attention is to list off, or present. all the different types of dnimal ahuse that happens around the world and to set a prime example of the penalties they have for tlifferent stdtes. And why they should be more brutal to explain how anirnal abuse can be happening right next door.

First Body Paragraph 1. Give one reason why you feel the wa),you do about your topic.

I feel strongly about this topic because my whole life has been revolved around animals. To hear all the stories and see headlines about abandoned and abused animals kills me since I have such a big heart for any animal.
2. Give one piece of evidence to support your reason (a personal stor1. a fact or statistic, or a

hypothetical "rvhat



My prior knowledge to this suhject is from a personal story. I have known people who have not heen able to care for they're animals and did not try to dn anything to fix it. This is o common occurrence of animal abuse, known as a misdenleanor case, when owners of the animals do not purposely try to ahandoned they're animal, just that they can no longer take care ofthern.
Second Body Paragraph l. Give a second reason rvhy you feel the wa,v you do about your topic.

Another major reason I feel the way I do about my topic is the fact that people animal abuse as entertainment. Any harm to a living thing should not bring joy to anyone. The fact that people host the lights of animals anrl start gambling creating
see some

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