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Near Falls

"To See the Forest for the Trees"

by Matt Campbell

TEASER: FADE IN: CHYRON READS: PENNSYLVANIA 1 EXT. BAILEY HOUSE - DAY On the green lawn is a FOR SALE SIGN. Next to the garage is a garbage can and a recycling bin filled to the brim with wine bottles and beer bottles and assorted cans. 2 INT. BAILEY HOUSE - DAY A very young girl, JACKIE BAILEY sits in her room playing with dolls. Her room is girly as can be covered in roses and glitter -- but has posters of enormous wrestlers on the walls. They stand out like a sore thumb. From her open window we see her mother, MAGGIE BAILEY freckled, tired - lead a LESBIAN COUPLE through the front yard. The women notice the recycling before they go into the house. Inside its garish with nouveau riche furniture.
MAGGIE (tipsy) And the bay windows that we talked about on the phone ...arent they lovely. It makes you feel like youre in a Virginia Wolfe novel, no?

WOMAN ONE I actually havent read much Wolfe. Which novel are you talking about? She burps into her hand. MAGGIE Anyway... She leads them to the kitchen which is attached to the living room. MAGGIE We actually just re-did the counter tops. Imported granite. The appliances, all of em, stainless steel. Theres not a thing in this house from before 2008, my nose included.
She laughs at her own joke to the enjoyment of no one. Jackie stumbles out of her bedroom and into the main hall. Her mother goes over to her.


MAGGIE (whispering) Jackie, what did we say? When people are here to see the house you need to stay in your room. Remember?

JACKIE But I dont understand. Who are these people? Why are we selling the house? MAGGIE Ive told you, if we sell this house we can get a better house. A house with more rooms. A house that isnt sad anymore. Dont you want a better house? Jackie nods and digs for gold in her nose. MAGGIE Well then go back inside and play. Mommy will be done in a second. She shoos her daughter back into her room. MAGGIE And dont pick your nose, itll bleed!
She rushes back over to the women and much to her surprise theyre no longer in the kitchen. Theyve made a brea k for it. She chases after them.

The couple looks in at a small room thats dressed very much like a hospital room. There is an electric reclining bed and other hospital equipment and a feeling of sterility. WOMAN ONE Whats this room? MAGGIE This was my father in laws room. It used to be my daughters bedroom but, well, we needed to convert it into a hospice care. WOMAN TWO Im sorry to hear that. The woman looks over the few black and white pictures that hang upon the walls.



3. MAGGIE But for you this could be a home gym or a study or a library or...really anything! Thats the beauty of this room. Its anything you want it to be!

The other woman joins her partner at the wall. WOMAN TWO A study and a library are the same thing. MAGGIE I never thought about that and I guess they are. One of the women takes down one of the pictures. Its of an older gentleman and a younger gentleman, both clad in wrestling trunks. The woman points to the younger man. WOMAN ONE Is this your husband in this picture? The one with the tattoos?
MAGGIE (pointing) No, thats his brother.

She points to a handsome, clean cut man in an adjacent picture. MAGGIE This is my husband, Peter. WOMAN TWO He looks familiar. Doesnt he look familiar, Jane? WOMAN ONE Yeah. I feel like Ive seen him somewhere before. MAGGIE Its possible. Maybe youve seen him on television. This impresses them. WOMAN ONE Really? Hes on TV? Maggie clears her throat.




MAGGIE Hes actually away on business right now. He should be back in a few weeks if youd like to meet with him then. WOMAN ONE If you dont mind me asking, what does your husband do? Maggie coughs. MAGGIE Its probably best if I just say hes in entertainment. 3 INT. TALLAHASSEE ARENA - NIGHT
Maggies husband, Peter Bailey, or how hes better known, PETER B. BEAUTIFUL, is in the center of a wrestling ring in a crowded Florida arena. Hes a professional wrestler, and b y the reaction of the crowd, an especially loathsome one.

Beautiful takes his hand and waves it in the direction of his nose as if smelling the foul musk of the arena. He brings a microphone up to his mouth. BEAUTIFUL Tallahassee, you stink! Livid, people throw cups towards the ring. BEAUTIFUL Oh yeah, boo. Boo all you want. Boo til your blue in your fat faces. Youre just jealous that youre stuck on the couch and that you cant get out of a place whose chief export is pediatric diabetes! The boos rain down even harder. BEAUTIFUL Im sorry. Do you not know what that means? Ill make it real simple for you. I sometimes forget that not everyone has finished middle school. (offensive southern accent) Yall is full of white trash fat kids!




The boos continue until a loud flourish of music hits. The boos shift to cheers and Beautiful does his best to act as though he wasnt expecting the interruption. PLATINUM PAT NORTON - white haired, pushing sixty - enters through a set of curtains holding a microphone and a polished gold championship belt. NORTON Beautiful, how bout you do us all a favor and shut your damned mouth up! These people came here to see a show, not to be insulted by some pretty boy stooge! The crowd cheers. BEAUTIFUL Oh, Im sorry Pat. I didnt mean to wake you up from your nap. Ill be more quiet next time. If you want, maybe I could help put you back to sleep. Beautiful puts on his best bad guy smile. Nothing about any of these interactions comes off as organic, nor does really anything in the on screen world of professional wrestling.
NORTON (getting worked up) Sleep? Sleep? Who said anything about sleep? I aint tired. Im just getting started, jack! But you know what I am tired of? Im tired of you coming out here to the beautiful city of Tallahassee!

He pauses for applause. If a town demonizes a performer for ripping apart their local, they crown a performer for lauding it. NORTON And talking all this nonsense! Beautiful laughs in the middle of the ring. He walks towards the ropes and out of the ring. BEAUTIFUL Norton, if you want to talk about tired, you know what Im tired of? Ive got a laundry list of things Im tired of. Im tired of you. Im tired of people like you. Im tired (MORE) (CONTINUED)



BEAUTIFUL (contd) of all the old men in the back telling us what to do, calling shots. I dont know what kind of secret pact you all make at the AARP meetings you go to, but I am tired of it. I am tired of gasbags like you stealing the glory and the spotlight from those of us who deserve it.

He gets right up to his face and they stand nose to nose with each other. BEAUTIFUL You are the anchor that drowns this program in mediocrity when the rest of us can see the shore, and I am absolutely sick of it! He drops the microphone and the two of them look like theyre about to explode on each other. The crowd grows silent, the tension is enormous. Up towards the rafters, in a luxury box, a small group watches. TYLER HOPF - the owner of this wrestling federation smiles, proud of the product his performers are delivering. Next to him, looking much less thrilled, is ERIC LARSON bowling shoe ugly, sweaty - the head writer of the federation. And next to him, looking on with wide eyed amazement, is DAN JAMIESON - bright eyed, geeky - Larsons assistant. HOPF Jamieson, I think youre on to something here. I think we might have something. Jamieson puts his hand on the glass window of the luxury box as though he were touching, controlling the events that happen below. END OF TEASER ACT ONE CHYRON READS: ONE WEEK EARLIER


INT. BAILEY HOUSE - DAY In the early morning Beautiful wakes up and hops out of bed. Maggie is still asleep. He changes into gym shorts without waking her. He wakes Jackie up, puts her clothes on her and gets her stuff ready for school.

INT. JAMIESONS APARTMENT - SAME Jamiesons apartment isnt much bigger or cleaner than a college dorm. Hes asleep on a fold out mattress with the TV on. Groggily, he gets ready for work.

INT/EXT. BEAUTIFULS CAR - LATER He parks his car in front of the school, unbuckles Jackies seat belt. BEAUTIFUL Remember, Mommy is the one whos going to pick you up today, so remember, if she forgets, try calling the house first. Okay? JACKIE Okay, Daddy. BEAUTIFUL And if she doesnt pick up, try Daddy. It might take a while, but hell come and get you. JACKIE Okay, Daddy. BEAUTIFUL Now have a good day. And pay attention. You can play with your toys when you get home. School isnt the place for that. He kisses her on the cheek and she hops out of the car.

EXT. FCW COMPLEX - DAY A towering office building with glass windows. It overlooks the highway. At the very top of it are giant letters that read, FCW, and in slightly smaller letters, the sub heading, First Class Wrestling.


INT. FCW COMPLEX - CONTINUOUS A very tired Jamieson walks through the building carrying a briefcase and a coffee. It looks just like a regular office building, save for the wrestling memorabilia hanging from the walls. Jamieson passes a state of the art gym and sees Beautiful lifting weights in front of the mirror. Compulsively they are the first two people in every day, and also the last two out. Jamieson goes into the locker room and changes into workout clothes. He heads back out towards the gym.

INT. GYM - CONTINUOUS Jamieson hops on a treadmill and lightly jogs. Beautiful sprints nearby. Jamieson, both out of embarrassment and not wanting to be out done, cranks up the difficulty. He couldnt keep up with Beautiful if he tried. He turns off the machine. JAMIESON Beautiful, Im heading up to the writers room. You need any water or anything before I go? Maybe a muffin or something? Beautiful talks as though he isnt on the treadmill at all. His stamina is incredible.
BEAUTIFUL No carbs this early, Jamieson. But, thanks. I appreciate it.

JAMIESON Be sure not to break the machine. Jamieson heads for the exit.

9. 10 INT. FCW COMPLEX - CONTINUOUS Jamieson takes an elevator up to the third floor. He walks down a hallway and stops in front of a door that reads, "Writers Room." 11 INT. WRITERS ROOM Jamieson turns the lights on the writers room. Its full of expensive computers and leather chairs. On the furthest wall form the door is the BIG BOARD, which has an outline and map of all of the story lines they work on. At the top of the Big Board is the name of the champ, "BEASTMODE MILLER." He turns on his computer and goes onto Google. He searches, "Pro Wrestling Rumor Mill" and is greeted with a huge number of results. He sips his coffee and mindlessly browses until he comes to a halt. JAMIESON What the hell? One headline that keeps coming up has to do with Beastmode. He clicks on it and reads the story. ANGLE ON: Rumor has it that Beastmode Miller has no showed on several live events. Our sources report that the champions status within the FCW may be uncertain. Jamieson picks up the phone and dials frantically. JAMIESON Larson, youre gonna want to get here now. TIME CUT TO: About an hour later the office if fully staffed and everyone is panicking. People make calls and type memos. It is code red. Jamieson hangs up the phone and KATIE SCOONES, one of the only women on the team, goes up to him.
JAMIESON (phone to his ear) I want some good news Katie. I need some good news.

KATIE His publicist isnt returning any calls. No one knows anything. I take it his agent still hasnt gotten back to you.



JAMIESON Im not even getting voice mail. Im just hearing a God damned dial tone. He points the phone at her and we hear the frustrating tone. We see a WRESTLER peek in at the door. Jamieson sees him and slams the door in his face. JAMIESON For the last time people, keep the talent away from here! Jesus! 12 INT. TRAINING RING - DAY LEE BAILEY - Beautifuls brother, punk as fuck - and BC LARSON the smug son of Eric Larson, work with a bunch of younger wrestlers. Theyre teaching them the basics. Outside the ring, a handful of young wrestlers observe.
A young, chubby wrestler, JACK MANLEY, is hip tossed to the mat and lands hard. BC goes over to him and slaps him in the back of the head as one would do to a horse in training.

BC LARSON Manley, for the last time roll your shoulder! Youre gonna break your collar bone if you dont use your head. JACK MANLEY Sorry, BC. Ill get it next time. BC LARSON Dont sorry BC, me. Get up and do it again. I want to see you land hard on those child bearing hips or I want to see walking towards the door. BC leans over to Lee who watches from the corner turnbuckle. Theyve clearly got a good cop, bad cop situation going here. BC LARSON These God damn kids, Lee. Youd think theyd be able to take a bump properly by now.



11. LEE BAILEY They know what theyre doing. It just takes some time. Theyll grow out of it.

Manley gets back into position to be slammed again. BC LARSON When we were their age we had already worked matches all over the coast. There was no time for, Ill get it next time, BC. LEE BAILEY Lets not pretend that any of this is ever perfect. I seem to remember somebody rolling an ankle up in Rhode Island not too long ago. BC LARSON That wasnt my fault that was the damn venue. Who doesnt scrub the ring after a match? I felt like we were in God damn Albania or something. Manley takes a running start and is hip tossed once again. This time he lands a lot smoother. He gets up and Lee walks over to him, claps, and pats him on the back. LEE BAILEY Good work, Jack. Good form. Go get some water. Lee walks back over to BC. LEE BAILEY Manleys shown something these last couple months. BC LARSON Eh, hes not so great. LEE BAILEY I think hes ready to get called up. Im gonna talk to your dad and see if I can get him on the card. BC LARSON You know hes gonna shut you down. We both know my old man hates new talent, especially new talent that looks like mashed potatoes.


12. LEE BAILEY Then Ill go around him. Not like he cares who jobs to the rest of us.

Lee looks out and sees the trainees looking at their phones and talking to each other. LEE BAILEY Guys, phones away. I cant believe I have to say this. They dont respond and BC walks over to the rope nearest them and leans out at them, bending the rope, and his body, toward the floor. BC LARSON Assholes, we arent here to play Words with Friends, were here to learn to wrestle! Phones away!
Theyre still glued to their phones. BC steps under the rope and heads to the floor.

BC LARSON Give me that! What in the hell are you thinking? He takes a phone from one of the students and looks at what hes reading. He cringes as he makes his way down the content. He looks back up to the ring where both Manley and Lee look down on him. 13 INT. SITTING AREA - DAY Lee and BC sit across from each other in a pleasant waiting room area. Theyre both sweaty and in their workout clothes. White collar employees walk past them, visibly confused to see them there. BC I dont know obvious. You float around the nursery. LARSON why this wasnt could smell the shame like a ripe one in

LEE BAILEY BC, thats disgusting. (and then) Lets not jump to any conclusion. We dont know the whole story. Lets wait til Miller comes in.




BC LARSON Its the same story its always been. Man has job. Man is offered better job. Man takes job. I dont know why you need to try and justify this.
He leans forward and looks at the passing white collar workers. BC LARSON Lee, this whole thing is disgusting. From the ground up. Five years ago there wasnt a person working here that didnt do a dime in the square. Now its just glad handed yes men with their thumbs up their asses that dont know anything about the product. Were two steps away from Lloyds of London. Theres no God damn loyalty in this place.

LEE BAILEY What does that have to do with Miller leaving? BC LARSON Because people used to be proud to work here. People would take less to work more if they were doing it in the FCW. This sort of thing doesnt happen five years ago. Lee gets up and walks over to a window that overlooks the parking lot. He puts his head against it. LEE BAILEY I have a question. How do they know? How do people out there know about this before we get it in here? BC LARSON Thats the business now. Its a crappy new world where were the last to know everything. Our business is their business, and we get to wait for it to fall and crush us. He plops back down in his chair.



LEE BAILEY At least with Miller gone theres going to be room at the top. We might all be due for a push. BC LARSON My friend, I dont want to be negative here. LEE BAILEY Yes you do. BC LARSON You and I are not going to go from training piss ants how to fall the right way to staring at gold. The best case scenario is we keep our jobs and worst case is based on how this place is being run, Id be surprised if any of us have job in six months. Lee looks up at the ceiling. LEE BAILEY Lets just hope someone up there likes us. 14 INT. WRITERS ROOM The craziness has only increased. From the corner of the room a door marked "ERIC LARSON - HEAD BOOKER" opens. Larson pops his head out. LARSON Jamieson get in here. Weve got to talk. JAMIESON Mr. Larson, just give me a minute. Im trying to coordinateLarson slams the door and disappears. Jamieson heads towards the room and goes inside.

15. 15 INT. LARSONS OFFICE - CONT. Larson sits behind a of beer. The top two and he looks like he resemblance to BC is desk working his way through a bottle buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned left his cowboy hat at home. The minimal.

LARSON Close the door. He puts the bottle down and the force causes the foam to rise up. Larson puts his mouth up to it to keep it from leaking out. LARSON Jamieson, youre my assistant. Assist me! Go get a paper towel or something. Jesus. Jamieson tries to find something to clean the spill but cant and he settles and goes over to the garbage and takes out a few semi-used napkins from a plastic bag. JAMIESON Mr. Larson, dont you think its a little early to be drinking? LARSON I think youll understand in a second. Jamieson sits in a chair across the desk from Larson. Behind the desk there is a wall covered in photos of Larson wearing wrestling gear. LARSON I just got off the phone with Mr. Hopf. He said that Miller had a meeting with Mark Weatherup from World Grappling Classics.
JAMIESON Weatherup, really? (rests his head on his chin) What kind of meeting are we talking about? Like a personal meeting...

LARSON Dont get cute, Jamieson. Now is not the time for that. Larson takes another sip from his beer. He peels the wrapper off and puts it on his desk.




JAMIESON What does Weatherup want with Miller? Theyve already taken a bunch of our guys, but Miller, hes fifty years old. He has maybe a year left in him anyway. Whats he going to do, buy out his contract and get fifteen matches out of him? LARSON Its not about him having Beast. Its about us not having him. Addition by subtraction or whatever. The whole, what do you call it? You kill the head and body dies sort of thing. They seem to think hes our head. JAMIESON Is he? Larson takes a deep breath. LARSON Kid, its too early for this and Im too tired. I have to meet with Hopf and make sure that the sky doesnt fall. Im gonna need you to work on the card for tomorrow. It needs a total overhaul. We need something to show Hopf when we meet with him later. Matches, promos, everything needs to be done. JAMIESON But thats not my job. I dont have any of the booking tools or outlines or anything. LARSON Well its your job today. Just wing it. If you do a crap job they wont care because you have no expectations. (and then) And I dont want anything fancy. Lets just get this show done with. These people want wrestling, just give them wrestling. JAMIESON I understand.




LARSON I hope you do. Youre my hands. I dont want you going rogue and making my show into Dharma and Greg or whatever horse shit you did before you worked here. Comprende? This is not your rodeo. Jamieson nods. He gets up and turns to leave, but comes back. JAMIESON Before I start, I just have to ask, do we know who Beast is gonna drop the belt to? Hopfs not going to let him walk out without putting somebody over. LARSON We have a pretty good idea. 16 INT. DOCTORS OFFICE - WAITING ROOM - DAY
GABBY NORTON (23), Pats daughter, sits in a doctors office. Shes the youngest person in there by twenty years.


INT. DOCTORS OFFICE - EXAMINATION ROOM Pat sits on the examination table biting his fingernails. After a short wait, the DOCTOR comes in. Hes got three X-Rays. He hangs two of them up against a light board and turns to Pat. DOCTOR Mr. Norton, this is the back of the average sixty one year old man. Its not perfect. Theres some signs of bending, some degeneration, but mostly its healthy. Now, tell me what you see here... He points to the other picture he hung up. Its mangled, totally out of alignment. NORTON Thats my back, right? DOCTOR Yes, this is your back... four years ago. You can see a mass of (MORE)




DOCTOR (contd) degeneration along the second vertebrae and it seems as though one of your discs is permanently slipped out of place. Now...

He takes the last X-Ray and puts it on the screen. Its somehow worse than the previous one. DOCTOR This is your X-Ray from today. I could tell you what is wrong with this, but I feel like youve been here enough to know yourself. Norton looks at the car wreck he calls a spine. NORTON What does this mean? DOCTOR It means what it meant four years ago.
Norton puts his head in his hands and fights back the tears. He puts his hands through his hair. Some of it falls out.

Im sorry.


The doctor walks towards him and does his best to be sympathetic, but Norton comes unglued in front of him.


INT. WAITING ROOM Norton walks been punched him seems to to the front out of the examination room looking like hed in the gut. What little life he has left in have been drained out. Gabby gets up and walks desk to talk to a receptionist.

GABBY Daddy, are you free on the thirtieth for a follow up? Sure. NORTON

Norton looks at the other patients that are in the room. Hes going to be just like them now. Just another old person with not much left to live for. His emotions overcome him and he collapses on the floor.

19. END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO 19 INT. BAILEY HOUSE - DAY Maggie sleeps until noon. Her phone rings and wakes her. She reaches across the bed for the phone. MAGGIE Hello? (and then) Principle Davis, how can I help you? She what? Oh God. Oh God. Ill be right there. Im so sorry. Im going right now.
She hangs up the phone and throws on comfortable, slightly inappropriate appropriate clothes. She runs out the door.


INT. SCHOOL OFFICE - DAY Maggie storms into the mild mannered school office. There are a few homely women working behind computers. They acknowledge her. MAGGIE Hello, Im Maggie Bailey. Im here for Jackie. Principal Davis asked me to speak with her. A secretary points to a door behind her and Maggie goes inside.


INT. PRINCIPAL DAVIS OFFICE RINCIPLE DAVIS, a graying older woman, sits behind a desk. On the other side of the desk is Jackie, MATTHEW, a boy her age, and MATTHEWs FATHER. Matthew holds an ice pack to his face. PRINCIPAL DAVIS Please, Mrs. Bailey, have a seat. Thank you for coming. Maggie takes a seat next to her daughter. Her eyes are red and shes clearly hung over. MAGGIE So what happened, whats going on?



20. PRINCIPAL DAVIS As you can probably see, Jackie and Matthew here had a bit of a physical altercation. It seems that there were some words exchanged during a game of basketball. I spoke to Mr. Bradshaw, the gym teacher-MAGGIE Are you telling me that I got called down here because a boy picked a fight with my daughter? Is this real?
PRINCIPAL DAVIS Actually, according to Mr. Bradshaw, Jackie was the one who initiated it.

MAGGIE Wait, what? JACKIE But I-MAGGIE You dont talk now. What were you saying, Principal Davis? Jackie puts her head down. PRINCIPAL DAVIS I brought you in to tell you that Jackie is going down a very serious slope. This is her third demerit in two months. If this behavior continues, were going to have to take more serious action. MAGGIE Oh my gosh. Im so embarrassed. I promise itll never happen again. PRINCIPAL DAVIS I understand Mrs. Bailey. I know about Jackies grandfather and I understand that losing someone close to you can be hard, but violence is not acceptable. Do you have any idea where she might be learning such behavior? Maggie looks like a dear in headlights.



MAGGIE I literally have no idea at all. PRINCIPAL DAVIS That being said. Im going to have to excuse Jackie from class for the rest of the day. I expect her back here tomorrow, ready to learn and with a better attitude. Ill have her teacher send over the classwork that she missed. Jackie, do you understand?
She looks down at the floor. Maggie is angry, but also is confused at her daughters outburst. Jackie looks at that picture of a poster that reads, "hang in there kid."


EXT. NORTONS HOME - DAY Nortons home is large and charming, not unlike himself. Its bigger than Beautifuls, a sign that hes been at this forever.


INT. NORTONS HOME - BEDROOM Norton wakes up in his bed. All over the bedroom are pictures of Norton and a much younger man. He looks outside his giant windows and sees Tyler Hopf standing in his backyard. He holds his back and swings out of bed.



The main event in Nortons backyard is a giant in ground pool. Its dark blue like the Pacific Ocean. He and Hopf walk around the pool as though it were a track.

HOPF Youve got yourself a real pretty piece of water here, Pat. Im a little jealous. NORTON I hope so. You know how expensive it is to get a salt water pool built in suburban Pennsylvania, Tyler? HOPF I think I have an idea.




Hopf takes out a cigarette and puts it in his mouth. He doesnt even bother offering one to Pat. HOPF Im gonna be straight with you because I dont have time to be clever. I got off the phone with Miller and his representation two hours ago. Hes out. Hes going to be the new main attraction of Mark Weatherups World Grappling Championships. What? NORTON

HOPF His first scheduled appearance for them is on Thursday. Its done. I dont want to talk any more about this. NORTON Tyler I dont understand. Is he unhappy? Is that whys he leaving? HOPF Hes leaving for the same reason everyone else leaves. Why everyone else left. Money, lower work rate, less travel. He wants to spend his twilight years in luxury. I suppose I cant blame him. He ashes his cigarette in a potted plant. NORTON Im sorry, Tyler. I wish there was something I can do to help. HOPF There is. Pat, I know that youve got a foot out the door, but Miller wants you to be his executioner. He wants to put you over. He wants it to be you. NORTON Are you serious?




HOPF He flat out said no to everyone else. Norton looks out on the water. NORTON I just got back from the doctor... HOPF I know whats going on. Your daughter told me. But, Id say we only need two matches out of you. The match tomorrow where Miller puts you over and one where you put someone else over. It can be your choice. Then you could be done. Im asking you as a friend Pat. Please help me. Be my champion one last time. Norton looks out on the beautiful backyard that this profession, this company, and this man bought for him over the years. NORTON Just let me get some things. He heads back into the house. 25 INT. FCW COMPLEX - PROMO ROOM - DAY Its a small room, decorated minimally. An FCW logo hangs from the wall. A young CAMERAMAN points a camera at Norton while Katie, holding a clip board, gives instructions. KATIE Alright, one more time. Youve got this. Jeremy get in position. Mr. Norton, when youre ready. NORTON Honey, call me Pat. KATIE Okay, Pat. When youre ready. JEREMY (25), a smaller man wearing a hum-drum, reddish suit, walks over to Norton. He holds a microphone. Pat lowers his head, getting into character.




JEREMY Im here backstage with Platinum Pat Norton. Pat, what do you think your chances are against Martin Miller? Do you think you should be worried? NORTON Worried? You think I should be worried! He rips a pair of sunglasses glasses off his head and moves closer to the camera. NORTON Ill tell you who should be worried. That son of a bitch "Beastmode Martin Miller." Ill tell you something son, Ive been here a long time, and all Ive ever heard about is Beastmode this, and Beastmode that. Guy comes up so much you should be calling him yeast mode. JEREMY Im sorry, I just thought the fans at home would be interested in your thoughts. Some of them think you might be too scared to wres-Norton gets right up in his face. NORTON The only thing Im scared of is that used tampon you call a suit getting menstrual blood all over me! Katie grimaces. NORTON Now you get this straight. Ive waited a long time to get my hands on Miller, and I will be God damn God damned if you think for a second Im scared of that bozo. Katie shakes her head disapprovingly. Norton sizes Jeremy up.



25. NORTON Am I scared? Who do you think you are asking me a question like that? Look at me and look at you. Look at these pants. 100% white silk. Versace. All Versace. Versace everything. Versace shirt, Versace socks, Versace cell phone case, Versace-

Katie walks into frame.

KATIE (interrupting) Enough. Cut. Cut.

Norton puts his head into his hands, wipes his brow. NORTON Come on Katie. I was in it! KATIE Jeremy, take five. Pat, lets talk about this. Jeremy walks out of the promo booth. NORTON Was it the Versace thing? KATIE No that was fine, it was whatever. But God man, Larson would kill me if I let a promo on the air that uses the terms, and I quote, "used tampon" and "menstrual blood." NORTON Come on Katie I was just having fun, just trying to get back into rhythm. This is harder than it looks. Katie gives Norton an impatient look. She might be half his age, but she definitely knows how to command a room. KATIE Jeremy, get back in here. Norton, for Gods sake, keep this thing PG-13. Norton puts his sunglasses on and gets back into character. Jeremy puts the mic back up to Nortons mouth as he begins to run it again.




INT. BAILEY HOUSE - DAY Maggie sits in the living room drinking a glass of red wine. Her daughters crying can be heard all around the room. She tries to tune it out, but is unable. She relents and walks to her room. Maggie opens the door without knocking. Jackie is face down on her bed balling her eyes out. Maggie looks more frustrated than moved. MAGGIE Do you have anything to say to make this better, or should you punch me until youre out of trouble? JACKIE (muffled in the pillow) Its not fair! MAGGIE Whats that? JACKIE Its not fair! He wouldnt pass me the ball. Its not fair! MAGGIE What are you talking about, Jack? JACKIE I was standing underneath the hoop and he wouldnt pass me the ball. I kept yelling pass it. And he wouldnt do it. We were losing and he wouldnt pass it. We were losing! Why am I in trouble! She cries harder into the pillow. Maggie sits on her bed, strokes her hair. MAGGIE Sometimes things arent fair. JACKIE But I did everything right! I did what Mr. Bradshaw told me and he still wouldnt pass me the ball.



27. MAGGIE Honey, theres a lot of times when youre not going to get the ball passed to you. Thats a lot of life. People are selfish. You just need to be ready in case someone who gets the ball drops it. Then maybe you can run with it and score a goal. JACKIE Thats not how basketball works!

She strokes her daughters hair and leaves the room. 27 INT. WRITERS ROOM Jamieson sits at his desk trying to come up with what the card for the next day will be. The door opens and a very young employee wipes the name "Beastmode" off the big board and in its place writes Nortons. Frustrated, Katie comes in and plops down next to him. JAMIESON Howd it go with the incumbent? KATIE Thats what were calling it now? JAMIESON Thats what Im calling it now.
She notices a half-full cup of coffee on Jamiesons desk. She gestures, asking if she can have some. He nods.

KATIE How much cream do you put in this? JAMIESON Enough to make it taste good. KATIE You drink coffee like a pussy. She walks over to another part of the room to confer with colleagues. BC Larson, now dressed in street clothes, walks into the writers room. He spots Jamieson and heads over to his desk.




BC LARSON Hey, is my dad in? JAMIESON Hes talking to Hopf somewhere. Hell be back in an hour or something. Why, you want me to take a message? BC looks at the pandemonium in the office. BC LARSON Good to see this place is taking the news lightly. Whatre you working on Jamieson? A list of ways to kill yourself? JAMIESON Your dads got me writing the card for tomorrow. A full overhaul. So pretty much yeah. BC LARSON Shouldnt he be working on it himself? JAMIESON (poorly masked frustration) I dont think so. Hes just the head booker is all. Pretty sure its not his responsibility to write the show or nothing. BC LARSON Whatever, Im sure youll kill it. JAMIESON Yeah, and if I do that your dad will take all the credit. I might as well quit now. BC looks at his fathers door. Its wide open. He sees the mess inside. BC LARSON Ive got to head back to the training ring. You want to take a walk? JAMIESON Nope. Not particularly. BC gives him a look and he gets up anyway. He takes the papers hes been working on.



INT. FCW COMPLEX - CONT. They walk and talk down the hall, passing pictures and relics. JAMIESON So what do you want BC? I know you didnt come into the writers room to look at how pretty we all are. BC LARSON Dont sell yourselves short. I just wanted to know if you guys had any idea on whos getting the belt from Miller. JAMIESON Whys that? BC LARSON Just putting out feelers. All the boys in the locker room are sitting like monkeys in the dark. Were just throwing crap at each other hoping something will stick.
JAMIESON Thats a filthy metaphor. (and then) Well you can stop doing whatever the hell that means. Platinum Pat just shot a spot with Katie downstairs. Hes going to go over tomorrow in Pittsburgh and well go on from there.

BC LARSON Pat? Really? I havent seen him around here in months. JAMIESON Well hes here now. At least for a little while. BC LARSON There isnt somebody on the roster that isnt a stalactite that deserves it? JAMIESON Hopf and your dad want the belt on someone they can trust. With the rug pulled out from under us (MORE) (CONTINUED)


30. JAMIESON (contd) theres not a whole lot of choices. Its better to have a constant in a situation like this, we have to keep solid footing. BC LARSON Do you think that or do they?

They stop in front of a room that looks like a movie theater. We can hear the sound of a wrestling match going on inside. BC LARSON Jamie, weve got a whole locker room full of guys that are ready to take the jump. Any one of us can run with it. I dont see the point in bringing Norton out for a slow dance when weve been jiving for months. This is literally the time to shake things up. Upset the status quo. JAMIESON I agree with you, but its not up to me. Jamieson raises his eyebrow. JAMIESON Are you telling me that you think you should be our next champion over Pat Norton? BC LARSON Im not saying that. Jamieson puts his hand on the theater door and opens it a crack. JAMIESON BC, I love you. Youre my guy. Youre good. But youd get eaten alive. Jamieson! BC LARSON

JAMIESON Ill see if I can get you a higher spot on the card, but having to follow Miller and Norton, thats out of the question.



BC LARSON I put in the time. I put asses in seats. If not me then who? Jamieson sadly stares his friend in the face. JAMIESON Sorry BC, its just business. Jamieson looks into the theater. JAMIESON Well talk about this another time. Im sure Lees waiting for you in the ring. Jamieson goes into the theater. Petulant, BC stomps off. 29 INT. FILM ROOM - CONT. All this theater plays are old wrestling matches, for most its a dark room to turn ones brain off and take naps. Jamieson walks into the theater and spots Beautiful sitting off to the side. This is where he comes to think. On the screen is an old black and white match. It is clear that one of the wrestlers is Beautifuls father, Jack Bailey. Jamieson takes a seat near to Beautiful. JAMIESON This the match in the Garden? Beautiful shakes his head. BEAUTIFUL The Coliseum. They face forward and watch the match play out. Theres a real sadness in the air. 30 INT. TRAINING RING - DAY When BC enters the training gym we see Lee giving pointers to Jack Manley. The sight of this enrages BC and he slides into the ring. BC LARSON Decided to start without me?




LEE BAILEY Yeah, its a quarter to. We didnt think youd mind. Just doing backdrops. BC hops onto one of the turnbuckles and sits.
LEE BAILEY (to the students) So youre going to want to land with as much of the weight going to your ass to soften the blow. Like this. Ready, Jack?

He backdrops Jack and they both pop back up completely unscathed. LEE BAILEY Good work, Jack. Okay, so who caught Jack transferring some of the weight to me? This is a two way dance. You want to make sure your partner is as safe as you are through all this. BC stares bullets into Manley who does his best to ignore them completely. BC interrupts Lees lesson and puts his hand on Jacks shoulder. BC LARSON Jack, lets run it again. LEE BAILEY Were moving on BC, we have other things to go over. BC LARSON If you can take the bump once you can take it again. Its alright with you, right Mr. Manley? Lee looks at him suspiciously, but floor to him. BC slams Jack on his up. Before he can get his balance, again, and again. He does it until then relinquishes the back, hard. Jack gets Lee does it again, and Lee pushes him away.

LEE BAILEY What are you doing, BC! Cut that shit out!
BC flips through the ropes and heads to the door. The students track their disgruntled teacher as he walks out.




BC LARSON You see that fellas! Thats rasslin! You do the hard part until you cant do it anymore and when you try to get up they make you do it again! Thats the business! LEE BAILEY BC, what the hell are you doing? Get back here. BC LARSON Screw you, Lee! He bursts through the door leaving everyone stunned. Lee gives Jack a hand and helps him up. For a fake sport, the pain can be very real. LEE BAILEY Everybody take a break! Jack, come with me.


INT. LOCKER ROOM - CONT. Jack sits on a wooden bench. Lee comes over with ice and hands it to his student. Hes still visibly frustrated. He takes a seat next to him. LEE BAILEY Jack, Im really sorry about that. I dont know what got into him. With Beast leaving, everyones just really on edge. JACK MANLEY Its okay. LEE BAILEY No its not okay. If you want to work with us you have to trust us. Stuff like that cant happen. Like I said, in this business youre nothing without your partner. He rubs his head, coughs. Theres a mirror across the room that he looks into. LEE BAILEY In two days were going to be in Pittsburgh, the week after that Tallahassee. Im gonna see if we (MORE)




LEE BAILEY cant get you on one of those cards. JACK MANLEY Lee, you dont have to do that. LEE BAILEY Its not going to be a long match. Youll be the kickoff match or a dark match or something and youll job like a wimp, but itll be something. A loss isnt a glamorous way to start a career, but it is something. Its how almost all of us start. You just need to get on the board. JACK MANLEY Youre not saying this because of what just happened are you? Not because of BC? Lee stands up. LEE BAILEY I dont know what got into BC, but you all need to know that this is still a business based on merit. Jack, youre the best guy weve got out there. Youre as ready as youre going to be. He puts his hand on his shoulder. LEE BAILEY Dont let anybody tell you that doing the right thing doesnt pay. Keep your head down and bust your ass and good things will happen. He walks out of the locker room, leaving Jack alone. Jack looks in the mirror and at the realization of the news begins quivering with happiness. END OF ACT TWO

35. ACT THREE 32 INT. FCW COMPLEX - DAY Larson and Jamieson walk down the hallway headed toward the elevator bank. Jamieson hands Larson a folder. JAMIESON This has all the guys you wanted. I put in some others just to be safe. LARSON Thanks for that, Jamieson. Now just let me and Hopf talk. Take notes or whatever the hell you want, draw a pretty picture, but let Hopf and I work this out. Larson pushes the button and they wait for the elevator. JAMIESON BC came to talk to me earlier. He wanted to know if there was any way he could move up higher in the card. LARSON Hes not in this folder is he? Jamieson shakes his head. LARSON Jamieson, my son will get a push when hes ready to get a push. I dont want you doing any favors for him. Im not going to have people around here thinking I did him any favors. Leave that nepotism shit at the door. The elevator opens and they step inside. LARSON You know what, just to be safe, for the next hour, do your best to pretend that youre a woman. Be seen, not heard. The elevator doors shut.



INT. BATHROOM - DAY Beautiful walks into a state of the art bathroom. Norton stands in front of a urinal struggling to pee. Beautiful walks up next to him and lets it flow. They both face forward. NORTON Here comes Beautiful to rub his youthful prostate into my face. Beautiful unzips his fly. BEAUTIFUL I wasnt expecting to see you here Pat. NORTON Please be quiet. I need to concentrate. (and then) Heed these words. Take care of your dick. Cherish it. Because one day it will be gone and it will never come back. I feel like Im trying to pee out of a paper bag here. A trickling of pee can be heard coming from Nortons urinal and he exhales with relief. BEAUTIFUL Word made its way around. Congratulations, Pat. Im glad its going to be you. NORTON Dont ruin this for me. You dont understand how hard this is. Please give me a few seconds to enjoy my life before we talk business. They both finish up and walk over to the sink. Only Beautiful washes his hands. Norton fixes his hair in the mirror, something he does often. BEAUTIFUL So are you just not going to wash up?



37. NORTON Now why would I go and do something stupid like that? BEAUTIFUL Because I dont know. Health reasons. This place is filthy. NORTON This place is filthy, but my dick sure as hell aint. I dont know about you, but I dont walk around rubbing it on everything. My dick is the cleanest thing in the building. Its probably cleaner than that soap youre using.

Beautiful laughs, finishes up, and dries his hands. They walk to the door. NORTON You hungry? I was gonna see if everything around here still tasted like clay. BEAUTIFUL I could eat. 34 INT. MESS HALL - CONT. Norton and Beautiful walk into a crowded cafeteria. It looks sort of like a low end buffet. As Beautiful and Norton make it further into the room, the crowd notices, stands up, and lightly applauds Norton. For some reason it felt like a bigger reaction was due. NORTON Nothing to see here, fellas! Nothing to see! Enjoy your hot pockets while theyre still cold. The crowd laughs and goes back to their food. Norton and Beautiful get on the buffet line. BEAUTIFUL Sort of lukewarm reaction, dont you think? NORTON When youve been at the dance for as long as I have you shouldnt expect for the girls to curtsy.



They slide down the eating station picking up food and putting it into their trays. Beautiful eats a roll as he selects other food. NORTON Theyre probably all a little salty that it isnt one of them. I cant say that I disagree. I know Id be pissed if a part timer just dropped by to take the belt. BEAUTIFUL Whatever, its good for the company. NORTON Beautiful, you cut that "good for the company" shit out. I know its got you this far, but start worrying about your own product for a change. They get off of the line and take a seat at a booth. We see BC sitting at a table across the way, watches them eat. He has rage in his eye. He eaves drops. BEAUTIFUL So how long have you known? NORTON Probably a little less time than you all have. Hopf showed up at my house earlier today. He just said we need your help and I said sure thing. BEAUTIFUL You should be very proud of yourself, man. Congratulations. You earned it. NORTON Maybe ten years ago. Im just playing lame duck for a while. They cant wait to find the next guy. BC listens to the whole conversation. Norton picks at his food, removing small chunks. NORTON I hate celery.



INT. HOPFS OFFICE - SAME A beautiful wooden door with the words, "TYLER HOPF President/Chief Executive Officer." The office is beautiful, with golden belts hanging on the walls like platinum records. Larson and Jamieson plug away with Hopf. Jamieson is completely ignored. LARSON If we give Oatmeal a match near the nine spot thatll open up the end of the card. That can make room for Beast and Norton. HOPF Itll also make room for a lot of people to change the channel. No thanks. Just stick Oatmeal with Lee. Hopf rubs his eyes. HOPF I dont care about this. Lets address the real issue. Weve got two matches from Norton. Thats it. We need to figure out whos working the rest of these. Jamieson takes out a bunch of pictures from a folder that hes been holding, passes them to Larson, who passes them to Hopf. Theyre head shots of wrestlers with information on them. HOPF So this is who we pair up with Norton? LARSON I thought of a couple names. I didnt want to go any further without consulting you about this. Jamieson rolls his eyes. This sort of thing happens often. Larson slides a picture of a man with long black hair onto the table. Next to the picture reads the name, "GLEN CORONA."




LARSON Hes worked a program with Norton before. It was good. Itd work again. At least in the short term. HOPF Were not doing short term anymore, Larson. Corona is short term. Norton is short term. We want long term. Long term programs. Long term matches. Larson looks a bit overwhelmed by that statement. Jamieson taps his foot. Larson notices and turns to him. LARSON Jamieson, you mind going down to the mess hall and getting me some coffee? You want anything Mr. Hopf? Jamieson looks to Hopf for some sort of sign that its not necessary, but Hopf doesnt acknowledge him. He wants to get back to work. Jamieson leaves the room and his superiors get back to it. 36 INT. MESS HALL - CONT. Lee walks into the mess hall and spots BC at a table shooting the shit with some of the other wrestlers. He charges up to the table. BC is in the middle of drinking a can of soda when Lee slaps it out of his hand. Jamieson watches this unfold from the coffee machine. The coffee drips down into the cup. BC LARSON I was drinking that. LEE BAILEY Get up. Were going to see Hopf. Your bullshit is inexcusable. BC gets up and stands nose to nose with Lee. BC LARSON Bailey, I am not in the mood for this. Turn around and leave. Lee doesnt back down. The mess hall filters to the clash and people prepare to separate them should blow come to blow. Norton and Beautiful lead the pack.




BC LARSON I want you to answer this for me. How are you so okay with all of this? Weve been here for years. Why are we training jobbers and working the mid-card. He spies Norton out of the corner of his eye. BC LARSON Im sick that when this company is in trouble they turn to a God damn fossil for help instead of any one of us. Why in the hell do they even have us on staff if they turn to a damn snakeskin wallet when things get rough. LEE BAILEY Dont bring Pat into this. BC LARSON Its impossible not to bring him into this when hes here. Because he shouldnt be. He shouldnt pretend that hes one of us when hes clearly not. Norton goes up to BC. NORTON I understand what youre feeling, really, but none of this was up to me. Hopf came to me. If it were up to me this situation wouldnt be happening. It would be one of you. BC pushes him. BC LARSON And thats the problem! This doesnt mean anything to you! This is just doing a job to you. "Oh no, I need to show up for a month and win the championship, poor me." Thats the problem with all this! Anyone here in this room would do anything to have the opportunity you have and you think of it like a burden.




BEAUTIFUL This is a job, Lee. BC LARSON No, being a CPA is a job, being a carpenter is a job, sucking dick is a job, what this is our life. BC walks towards Pat menacingly and gets right in his face. The difference of these two couldnt be more, both emotionally and physically. BC LARSON No one wants you here, Pat. Go home. Go anywhere. Go die. Youre an expired slab of meet that expired and everyone is too disgusted to throw it in the trash. Beautiful open palmed slaps BC in the face. The mess hall goes silent. Beautiful pushes Larson up to a wall. Amazingly, no one intervenes. Beautiful carries that kind of clout with him. BEAUTIFUL You sound like a God damn child. BC LARSON Let go of me. BEAUTIFUL I dont care who you seem to think you are. You dont talk to Pat that way. Whatever the reason, hes here to help. So shut the hell up and let him help.
He lets go of BC, but BC charges back at him. Beautiful, having some age on him, pushes him back up against the wall.

BEAUTIFUL You know, youre right BC. This isnt just a job. This is our life. That though, does not give you the right to act like a little shit. We all know how this works because we all live it. If you thought more about your matches and less about your pitiful naval gazing maybe (MORE) (CONTINUED)



BEAUTIFUL (contd) management would let you out of the mid card. BC LARSON (being pushed against the wall) Youre one to talk. How long have you been here? How many shots have you gotten? How has management responded to your generosity? Youre no better off than the last guy on the ladder. Beautiful contemplates socking him, but releases him. BC LARSON (drained) Fuck you, Beautiful. I dont get how you cant see it. If you cant make it out of this, then what kind of hope do we have? BC with a small sliver of self-respect remaining, walks out of the mess hall. Jamieson sees that the coffee has been pouring this whole time and has gathered in a puddle on the floor. END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR 37 INT. HOPFS OFFICE - DAY Jamieson comes back just as Larson slides over a picture of GREG VALENTINE (34) an older wrestler built in the prototypical mold. Jamieson gives his boss the coffee and sits down, more impatient and anxious than ever. LARSON What about Valentine? Hes been getting over pretty well in his feud with Horace. HOPF Unless you forgot, Norton is a heel, Valentines a heel. Bad guys dont wrestle each other for the belt. We need someone thats a face, someone that the people can get behind. At the sound of Hopfs reaction, Jamieson coughs. Hopf turns to him, thinking that he wants his attention.


44. HOPF Larson, I think your assistant wants to say something. JAMIESON I was just clearing my throat. HOPF Youve got to have something. Even if you dont, pretend you were in Larsons seat. What do you do? Whats your first order of business? NORTON Mr. Hopf, in all due respect, just leave him be. He doesnt know how the business works, yet. He doesnt know how wrestlers think. What they need.

Jamieson bites his lip and then reaches for the folder on the desk. Norton allows his assistant to speak, but he obviously doesnt like it. Jamieson flips through the pictures in the folder. He speaks with knowledge, but also with resistance. This is a fragile conversation. JAMIESON First off, Norton is not a heel. Its antiquated. He gets a bigger pop when coming out than just about anybody. We need to book Norton like a face. If this is his farewell tour, we dont want the building to rain boos. We want the celebration were not going to get to give Miller. Theyre both surprised at the answer and the fact that it was given itself. Neither of them really thought he would show much courage. JAMIESON Also, I think it isnt worth considering anyone who has had the belt in the last few years. Beast and Norton have both had it multiple times, so we need to try someone new.
Jamieson goes through the folder, but doesnt see the picture hes looking for. He drops it down on the desk.



JAMIESON This could be coming from left field, but I have a name I want to throw into the ring. Larson gives Hopf a look of bewilderment. Where is all of this coming from? JAMIESON I was thinking about Peter B. Beautiful. Larson laughs, upsetting Jamieson. LARSON Beautiful! Youve got to be kidding, son. I didnt think he was even in the folder. JAMIESON Maybe if you made the folder you would know he was in there. He stops laughing. In what has amount to one move, the deterioration of this partnership kicks into effect. Realizing it, Jamieson turns to Hopf. JAMIESON Beautiful is everything you want in a champion. Hes loyal, he puts on great matches, and youll never have to worry about him. Hes a true worker. He might not be a name like Miller, but that doesnt mean we cant make him into one. HOPF I dont know, Jamieson. I like that youre approaching this from someplace fresh, but theres got to be someone better. If it were going to have happened for Beautiful it would have already happened. LARSON Exactly! Thats what I was trying to say! What tact this conversation had in it is tossed out the window.



JAMIESON No, not exactly! The only reason why Beautiful hasnt made it yet is because you havent let him! Downstairs we just had a damn near riot because no one has any faith that you know what youre doing. LARSON Watch yourself, Jamieson. JAMIESON And I cant blame them. You both seem to think that people give a shit that Miller is leaving, well they dont. People give a shit because theres a spot opening up at the top and you dont plan on promoting anybody. HOPF Jamieson, I dont know where this is coming from. You know that were in the business of building stars. JAMIESON Then build a star already! There are fifty guys down there that are hungry and talented and have no faith in you to do the right thing. You know why Millers leaving? Thats why Millers leaving... because you built a company thats all head and no body. Larson shakes with anger. Larson though, is receptive to the criticism. LARSON I dont understand what this has to do with Peter B. Beautiful. JAMIESON Mr. Hopf, Im the second person here every day. When I walk down these halls I turn on lights and tuck in chairs. I know this place. You know who the only person is thats here before me? You know who the last one out the door is?



Larson stands up and knocks his chair over. He stands above Jamieson. Enough is enough. Hes red faced and sweating after hearing this. LARSON Mr. Hopf can we get him out of here? I dont know whats gotten into you Jamieson, but weve tried this before and it hasnt worked. Youre wasting our time. Theres no selling point, theres no draw. Theres nothing that would make anyone want to cheer for Beautiful. He is who he is. JAMIESON Youre thinking with your nut sack instead of thinking with your balls. Youre seeing the forest for the trees here. LARSON What? What does that mean? HOPF It means were not thinking big picture. Go on, Jamieson. What are you talking about? JAMIESON Beyond the locker room loving Beautiful we have the opportunity to do something thats never been done before. We have the ability to make this company all body, to make this real again. We have the ability to make wrestling real. Jamieson walks over to Hopfs wall and takes down a picture of Beautifuls father. It shows Jack Bailey, young and handsome, with the championship belt. JAMIESON Since Jack Bailey died in October, theres been a lot of sympathy for Beautiful. There isnt a wrestling fan in the world who didnt love him. This is what we use. We use Beautifuls real life to make him a sympathetic face.




LARSON Sympathetic face? What in the hell are you talking about? Peter B. Beautiful is one of the slimiest heels we have. We cant have him work as a face. Itll hemorrhage. He doesnt even know how to work face. Wed have to completely repackage him. JAMIESON Im not talking about Peter B. Beautiful. Im talking about Pete Bailey. People will want to cheer for Pete Bailey the man, not the wrestler. People know who Pete is. They know who his brother is. They know that Pete doesnt go home and taunt his family like theyre the crowd. They know he works hard. Regardless of how stupid fans can be, they know theres a real man in there and they know that hes hurting in a very real way. Hopf leans back in his chair. HOPF So are you saying we turn Beautiful into a face? JAMIESON Im saying we dont have to. Beautiful can still do his heel routine, but hell still get cheered, because theyre cheering for the man, not the character. He could work a program with anyone for as long as needed. If youre talking long term, Beautiful is as long term as they come. He can be booked as a real person playing a character, which is exactly who he is. Itd be real to the fans because it is real. Hopf grabs the picture of Beautiful off the table and looks at it. He then looks at the picture of Jack Bailey. It starts to click in his head. LARSON Mr. Hopf you cant be seriously considering any of this. This is wrestling, this isnt television. (MORE) (CONTINUED)


LARSON (contd) People want to boo the heels and cheer the faces. Thats the heart of this.

JAMIESON Whos to say they cant enjoy doing both? Mr. Hopf, I know this sounds out there, but youve got to trust me on this. Beautiful is your guy. I feel it. Its real. Hopf leans back in his chair, thinks. HOPF Can I get a few minutes? Both Larson and Jamieson look at each other and walk out. Jamieson brings the folder with him. 38 INT. FCW COMPLEX - CONTINUOUS The door closes and Larson stares daggers into Jamieson. Larson, knowing that hes been bested, does the only thing he can muster. He swats the folder out of Jamiesons hand, sending papers flying everywhere. LARSON Pick that shit up. Larson storms off. Jamieson bends down and with a smile, collects the pictures. 39 INT. SAUNA - DAY Connected to the gym is a compact wooden sauna. Beautiful and Norton sit inside of it sweating out the remains of the day. Norton looks at himself in a mirror. NORTON Beautiful, when did I become man boobs? Beautiful leans his head back and doesnt answer. Hes unhappy with what has occurred today. NORTON I wanted to thank you...for whatever that was in there. You didnt have to do it and I appreciate it. Beautiful doesnt answer. Norton walks over to the thermometer.



NORTON You mind if I make it hotter in here? BEAUTIFUL Be my guest. Norton increases the temperature and steam fills the room. Norton leans towards Beautiful. NORTON Can I ask you something? That crap that BC was spouting, was it true? Did he have a point? A beat. NORTON Youve got to know that I didnt come here to steal the spotlight. Im just here to help out the company. Its a favor. It has nothing to do with me. Norton leans back against the wooden bench. BEAUTIFUL I know, Pat. Norton gets up and walks around the room. NORTON Its funny you know? It doesnt feel like it was that long ago when I was in your position. Fighting for a spot on the card, driving to Nebraska and Ohio and who the hell knows where. Sometimes it feels like Im still there. Like Im still fighting for something. (and then) Hey, do you want to hear something funny? Sure. BEAUTIFUL

NORTON So when I first got here in the 80s, Hopf wanted me to see about getting your dad a job. He had just left some promotion down South and wasnt under contract.



He sits back down. NORTON So I get to your house and your mom lets me in and there was this sound. This thumping sound. Very loud. Aggressive. I walked around every square of that house and couldnt find it. Couldnt find your father. But the noise didnt stop. It was like a heart beating under the floor boards. Like that story. Beautiful smiles, knowing where this is going. Norton imitates feet with his index and middle finger. NORTON So I walk down the stairs, and the first thing I see are your father and some other guy taking bumps in that janky ring your dad built. Just backdrops. Body slams. Side slams. Bump after bump after bump. Norton slams his fist into his hand. NORTON And when he was done, I went over to him and said, "Jack, arent you tired" and your father looked at me and just said, "Yes." That was it. He didnt complain, he didnt lie. Yes. When he worked here we did six shows a week and two on Sunday and when asked if he was tired, hed say the same thing. Yes. Theres no shame in being tired, Beautiful. Sometimes being tired if what you need to be alive. The steam overtakes the room. 40 INT/EXT. FCW COMPLEX - NIGHT The talent and employees leave the complex, calling it a night. Cars filter out of the parking lot and pour out into the street.



INT. FCW COMPLEX - LATER Beautiful, now in street clothes, walks the dark hallways towards the exit. As usual, hes the last one out the door. As he reaches the exit we see that Jamieson has been waiting for him. JAMIESON You heading out too? Beautiful nods. Jamieson takes out his cellphone. JAMIESON Do you mind doing me a quick favor? Ive got to make a call. Could you go to the writers room and get something for me. Id appreciate it big time. Jamieson flips him a set of keys. BEAUTIFUL What am I looking for? JAMIESON When you see it youll know. Jamieson watches him disappear down the hallway. He smiles to himself and puts the phone away. He leaves.



Beautiful opens the writers room door and its quiet and black save for a single light shining above the big board. Beautiful goes to turn on the other lights, but stops when the big board catches his eye. It stops him in his tracks.


INT. BAILEY HOUSE - NIGHT Maggie sits at the dinner table having yet another drink. Jackie, too tired to cry, naps on the couch. Beautiful walks in and catches Maggies attention. She begins to speak but he drops down to the floor, puts his hand into her stomach, and cries. END OF ACT FOUR



INT. PITTSBURGH ARENA - LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT CHYRON READS: Peterson Events Center, Pittsburgh The Next Night Beautiful is in a mostly empty locker room with only a few other guys. Theyre either suiting up or stretching. Hes in his ring gear; s a pair of blue trunks and white boots. Its a classic look for a classic type of performer. He tapes up his hands as is his tradition. The door on the other side of the room opens and Lee walks through with OATMEAL DAVIS, a gigantic black wrestler with braids who was talked about before. Theyre both greased up and tired. Theyve just finished a match. LEE BAILEY It was a pleasure. OATMEAL DAVIS Please, it was all mine. He pats him on the back. OATMEAL DAVIS Im gonna take a shower. You want to grab a beer before we head out to Florida? LEE BAILEY You know I dont drink. OATMEAL DAVIS Suit yourself. Oatmeal heads for the door but stops in front of Beautiful. OATMEAL DAVIS Congratulations, man. He leaves the two brothers alone. Lee sits on the bench next to Beautiful. BEAUTIFUL Howd the match go? Lee doesnt answer. He smiles and wraps his arms around his brother and hugs him tightly. Beautiful hugs back.



INT. HALLWAY Beautiful heads out of the locker room and into a densely populated hallway. There we see all sorts of wrestlers getting prepped for matches, crew members working on their trades, people talking, people eating. They all stop what theyre doing and clap. He soaks it in. He heads towards a giant curtain at the end of the hallway and walks through it.


INT. GORILLA POSITION Through the curtains is the mouth of the arena. Larson, Katie and a few other technicians stare at small monitors. Jack Manley, with no hope of victory, smiles full. BEAUTIFUL Hey, good luck out there. JACK MANLEY Thanks. Manley smiles at him, leans in. JACK MANLEY This is a dream come true. Im glad you could be my first. BEAUTIFUL Dont say that again. JACK MANLEY I wont have to. Jacks music hits and he walks out of the curtain. BEAUTIFUL How much time do we have? LARSON Ill give you five thirty. Just be sure to drop the elbow before five so we can cut to commercial. Can do. BEAUTIFUL

Beautiful cracks his neck, starts jumping to circulate the blood through his body. On the screen we see Jack settle into his position in the ring. Its time for Beautiful to shine.



Larson gives him the thumbs up and his music hits. Its slow, its building. Beautiful waits for the right time. The beat comes to a head and he walks through the curtain. We cant see them, but we can hear that the crowd is booing their ass off. 47 A SERIES OF SHOTS -- The guys in the back are watching Beautifuls performance on a television hanging on the wall. -- Hopf watches from a gigantic television across from his desk. -- Jamieson watches the match from his couch. -- BC Larson, in an arena bathroom, shoots something foul in his blood stream.
-- Unexcited, Larson watches from the monitors in front of him. Next to him Katie coordinates the camera movement.

KATIE Camera two. Camera one. Camera two. Camera two hold. Hold for the finish. She puts his hand over the headset, leans in to the worker nearest to her. KATIE Hes gonna look good in gold. Good choice. -- Maggie nurses a glass of wine, watches. Beautiful has Jack on the mat and has climbed to the top of the turnbuckle. Beautiful puts both hands up, pointing to the heavens. He then points to the screen. -- Beautiful jumps off the turnbuckle and drops the elbow down with a fury. -- Rapidly cut between shots of the wrestlers in the back, Maggie and Jackie, Hopf, and Jamieson, reacting to the elbow. -- The fans going absolutely bonkers for the whole thing.



INT. GORILLA POSITION - CONT. Beautiful walks back in through the curtains, sweaty and victorious. KATIE Camera three. Okay hold. Cut to commercial. She takes off her headset. KATIE You make my life easy. Beautiful goes over to Larson and shakes his hand. Larson, almost begrudgingly, takes it. Beautiful smiles and heads out of the Gorilla position and into the hall.


INT. HALLWAY - CONT. As Beautiful makes his way down the hall, Norton comes out wearing an amazingly bright white robe. He stops walking right in front of Beautiful. He pretends to try and get passed him. NORTON Please dont touch the silk. BEAUTIFUL You and I both know thats made of bed sheets. NORTON Maybe your mothers. They hug. This is big for both of them. BEAUTIFUL Try not to get hurt out there. We have a date in a month. NORTON Thanks for the vote of confidence, Macbeth. Beautiful chuckles to himself and walks passed his friend and mentor. On his way to the locker room we see that a door is open. Beautiful looks inside.



INT. MILLERS DRESSING ROOM - CONT. MILLER (50) sits on a chair with his head in his hands. Hes the prototypical wrestling every man. Tall, muscular, handsome. What is not prototypical are his nerves. His legs shake, his hands shake. This is it for him. The gold championship belt rests on a table. When Miller notices Beautiful, he looks up. MILLER Is Norton ready to go? Beautiful nods. Miller looks as though he wants to get up, but doesnt. Hes got stage fright. MILLER How many times have you been out there? BEAUTIFUL I dont know. MILLER Yes you do. You dont need to pretend with me. How many times have you walked through those curtains? Beautiful stares at him. This goes beyond business. MILLER For me its two hundred and five. Yeah. Six hundred and five. BEAUTIFUL Thats a lot. MILLER I cant think of anything else Ive done Six hundred and five times, Beautiful. Not times Ive slept with my wife. Days Ive spent with my children. Hours Ive slept in- I dont even know- a decade. But six hundred five times Ive walked down into that ring, and six hundred and five times Ive walked back and then gone to the next city. And each time I did it I did it for them. Miller looks at the belt on the table.




MILLER Some advice. You want that belt to always be bigger than you. You want it to be the target, not you. He gets up out of his chair and walks over to the table. He picks the belt up and drapes it over his shoulder. He walks to the door. Beautiful follows him. 51 INT. HALLWAY - CONT. Its empty. Miller laughs. MILLER So much for a farewell party.
Miller takes the lead and walks down the hallway. He shakes as if the room hes walking to contained the electric chair.

MILLER They say you always have to go out on your back, right? Beautiful smiles softly. Miller nods and they walk closer to the curtain. They stop right in front of it. Miller takes a deep breath. MILLER Six hundred and six BEAUTIFUL Six hundred and six. Miller puts his hand out and Beautiful takes it. BEAUTIFUL Ive been shaking hands a lot lately. MILLER Thats your world now. A world full of handshakes. Miller takes his hand away. MILLER You should probably learn to make some of them count. Miller walks through the curtain and leaves Beautiful alone. For a time there is silence, and then Millers music hits. The crowd goes ape. Beautiful walks off.




BEAUTIFUL Theres your farewell party. Through the curtains we hear the crowd clapping and Chanting. They know this is his last dance and theyre all ready to bow. Fade Out: THE END

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