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now can we work together to make

Ireder|cton and area better?

March 13, 2014
lrederlcLon CaplLal LxhlblLlon CenLre

200 eople - 28 1oplcs - 6 1hemes
33 - AcLlons and SLraLegles

Created and De||vered by Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on (GISI)

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1ab|e of Contents

1he Great Gather|ng: An Cverv|ew 3
Summary of 1hemes and AcLlons
nexL SLeps

About th|s Document 7
ConLenLs and ConLexL
WhaL nexL?

roceed|ngs: Saturday, March 1S 8
Sesslon 1 (1oplcs) - 9:43am - 10:30am

A - 8ecycllng
8 - 8ecovery
C - AdulL Learnlng/LlLeracy
L - Servlces for ?ouLh
l - Servlces for ersons wlLh ulsablllLles
C - Advocacy for ersons wlLh ulsablllLles
P - lood SecurlLy
l - 1ranslL lssues
k - CulLural uevelopmenL
L - lmmlgraLlon
n - Senlor Care rograms

Sesslon 2 (1oplcs) - 10:30am - 11:13am 24

A - 1rafflc Calmlng ln Lhe 1own laL
C - WhaL does and lnLergeneraLlonal ClLy Look Llke?
u - Mldwlfery
L - Pomelessness and Affordable Pouslng
l - Sunday LranslL

P - Cne SLop Soclal Servlce CommunlLy CenLre
L - Creen MaLLers
M - 8eallsLlc ulscusslon on eak Lconomlc CrowLh
n - 8reasLfeedlng lrlendly CommunlLles
Sesslon 3 (1oplcs) - 11:13am - 12:00pm 33

A - lndependenL medla
C - PealLhcare revenLaLlve/PealLhy Llvlng
u - Access Lo !usLlce for All
L - CompuLer Lessons and erpeLual upgradlng
P- lmprove 8ullL LnvlronmenL
l - ?ouLh AcLlon 1eam of lrederlcLon
k - lnLegraLed Pouslng
M - lrederlcLon Area neLwork volunLeer Councll

Sesslon 4 (1hemes) - 1:00pm - 2:13pm 44

A - lreddle Coes Creen
8 - ?ouLh 8ocks
C - lreddle on Lhe 8oad
u - CulLure
L - lreddle CeLs llL
Sesslon 3 (1hemes) 2:13pm - 3:30pm 30
A - lncluslon ln lrederlcLon

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1he Great Gather|ng: An Cverv|ew


CreaLer lrederlcLon Soclal lnnovaLlon (ClSl) convened an organlzlng commlLLee ln SepLember of 2013 Lo
hosL a Lhlrd Cpen Space lorum for Lhe greaLer lrederlcLon area. lL was felL Lhe communlLy was ready for
anoLher large-scale meeLlng focused on Lhe quesLlon, "now can we work together to make Ireder|cton
and area better?" 1he flrsL Cpen Space lorum was held ln lebruary of 2010 aL Lhe lrederlcLon CaplLal
LxhlblLlon CenLre, Lhe second was held ln november of 2012 aL Lhe lrederlcLon ConvenLlon CenLre.

1he organlzlng commlLLee, chalred by uennls ALchlson and !ohn CoaLes, began wlLh a core group of 6
parLlclpanLs and grew Lo a Leam of 13 as Lhe evenL approached. 1he full llsL of commlLLee members ls
lncluded below.

1here are several key feaLures Lo Cpen Space lorum meLhodology. 1he four are prlnclples: 1) Whoever
[olns Lhe conversaLlon are Lhe rlghL people, 2) whenever lL sLarLs ls Lhe rlghL Llme, 3) whaLever happens
ls Lhe only Lhlng LhaL could have happened, 4) when lL ls over, lL ls over. arLlclpanLs are lnvlLed Lo use
Lhe 'Law of 1wo leeL', as Lhey are encouraged Lo move beLween Loplcs as Lhey deslre. 8y hosLlng 1he
CreaL CaLherlng ln a large, open space llke Lhe lrederlcLon CaplLal LxhlblLlon CenLre, parLlclpanLs were
able Lo see each aL all Llmes - a key Lo pracLlclng Lhe four prlnclples and Law of 1wo leeL.

1he Great Gather|ng

1hls year's evenL was held over one day, SaLurday March 13
, and began aL 8:30am and ran unLll
3:30pm. 1here were approxlmaLely 200 parLlclpanLs, generaLlng 28 dlfferenL Loplcs on Lhelr passlons
based on Lhe evenL quesLlon. Lach Loplc was posLed on Lhe MarkeLplace wall and asslgned a breakouL
space and a Llme. 1hree Loplcs sesslons runnlng forLy flve mlnuLes each were held, and Lhere were
beLween 8 and 11 dlfferenL break-ouL areas per sesslon. 1he level of engagemenL and energy was very

1he afLernoon sesslons were focused on Lhe Loplcs dlscussed earller LhaL mornlng and Lhe Loplcs were
bundled lnLo 6 Lhemes. 1wo sesslons were held, Lhe flrsL sesslon had flve Lhemes and Lhe flnal sesslon
had one. uurlng Lhe lasL Lheme dlscusslon, all parLlclpanLs were broughL LogeLher ln a large clrcle. 1hls
sLage of Lhe process broughL people wlLh slmllar passlons LogeLher Lo develop shared acLlons and
sLraLegles based upon Lhe mornlngs work.

1he range of parLlclpanLs was very dlverse. We had parLlclpanLs from Lhe ages of 13 - 63+ comlng from
all over new 8runswlck. We had lndlvlduals parLlclpaLlng from: lrederlcLon, new Maryland, Panwell,
CromocLo, McLeod Plll, Lower Cueensbury, Marysvllle, keswlck 8ldge, Parvey SLaLlon, LdmunsLon and
CaraqueL. 1o see phoLos of Lhe evenL please go Lo

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Summary of 1hemes and Cutcomes]Act|ons

8elow ls a very brlef summary of Lhemes, nexL sLeps, and acLlons provldlng a snapshoL of whaL 1he
CreaL CaLherlng produced ln response Lo Lhe quesLlon, "now can we work together to make
Ireder|cton and area better?". 1he full Summary of roceedlngs, lncludlng an ln-depLh overvlew of each
day's dlscusslons and conLacL lnformaLlon for each lssue's convener, follows.

Iredd|e Goes Green
eak Lconomlc CrowLh
Creen maLLers

outh kocks
Servlces for youLh
?ouLh AcLlon 1eam

Iredd|e Cn 1he koad
1rafflc calmlng
Sunday LranslL
1ranslL lssues

CulLural developmenL
lnLergeneraLlonal lrederlcLon

Iredd|e Gets I|t
lmprovlng bullL envlronmenL
lood securlLy
revenLable healLhcare
Senlor care programs
8reasLfeedlng lrlendly nelghborhoods
Servlces for persons wlLh dlsablllLles
Advocacy for persons wlLh dlsablllLles

Inc|us|on In Ireder|cton
Affordable Pouslng
Advocacy for ulsabled
CompuLer lessons

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AdulL learnlng and llLeracy
Access Lo [usLlce
Cne sLop servlce

Next Steps

CreaLer lrederlcLon Soclal lnnovaLlon now plays a supporL and coordlnaLlng role for Lhese newly formed
neLworks as each of Lhe worklng group moves forward wlLh lLs lssue and acLlons over Lhe comlng
monLhs. ClSl wlll asslsL ln developmenL of sLraLegles and ouLcomes for each. Lach of Lhe dlfferenL
Lhemes has Lhe mandaLe Lo move forward and make Lhelr passlons a reallLy, buL lL wlll conLlnue Lo Lake
all of us worklng LogeLher Lo make lrederlcLon beLLer.

Crgan|z|ng Comm|ttee

1he organlzlng commlLLee was noL based on represenLaLlon, buL on a deslre Lo make 1he CreaL CaLherlng happen!
1he work or afflllaLlon lnformaLlon ls provlded Lo glve a sense of Lhe background and dlverslLy of Lhe Leam. 1here
were several people who volunLeered [usL prlor Lo Lhe evenL as well.

uennls ALchlson and !ohn CoaLes Co-Chalrs
ulane Morrlson Porlzon PealLh neLwork/resldenL ClSl
!amle-Lelgh Paughn volunLeer CreaLer lrederlcLon / ClSl
Susanne WhlLe Lconomlc and Soclal lncluslon CorporaLlon
kaLle llLz8andolph lrederlcLon ArLs Alllance
!eff 8lchardson unlLed Way CenLral new 8runswlck
Marllyn Wllson lrederlcLon Chamber of Commerce
Connle nlchol ClLy of lrederlcLon
PeaLher uube ueparLmenL Cf Soclal uevelopmenL
Shlrley Cleave unlverslLy of new 8runswlck
8rlan uuplessls new 8runswlck new uemocraLlc arLy
uuncan CallanL lrederlcLon CaplLal LxhlblLlon CenLre
MaLLhew !ohnson CaplLal ClLy Cycles

Iunder kecogn|t|on

CreaLer lrederlcLon Soclal lnnovaLlon ClLy of lrederlcLon
new 8runswlck Lgg roducers 8ank of MonLreal
kwlk kopy rlnLlng

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1hank ou

Speclal Lhanks Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of Soclal uevelopmenL who helped encourage parLlclpanLs Lo [oln ln
Lhe evenL, and for an amazlng Leam of volunLeers Lo handle Lhe reglsLraLlon process, headed by PeaLher

Speclal Lhanks Lo Ldwlna's CaLerlng for preparlng our dellclous brown bag lunches.

Speclal Lhanks Lo 8lue 8ldge WaLer for provldlng us wlLh boLLles of fresh waLer and coolers.

Speclal Lhanks Lo our volunLeers and neLworks of volunLeers who made Lhe evenL posslble: 8enalssance
College, SLudenL unlLed Way, ?ouLh MaLLers.

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About th|s Document

ConLenLs, ConLexL, and WhaL nexL?"
1hls documenL represenLs Lhe proceedlngs of 1he CreaL CaLherlng - Lhe parLlclpanLs' lssues, Loplcs, and
passlons LhaL formed from SaLurday mornlng's Agenda, and Lhe Lhemes LhaL emerged Lo lnform
SaLurday afLernoon's acLlon and sLraLegy sesslons. 1he proceedlngs are a reflecLlon of Lhe conversaLlons
LhaL Look place and Lhe plans LhaL were seL ln moLlon.

A convener ls noLed for each breakouL sesslon. 1he convener ls Lhe lndlvldual who lnlLlaLed Lhe Agenda
lLem and led Lhe group dlscusslon. unless oLherwlse noLed, Lhe convener ls charged wlLh faclllLaLlon of
Lhe worklng group as Lhe dlscusslon moves forward. 1he conveners wlll also be charged wlLh
managemenL of Lhe conLacL lnformaLlon Lhelr sesslon's acLlon group (where permlsslon was granLed),
and wlll be Lhe llalson wlLh CreaLer lrederlcLon Soclal lnnovaLlon.

lf you would llke Lo engage ln any of Lhe dlscusslons below, please conLacL Lhe CoordlnaLor of CreaLer
lrederlcLon Soclal lnnovaLlon aL:


CreaLer lrederlcLon Soclal lnnovaLlon
C 8ox 30069
lrederlcLon, n8 L38 0P8

Cr conLlnue Lhe conversaLlons on our onllne forum:

1hls documenL ls [usL Lhe beglnnlng of a conversaLlon. CreaLer lrederlcLon Soclal lnnovaLlon now plays
a supporL and coordlnaLlng role for Lhese newly formed neLworks as each of Lhe worklng group moves
forward wlLh lLs lssue and acLlons over Lhe comlng monLhs. ClSl wlll asslsL ln developmenL of sLraLegles
and ouLcomes for each. Lach of Lhe dlfferenL Lhemes has Lhe mandaLe Lo move forward and make Lhelr
passlons a reallLy, buL lL wlll conLlnue Lo Lake all of us worklng LogeLher Lo make lrederlcLon beLLer.

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roceed|ngs: Saturday, March 1Sth - 1op|cs

Sess|on 1 - 9:4Sam - 10:30am

A - 8ecycllng
8 - 8ecovery
C - AdulL Learnlng/LlLeracy
L - Servlces for ?ouLh
l - Servlces for ersons wlLh ulsablllLles
C - Advocacy for ersons wlLh ulsablllLles
P - lood SecurlLy
l - 1ranslL lssues
k - CulLural uevelopmenL
L - lmmlgraLlon
n - Senlor Care rograms

1A - kecyc||ng
Sess|on 1 8reakout A
1op|c 8ecycllng
Convener 8eLsy Crlswald Contact
Note 1aker n/a Contact n/a

ClLy wlde composL sysLem, why noL/opporLunlLy
Challenges wlLh deposlL depoLs and barrlers Lo recycllng (walL Llmes, locaLlon)
Lconomles of scale for recycllng
Class recycllng - mlssed opporLunlLy
Consumerlsm as a culLure
Leadershlp and pollcy/Lransparency
ulverslon ,
lee for wasLe per kg opporLunlLles/charge by welghL (free recycllng)
CenLrallzaLlon (rovlnce wlde sysLem) for recycllng

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Slze of wasLe blns LhaL are belng collecLed (Lhe dolly's) encourage more wasLe
AparLmenL recycllng??
8ehavloral lssues
LducaLlon of chlldren Lo change Lhe culLure

1. CulLure change
2. lee for garbage
3. lncreased recycllng opporLunlLles
4. ComposL opporLunlLles/larger scale
3. LducaLlon
1. Lxplore lncreased recycllng opporLunlLles
Summary CulLure change and Lhe need Lo lncrease dlverslon away from landfllls (recycllng opporLunlLles
and wasLe reducLlon)

18 - kecovery
Sess|on 1 8reakout 8
1op|c 8ecovery
Convener Contact
Note 1aker Contact

need access ln non crlsls slLuaLlons oLher Lhan L8
Warm llne?
CommunlLy menLal healLh bullL by Lhe communlLy
1 arLnershlp wlLh Porlzon PealLh
2 lnformaLlon for employers on Lhe beneflLs of learnlng abouL menLal healLh

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Summary n/A

1C - Adu|t Learn|ng]L|teracy

Sess|on 1 8reakout C
1op|c AdulL Learnlng/LlLeracy
Convener 8achel Clarke Contact sLraLeglccoordlnaLor[
Note 1aker PeaLher uube Contact PeaLher.dube[
CenLral valley Learnlng AssoclaLlon- 8achel Clarke
WhaL ls Lhe blggesL obsLacle-space
looklng for free learnlng cenLers
walL llsLs of 30 people
when looklng for free space, have heard LhaL classrooms are noL avallable as organlzaLlons need Lo
llnanclal llLeracy was closed as Lhere was no fundlng was avallable from 1u
need $40,000 Lo $30,000 per year Lo run a flnanclal llLeracy Lo cover wages, eLc
loodbank ls looklng aL offerlng Lhese Lypes of flnanclal llLeracy programs, looklng Lo parLner up wlLh Lhem
Lo offer programs and Lhe foodbank could offer Lhe space.
Learners do noL need Lo pay-free
CuesLlon - could sesslons be offered for cosL-looked aL offerlng semlnars.
33 below level 3- LhaL means LhaL Lhey may noL be able Lo read a medlclne boLLle.
LnLrance assessmenL compleLed for each learner- maLh and llLeracy. A program ls speclflc Lo Lhe learner
MenLors are noL Leachers, Lhey are noL pald.
8ased on Lhe model used ln k-2, volunLeers are helplng ouL
CenLral valley learnlng could look aL approachlng buslnesses for volunLeers Lo help ouL adulL learners

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lrederlcLon aL how Lo palr up wlLh CenLral valley Lo offer Lralnlng and baslc skllls
laneL PaLch-buslness lncubaLlon group-hlgh Lech. 1hey use a menLorshlp model and may have space
avallable. WhlLe boards avallable. ?ou can check lL ouL on llne
1. 8ulldlng parLnershlps wlLh oLher organlzaLlons, sharlng of resources.
2. llnanclal llLeracy and how can Lhey palr up wlLh buslnesses, agencles.
3. lrederlcLon needs Lo be able Lo access lrench maLerlal. 1he LesL for CLu ls only avallable ln MoncLon.
4. Looklng for 8lllngual Leachers and free space.
3. Approachlng Schools for evenlng classes
1. Sharlng of resources
2. Approach schools
3. Approach buslnesses
Summary ulscussed adulL llLeracy ln Lhe lrederlcLon area and how Lo llnk wlLh oLher agencles.

1L - Serv|ces for outh

Sess|on 1 8reakout L
1op|c Servlces for ?ouLh
Convener !ulle CallanL Contact ?lL4767[
Note 1aker 8lck PuLchlns Contact huLchlnsr[bellallanL.neL
Concern wlLh cosLs for low-lncome famllles
8eLLer when servlces are youLh drlven
WhaL do youLh wanL?
We should be maklng connecLlons wlLh/amongsL servlces already ln place
ldea from lasL CreaL CaLherlng was a "?ouLh 8esource CenLre" - sLlll needed? sLlll wanLed? ***

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lnLegraLed servlce dellvery model
A cenLre for all youLh Lo access
lnlLlal focus of dlscusslon was Chrysalls Pouse ***
ConnecLlon of Lhe need work wlLh Lhe servlce ***
Ceneral commenL - CommunlcaLlon of servlces Lo Lhe general, youLh, and publlc.
1. A communlcaLlon sLraLegy LhaL connecLs youLh wlLh servlces
2. 8e-vlslL Lhe sLreeL ouLreach model for aL rlsk youLh - aL Lhelr level
3. CenLre for moLhers Lo asslsL wlLh chlldcare (young moLhers)
4. ldenLlfy "youLh wlLh poLenLlal" as opposed Lo "youLh aL rlsk" ***
3. 1rusL ls huge, along wlLh menLal healLh
6. ?ouLh bulldlng sLraLegy

1. ?ouLh lorum

Summary n/A

1I - Serv|ces for ersons w|th D|sab|||t|es

Sess|on 1 8reakout l
1op|c Servlces for ersons wlLh ulsablllLles
Convener Shlrley Cleave Contact scleave[
Note 1aker Anna !ohnson Contact hfkdp[
Pow can we address Lhe sLlgma surroundlng Lhe hlrlng of people wlLh dlsablllLles?
Lmployers ofLen assume LhaL persons wlLh sensory dlsablllLles are unable Lo use LelecommunlcaLlons
Lechnologles LhaL are becomlng lncreaslngly lmporLanL ln Lhe work force. 1hls ls noL Lrue. Pow do we
educaLe employers?
Pow do we connecL sLudenLs wlLh dlsablllLles wlLh employmenL counselors for persons wlLh dlsablllLles.

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Snow 8emoval:
- Sldewalks are noL adequaLely cleared of snow and lce
- LlmlLs moblllLy
- Pazardous, as people begln Lo walk on Lhe sLreeL.
- lssue of furrows lefL by snow plows (prlvaLe). noL [usL for people ln wheelchalrs, buL also for
senlors, chlldren ln sLrollers, and people wlLh oLher dlsablllLles.
- Pas clLy reduced Lhe number of slde-walk snow ploughs - affecLs acLlve llvlng and safeLy.
Snow removal by downLown buslnesses. Who ls responslble for snow removal?
Maklng lnformaLlon avallable abouL whaL Lools are avallable for persons wlLh dlsablllLles (granLs,
Lechnology, eLc.)
osslblllLy of parL-Llme poslLlons or [ob-sharlng. 1hls could be an enLry polnL Lo full-Llme poslLlon.
- nell Squlre
- Cnl8
- n8uLn
- new federal/provlnclal [ob agreemenL (L1L)
- SL employmenL cenLres
- remler's councll
- ulsablllLy Awareness week: "Lhe rlghL person for Lhls rlghL [ob"
- lSAW/SLLu? ln Lhe pasL, [obs have been reserved for persons wlLh dlsablllLles. Also, llnklng fundlng Lo
fundlng from oLher programs LhaL supporL persons wlLh dlsablllLles.
Snow 8emoval:
o ClLy needs Lo enforce bylaw re: furrows lefL by snow plows (prlvaLe)
1 Work wlLh remler's Councll Lo hosL workshop re: aLLlLudes, resources, processes, eLc.
2. ConnecLlng SL employmenL counselors wlLh employmenL counselors for persons wlLh dlsablllLles.
3. Campalgn Lhrough Chamber of Commerce re: resources and servlces avallable Lo employers
4. Snow 8emoval:

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- 1o be dlscussed furLher ln anoLher sesslon Loday.
Summary Make lnformaLlon abouL Lhe avallable Lools for persons wlLh dlsablllLles more readlly accesslble
Lo employers and employees.

1G - Advocacy for ersons w|th D|sab|||t|es

Sess|on 1 8reakout C
1op|c Advocacy for ersons wlLh ulsablllLles
Convener vlckl Cland Contact vlcland31[
Note 1aker Chelsee ollock Contact chelseelp[
locus on advocacy for persons wlLh a dlsablllLy who llve ln affordable/subsldlzed houslng LhaL ls a conLracL
wlLh Lhe ueparLmenL of Soclal uevelopmenL. 1he houslng ls a conLracL beLween LenanLs and Lhe owners
of Lhe bulldlng, managed by a landlord.
1enanLs are ma[orlLy lndlvlduals wlLh dlsablllLles and senlors.
lssues beLween LenanLs and landlord, bulldlng managers and owners of Lhe properLy. vlolaLlons of
1. CommunlcaLlon aL varlous levels (b/w lndlvlduals and governmenL)
2. rocess for advocacy for persons wlLh a dlsablllLy
3. olnLs of conLacL for persons llvlng ln poverLy/ wlLh a dlsablllLy (as many may noL know who Lo Lurn Lo
oLher Lhan care worker)
4. Crganlzlng who can advocaLe
3. 1he need for a Lenancy/LenanL group ln lrederlcLon (wlll represenL lndlvlduals havlng an lssue who llve ln
subsldlzed houslng Lhrough SC buL have a prlvaLe conLacL wlLh landlord)
6. CreaLlng a coallLlon of dlsablllLy reps Lo come LogeLher and represenL LenanLs ln a slLuaLlon
1. ConLacL dlsablllLy organlzaLlons Lo come LogeLher and advocaLe for houslng change
2. A group of lndlvlduals who wlll represenL lndlvlduals as a whole llvlng ln Lhese -houslng slLuaLlons
Summary n/A

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1n - Iood Secur|ty

Sess|on 1 8reakout P
1op|c lood SecurlLy
Convener Madelelne 8errevoeLs Contact madelelneberrevoeLs[
Note 1aker !esslca Murphy Contact Lhe[essmurphy[
WPA1 WAn1S 1C 8L 1ALkLu A8Cu1:
4 years Lo Lry and geL a garden ln SouLhslde - Cardens need Lo be everywhere!
Where food comes from and lf lL's safe.
nuLrlLlon lacLs for foods ln resLauranLs and publlc places.
roduce locally.
regnanL Women aL rlsk.
8eal (unprocessed) food LhaL ls affordable.
volunLeers Lo help Leach cook aL Lhe food bank.
1he safeLy Lree of food.
- Local
- Affordable
- PealLhy

CommunlLy Cardens
- Carden + Cooklng Workshops
- $10 annual fee

Chemlcals ln loods
- 1ransfaL
- PealLhy foods more avallable
- ls Lhere awareness? LducaLlon?
- Make healLhy easy
- Lconomlc developmenL
- CreaLe [obs
- keep local
- A law creaLed ln vermonL LhaL bans fasL food chalns, and 8ermuda as well.

C8CuS 1PA1 A8L PLLluL:
klmble Crganlc CC
- SupporL small farms
lood 8ank

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CommunlLy lood MenLors
lood ollcy Croup
CommunlLy lood SmarL - bulk buylng
- ?ou can buy a bag of produce for $13 (lL's $30 or $40 LhaL you would buy ln Lhe sLore)
- lacebook Croup
- LasL year's group - recommended LhaL we should creaLe Lhe reglonal food pollcy councll. 1o geL
lnvolved Loday Lhere wlll be a board sheeL Loday.
larmer's MarkeL
8uy Local n8
Landless Cardeners
School Cardens

We wanL Lo shlfL away from brlnglng food ln, and we wanL Lo remaln local
- lood LhaL ls grown local ls shlpped away and sold back Lo us afLer belng bagged - no longer local.
Why are we buylng? We should be supporLlng farmers and local growers.
1. . A mlcro-farmer markeL
a. A small sLreeL where produce can be markeLed, and can offer a place Lo barLer and exchange
goods aL a seL Llme.
2. . MunlclpallLy 8esponslblllLy*
a. Laws - ban fasL food. Pow?
3. . LducaLlon*
a. 8uy local n8
b. 3. n8lSAn* (new 8runswlck lood SecurlLy AcLlon neLwork)
c. Share
d. osL lnfo
4. . ConnecLlon beLween local and [obs
3. . Sprawllng lnfrasLrucLure
a. ex. WalmarL

1. ClnL*
a. lnLervlew people who have small llvlng areas LhaL can'L grow, communlLy garden members

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2. Cuerllla Carden*
3. School Cardens*
4. 4. lood ollcy*
1. ClnL
a. lnLervlew people
2. Cuerllla Carden
b. 1rafflc Squares
c. 1ake over flower spaces
d. Lmall
e. CommunlLy Carden Coals
f. LvenL + ress release
3. School Cardens
4. lood ollcy
g. Susanne WhlLe
3. n8lSAn
h. SPA8L!
Summary 1he blggesL lssue we dlscussed was abouL how Lhe local food lndusLry was corrupLed, and
Lhere was a large dlscusslon on how we can make people aware.

1I - 1rans|t Issues

Sess|on 1 8reakout l
1op|c 1ranslL lssues
Convener uoug Mullln Contact douglas.mullln[
Note 1aker Palley Pughes Contact halley.hughes94[

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Many problems wlLh LranslL, noL enough buses. When Lhere's no bus, you have Lo walk, even ln Lhe
1rylng Lo bulld an organlzaLlon - advocaLe for LranslL sysLem -
Why we care: Sunday LranslL, buses for sLudenLs (can'L geL a bus unLll flve mlnuLes afLer class, hard Lo geL
from norLh Lo SouLh and vlce versa), noL posslble Lo geL from Lhe llbrary and back ln Lhe same afLernoon,
buL Lhere has been some lmprovemenL. lf you don'L geL Lhe rlghL bus aL Lhe rlghL Llme, you mlss many
opporLunlLles, can'L geL anywhere and back ln Lhe same day, walLs for a bus from 6-11 - [usL Lo geL across
Lhe clLy, cerLaln Llmes of day buses are empLy. ln klngsLon, CnLarlo (double Lhe populaLlon) - drop offs and
plck ups very smooLh and easy, Lransfers were easy, maln drop off sLaLlons were very regular, 13 mlnuLe
lnLervals, quarLer, half or hour, frlendly bus drlvers who lnformed each oLher of Lransfers. CurrenLly no
real "LranslL advocacy group". CLher clLles should do Lhls Loo ln order Lo deal wlLh LransporLaLlon for Lhe
provlnce as a whole. ClLy hub ls klng's lace - should lL be swlLched Lo somewhere on Lhe norLh Slde? lL's
more resldenLlal, more people. 8arker's polnL Lo Maln sLreeL - have Lo go Lo Lhe souLh slde flrsL - why? ClLy
of lrederlcLon ls based on car-culLure. arklng ls Loo cheap? no lncenLlve Lo Lake Lhe bus.
lrequency. Coverage. Can'L have boLh...
no sLraLeglc plan slnce 2008.
CurrenLly able Lo meeL people wlLhln 400-300m of a bus sLop - less frequency, more coverage. WhaL are
Lhe prlorlLles? WlLh currenL budgeL, can'L have boLh.
no llable bus sLop! eople sLandlng ln Lhe sLreeL, bus sLops noL cleared ln Lhe snow. no schedule posLed ln
Lhe less frequenL sLops. Lady wlLh a walker, flnally moved sLop Lo sldewalk.
no Sunday servlce makes Lhlngs dlfflculL for sLudenLs.
MosL people maklng Lhe declslons have cars and don'L rely on LranslL.
8us fees are noL Loo expenslve - lssue of fundlng. Should we lncrease cosL Lo allow beLLer servlces?
Should sLudenLs have Lo buy bus passes? ls parklng an lssue?
1. lmplemenLaLlon - Lhere have been sLudles, buL lL ls malnly a maLLer of geLLlng proper lnformaLlon abouL
problems and followlng a beLLer model. LeLLers Lo clLy councll and Lhe mayor. CeLLlng a norLh Slde hub.
Should conslder dolng loops lnsLead of golng back and forLh.
2. updaLe sLraLeglc plan onllne and work wlLh groups such as unlverslLles and buslnesses.
3. 1rylng Lo make a group, smaller groups need Lo unlLe.

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4. lssue needs Lo be pushed - good relaLlonshlp wlLh sLaff, need Lo be conslsLenL.
3. reLend Lo be a LourlsL movemenL. Changes clLy's vlews slgnlflcanLly. Convlnclng clLy councll members Lo
rlde Lhe bus (or havlng a meeLlng aL an lnconvenlenL Llme). Challenge mayor Lo geL around Lhe clLy for a
1. WrlLlng Lo clLy councll more Lhan anyLhlng. 8lggesL way Lo effecL change ls by dlscusslng lL.
Summary Lveryone agreed LhaL Lhe buses are a problem, buL lL ls dlfflculL Lo accommodaLe for boLh a
large caLchmenL area and a more frequenL rouLe.

1k - Cu|tura| Deve|opment

Sess|on 1 8reakout k
1op|c CulLural uevelopmenL
Convener uave Seabrook Contact davld.seabrook[
Note 1aker MaLLhew !ohnson Contact maLLhew.mark.[ohnson[
CulLural developmenL as clLy plannlng
ueflne: whaL lsn'L culLure? everyLhlng ls culLure
very llLLle money....
erformlng arLs cenLre...
ArLs and culLure focus...
very dlfflculL Lo renovaLe a place llke Lhe cosmo
Looklng for a larger performlng arLs cenLre...
MulLlculLural developmenL
1he black box... mulLlpurpose space....
uownLown... easL downLown
CharloLLe sL audlLorlum
lssue of access Lo preexlsLlng faclllLles
unlverslLy ls [usL Loo far away
3 separaLe plans...
uownLown plans
Carrlson dlsLrlcL plan
CulLural dev plan (play house) hosplLallLy
Change Lo culLural and global ln Lhe eLhnlc sense...
uownLown ls mlssed from mulLlculLural cenLre

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More Lhen [usL food and fan danclng
lrederlcLon does have a dlverse culLure rlghL now
8eally need Lo show everyLhlng LhaL ls golng on...
lmporLance of lnLerculLural

lrancophone communlLy where are Lhey? sllo.... needs Lo made more acLlve

1. keep worklng aL lnLegraLlng Lhe francophone communlLy
2. lnLegraLe culLural groups
3. We need Lo LooL our own horns as Lo our culLural vlLallLy
4. lncluslon of a hoLel Lax Lo help culLural evenLs
3. CelebraLe whaL we have rlghL now... buL lncrease our ablllLy Lo leL people know.
1. lnLerconnecL Lhe plans
Summary 1here needs Lo be more markeLlng of whaL we already have ln Lerms of culLural caplLal
More connecLlons because Loo many groups don'L know whaL's golng on
no concreLe acLlons buL [usL leL people know more abouL whaL's golng

1L - Imm|grat|on

Sess|on 1 8reakout L
1op|c lmmlgraLlon
Convener Mel Luong Contact mel.huang[
Note 1aker !ohn CoaLes Contact [coaLes[
lssues noL Loo dlfferenL re employmenL opporLunlLles for lmmlgranLs and oLher educaLed people

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need Lo be clear on purpose of lmmlgraLlon
Ma[or lrederlcLon evenL on March 23, 1:30-4:30
CfLen governmenL asks whaL do you need: re lmmlgraLlon lL ls do you quallfy.
n8 and leds are so rlsk averse Lhey cause sysLem fallure
1. Why brlng people ln on false hopes, Lhey need a full parLnershlp Lo supporL Lhem
2. We need Lo convey an lnLeresL ln Lhe new lmmlgranLs
3. WhaL can Lhe ClLy do wlLh Lhe Ll parLnershlp
-eg undersLand Lhe sysLem
4. Welcome and lnLegraLe Lhem lnLo Lhe larger communlLy
3. Lconomlcs ls sLlll a key facLor LhaL forces folks Lo leave
6. nLLu 1C PlCPLlCP1 1PL SuCCLSS Cl nLW lMMlC8An1S
1. AuvL81lSL Anu A11Lnu 1PL MA8CP 23 SLSSlCn Cn lMMlC8A1lCn
2. ueclde on whaL Lhe local communlLy can do Lo supporL and lnLegraLe new lmmlgranLs
3. Look aL bulldlng wlder parLnershlps and noL glve people false hope
Summary AgreemenL on Lhe need noL Lo glve false hopes, need an acLlve parLnershlp of all secLors.

1N - Sen|or Care rograms

Sess|on 1 8reakout n
1op|c Senlor Care rograms
Convener Sarah SLandlng Contact n/A
Note 1aker Sarah SLandlng Contact n/A
uslng every opLlon aL Soclal uevelopmenL
rograms aL Soclal uevelopmenL are noL enough

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von programs are used (Monday and Wednesday Lhere are no programs.) walLlng llsL.
?ork Manor day program.( Senlor llves aL home buL aLLends day)
PoL lunch, playlng blngo, readlng Lhe news
8lslng assessmenLs of properLy Laxes for senlors, lmpacLlng ablllLy Lo sLay aL home
rovlnce lssues Lhe blll buL clLy seLs Lhe raLe on properLy Lax. eople should know abouL Lhe appeal
process. need educaLlon.
Senlor menLorshlp program - sklll developmenL for youLh/ connecLlng wlLhln communlLy. Clvlng Senlors a
sense of purpose.
lnLergeneraLlonal learnlng. lL depends on Lhe senlors famlly as Lo how much lnLeracLlon Lhey geL.
MenLal healLh. no healLh care professlonal ( we need Lo have someone aL a senlor asslsLed llvlng
8reaklng down fear barrlers Lo access counsellng - Lo geL over Lhe LranslLlon Lo movlng ouL of homes.
We need Lo engage Lhe senlors noL [usL have Lhem llvlng ln Lhelr aparLmenLs.
We need Lo have beLLer communlcaLlon / awareness
Age lrlendly slLuaLlons/ accesslble/ Advlsory Lo Lhe mayor
Senlor advlsory CommlLLee (uuncan LombarL) looks aL safeLy concerns
Pouslng - negaLlve lmpacL - Lhe new houslng ( heaL pump Lechnology only used as coollng noL heaLlng)
PeaLlng cosL ln homes
no programs Lo keep people ln homes. 1o help wlLh yard work. MalnLaln SafeLy. CreaLe a schedule for Lhe
needs Lo have a shlfL ln aLLlLude, cannoL lnvesL
1ransporLaLlon/ 8lde Care
1. Pelp Llne for Senlors
2. SeL up senlor/ reLlree menLorshlp rogram.
a. newly reLlred senlors can help oLher older senlors wlLh yard work/ bllls/ supporL
3. ueferred Lax sysLem - pay Lax afLer house ls sold.
4. nelghbours should help wlLh LransporLaLlon.

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1. Soclal uevelopmenL should reconslder role endlng senlors care aL nurslng home.
2. 1he clLy councllors should revlew Lhese recommendaLlons. ( seLLlng a commlLLee up for Senlors
3. ConnecL wlLh 1ele-care - knows of all Lhe programs. We need an easy referral sysLem.
Summary Closlng Lhe gap wlLh senlors Lhrough lnvolvemenL ln communlLy programs and menLorshlp.

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Sess|on 2 - 10:30am - 11:1Sam

A - 1rafflc Calmlng ln Lhe 1own laL
C - WhaL does and lnLergeneraLlonal ClLy Look Llke?
u - Mldwlfery
L - Pomelessness and Affordable Pouslng
l - Sunday LranslL
P - Cne SLop Soclal Servlce CommunlLy CenLre
L - Creen MaLLers
M - 8eallsLlc ulscusslon on eak Lconomlc CrowLh
n - 8reasLfeedlng lrlendly CommunlLles

2A - 1raff|c Ca|m|ng |n the 1own |at

Sess|on 2 8reakout A
1op|c 1rafflc Calmlng ln Lhe 1own laL
Convener SebasLlan Salazar Contact Salazarlan[
Note 1aker SebasLlan Salazar Contact Salazarlan[
Addlng Lrafflc calmlng measures ln Lhe Lown plaL (Lhe resldenLlal area beLween 8runswlck, SmyLhe,
unlverslLy and 8eaverbrook/uundonald) Such as roundabouL/Lrafflc clrcles llke Lhose on SL.!ohn sLreeL
and CharloLLe ln Lhe LasL laL
need LranslL LhaL ls more frequenL wlLh a compacL neLwork of rouLes
School buses - rlde and park? 1o shuLLle klds lnLo clLy
1rafflc clrcles/roundabouL: SLandards, flre Lrucks, aL Leo Payes
edesLrlan safeLy
1. osslblllLy of addlng Lrafflc clrcle(s) on norLhumberland as well as parklng on norLhumberland Lo slow
down Lhe cars
2. Crganlze volunLeers Lo gaLher slgnaLures for Lrafflc calmlng form

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1. Crganlze volunLeers Lo gaLher slgnaLures for Lrafflc calmlng form
Summary n/A

2C - What does and Intergenerat|ona| C|ty Look L|ke?

Sess|on 2 8reakout C
1op|c WhaL does and lnLergeneraLlonal ClLy Look Llke?
Convener n/A Contact n/A

Summary n/A

2D - M|dw|fery

Sess|on 2 8reakout u
1op|c Mldwlfery
Convener Sonya 8urrlll Contact sonya.burrlll[
Note 1aker Sherry Coffey Contact sherry.coffey[bellallanL.neL
SupporLlng regulaLed, publlc-funded mldwlfery.
8oadblock: no pollLlcal wlll Lo fund mldwlfery, yeL mldwlfery lowers cosLs for healLhcare.
need Lo supporL women Lo make Lhe cholces LhaL are besL for Lhem and Lhelr bables.
8ural communlLles - woman far away from hosplLal cenLers, buL would beneflL from mldwlves and

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homeblrLhs ln Lhelr communlLles.
SoluLlons for n8. lmplemenLaLlon parL ls mlsslng rlghL now ln new 8runswlck.
We need publlc supporL ln our communlLles. Lven Lhough all Lhe leglslaLlon exlsLs, Lhe fundlng and councll
and llcenslng body are noL runnlng.
lamllles LhaL deslre Lhe care need Lo advocaLe for mldwlfery
1. lamllles need Lo advocaLe for mldwlfery.
2. Make a vldeo Lelllng personal sLorles
3. Share Lhe group
4. lollow newfoundland's breasLfeedlng example vldeo
3. Lobby governmenL
1. vldeo and personal sLorles Lo ralse awareness.
2. Llalse wlLh Mldwlves ln nS and flnd sLraLegles for lmplemenLaLlon.
Summary ubllc educaLlon and lobbylng for publlcly funded mldwlfery.

2L - nome|essness and Affordab|e nous|ng

Sess|on 2 8reakout L
1op|c Pomelessness and Affordable Pouslng
Convener karolyn MarLln Contact coordlnaLor[
Note 1aker !ess Murphy Contact Lhe[essmurphy[
lCCu SLCu8l1?
- We have places Lo go buL Lhere are barrlers.
- 1ransporLaLlon
- 1lmes & AmounL of Access

- ollcles LhaL dlscourage houslng ln some slLuaLlons

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- Soclal uevelopmenL
- Soclal AsslsLance, Lconomlc unlL ollcy

- lnconslsLency of workers uslng Lhe "ec. unlL pollcy"


A need for conslsLenL & compasslonaLe pollcy
- needs flexlblllLy
- needs compasslonaLe pollcy appllcaLlon (eg. pregnancy)
- MulLlple walLllsLs
- lnconslsLenL houslng across Lhe reglon

noL enough houslng LhaL ls affordable
- Pouslng landlords accounLable
- 8arrlers Lo maklng real complalnLs

eLs (no peLs pollcy)
- 8esponslble peL ownershlp
Landlords + youLh program
1. *rograms Lo do skllls Lralnlng for lndependenL llvlng
a. 2. *n8ACL
b. Pousekeeplng Skllls
c. 8udgeLlng
d. nuLrlLlon
e. PablLaL for PumanlLy
f. lood CenLre (LransporLaLlon barrler)
g. noL always offered and someLlmes people have Lo ask
2. *8rlng supporLs LogeLher
3. *AdvocaLes for houslng
4. *Landlords
3 *Awareness
1. ?ouLh ln 1ranslLlon Lo work wlLh landlords
a. Pow Lo geL youLhs lnLo houslng
b. Ask Lo parLner wlLh n8ACL
2. Lncourage servlce provlders Lo come LogeLher
a. unlfled/coordlnaLed servlces
b. rovlnces & Landlords Lo parLner

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3. AdvocaLes for houslng
a. Pelp people Lo access houslng
4. Landlords
a. SupporL and educaLlon for landlords Lo make Lhem
3. CeL awareness lnLo socleLy Lhrough Lhe medla (l.e., radlo, posLers, food bank.
a. lnfo-llne, a physlcal offlce
b. romoLe communlLy acLlon group on homelessness
c. Sun CommlLLee
d. lrederlcLon 8eglonal 8esource neLwork
e. ?ouLh ln 1ranslLlon
f. SalvaLlon Army
g. - Send Lhls correspondence Lo communlLy groups!
Summary 1he blggesL lssue LhaL appeared was homelessness ln Lhe youLh populaLlon, and Lhere was
greaL lnLeresL wlLhln Lhe group when lL came Lo dlscusslng how Lo help and asslsL Lhem.

2I - Sunday trans|t

Sess|on 2 8reakout l
1op|c Sunday LranslL
Convener uerek ness Contact uerek.ness[
Note 1aker Anna !ohnson Contact hfkdp[
lrederlcLon one of few clLles around LhaL does noL have Sunday LranslL. 8eneflLs: Church aLLendance,
work, sLudy, llbrary, eLc.
now we have Sunday shopplng, so Lhere ls an lncreased demand for Sunday LranslL.
ClLy's concerns abouL rldershlp.
Sunday rldershlp mlghL noL be Lhe same as rldershlp on oLher days.
need a new sLraLegy re: LranslL ln Lhe clLy - Subway?

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8eLLer LranslL could help wlLh parklng lssues aL unlverslLles
Would be good for Leenagers. Lncourage youLh Lo use bus.
WhaL happened Lo Lrlal when servlce was reduced Lo lncrease rldershlp?
Could be a mlddle ground - car servlce lnsLead of bus servlce supporLed by clLy (modeled llke "safe rlde" aL
ClLy could sLlll lose money, buL ln a dlfferenL way
Pard Lo come up wlLh a servlce LhaL covers LhaL covers enough area and provldes level of servlce.
Would buslnesses/churches supporL Sunday LranslL
1. A Lrlal perlod Lo LesL rldershlp
2. Smaller busses - noL sure LhaL Lhese are acLually cheaper
3. erhaps conslder uslng vans - don'L even need small bus
4. lf buslnesses provlded LlckeLs Lo employees Lo use Sunday Servlces
3. romoLlonal ldeas llke "Loonle 1uesdays"
6. 8emoval of school bus sysLem (sLarL aL hlgh schools) and use clLy LranslL.
7. arklng ln lrederlcLon ls very cheap. Lg. sLudenL parklng [ un8/S1u cheaper Lhan bus.
8. Change Lhe mlndseL
1. Approach councll wlLh ldeas.
2. ConLlnue dlscusslng Loplc ln order Lo come Lo consensus.
Summary ALLlLudes Lowards LranslL as a whole musL change before Sunday LranslL can be reallzed.

2n - Cne Stop Soc|a| Serv|ce Commun|ty Centre

Sess|on 2 8reakout P
1op|c Cne SLop Soclal Servlce CommunlLy CenLre
Convener !lll lrazler Contact [lll.fraser[
Note 1aker Palley Pughes Contact halley.hughes94[

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Mlsslng a place for everyLhlng all ln one
Looklng for acLlvlLles, healLh and communlLy evenLs all ln one
lssue of llablllLy - who ls responslble?
CerLaln groups don'L wanL volunLeers Lalklng Lo Lhe publlc - llablllLy
Where do Lhe klds go? ?ouLh? Senlors? -Should be LogeLher
vlcLorla PealLh CenLre does a good [ob buL whaL else should we have?
Works wlLh non-proflL - many people cannoL afford Lo be non-proflL anymore, everyLhlng ls Loo expenslve
non-proflLs need: l1, lnsurance, eLc. - all cosLs
cerLaln groups work LogeLher and share space Lo be more cosL effecLlve
Soclal asslsLance, famlly servlces, eLc. should all be LogeLher - many who need one need mulLlple
Soclal developmenL - 1wo naLlons Crosslng - noL as accesslble
no place for people Lo go Lo flnd ouL whaL sLores are avallable - slmllar Lo a sLore-fronL/servlces n8 buL
more lald back
neLwork of schools - make Lhem communlLy schools - allow more communlLy lnvolvemenL - early
chlldhood educaLlon, healLh cenLres, eLc all wlLhln schools, break down walls of reslsLance
Salmon Museum became communlLy cenLre
ln Lhe clLy Lhere are fewer opLlons llke Lhls - less accesslble - Loo many lnsurance lssues and rules for room
booklngs, eLc.
Would requlre shlfL ln governmenL - people own Lhe resources
Churches, schools, eLc. 8ulldlngs could be focal polnLs buL Lhey are noL
LlmlLs communlcaLlon - we could change Lhls
1ourlsL booLh - allow people Lo ask "Where do l go Lo access Lhls servlce?" comblned wlLh communlLy
evenLs, nlghL classes, communlLy lnLeresL, eLc.
Sufferlng bullylng - seLLlng up organlzaLlon wlLh represenLaLlon from publlc houslng, soclal workers, eLc.
eople feel LhaL Lhey can'L go Lo Lhem. no where Lo go Lo geL help.
CommunlLy cenLres - church hall ls good because lL's usually empLy - sLlgma of assoclaLlon wlLh Lhe church
oor, elderly, slck - on asslsLance. no quallLy of llfe - no llfe, barely survlvlng.
Make an umbrella group Lo make evenLs annual or someLhlng, blgger evenL Lo geL people ouL.
noL enough servlces, noL enough food -lmprove communlLy cenLre, lnclude someLhlng Lo look forward Lo
lf you have almosL noLhlng
CnLarlo: communlLy feed agency, Lhey have a cenLre run by people wlLh experlence wlLh poverLy - relaLed
Lo governmenL servlces. CreaLer lrederlcLon ls worklng on Lhls. 1he dream ls geLLlng everyLhlng ln one
MosL of Lhe people wanLlng Lhese servlces are looklng for more Lhan one Lhlng and have mulLlple
AdopL a unlverslLy sLudenL ldea or adopL a grandparenL
ConnecL unlverslLy sLudenLs, chlldren, parenLs and Lhe elderly
WhaL klnd of cenLre?
Many adulLs worklng and busy - unable Lo volunLeer
keeplng Lrack buL noL updaLlng

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
CrassrooLs organlzaLlons looklng Lo expand
LlLeracy: sLlll a problem, needs Lo work wlLh oLher groups Lo mulLlLask

ShorL 1erm:
1. CeLLlng groups Lo work LogeLher
2. LlLeracy and food bank worklng LogeLher Lo Leach adulLs

Long 1erm:
1. CreaLlng a place for everyone Lo work LogeLher and coexlsL
2. SLreamllne busy parenL's day, chlldren, parenLs and grandparenLs all geLLlng whaL Lhey wanL
3. 8educlng Lhe sLlgma by puLLlng many Lhlngs ln Lhe same bulldlng
4. 8eLLer manners and happler people worklng so LhaL people are more comforLable asklng for help
1. SLarL Lalklng more and geL communlLy supporL servlces Lo sLarL worklng LogeLher.
Summary We need Lo puL all of Lhese Lhlngs LogeLher Lo make Lhlngs easler for everyone requlrlng any
of Lhese servlces and Lo allow Lhem Lo use mulLlple servlces aL Lhe same Llme.

2L - Green Matters

Sess|on 2 8reakout L
1op|c Creen MaLLers
Convener CarLh Pood Contact garLhhood[
Note 1aker Sarah SLandlng Contact sarahesLandlng[
eople are noL aware of Creen MaLLers campalgn. (goal Lo be Lhe greenesL clLy ln Canada. )
no employmenL poslLlon ln lrederlcLon as Lhls was a clLy lead poslLlon. 1here ls one person lnvolved Lo
have Lhe educaLlon plece. 1here are lnlLlaLlves ln place Lhrough Lhe school sysLem.
1hls should be communlLy lead as Lhere ls more susLalnablllLy.
1here has been a lack of lnLeresL Lo push Lhls lssue aL clLy level.

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
LducaLlon on belng green ls noL belng communlcaLed
eople Lo noL have caplLal Lo make Lhese upgrades Lo homes.
We are able Lo harvesL frulL and vegeLables here buL we are sLlll buylng and brlng ln Lhese producLs Lo Lhe
clLy. ( 8u? LCCAL)
ClLy only able Lo lmplemenL some of Lhe orlglnal ldeas for green maLLers, go back and revlslL parLs LhaL
could noL be lmplemenLed lnlLlally
1 need Lo have a communlLy drlven aspecL Lo Lhe "Creen MaLLers"
2. need webslLe for all Creen pro[ecLs around Lhe communlLy ( food, houslng)
3. CeL non roflLs LogeLher, looklng aL lnnovaLlve ways of brlng older bulldlngs up Lo energy reLroflLs.
CeLLlng companles LogeLher Lo brlng up many older bulldlngs. ( Lo flnance Lhese reLroflLs and pay back
over 3yrs.)
4. CreaLe model as Lfflclency n8
3. need Lo creaLe a clLlzen advlsory commlLLee for green maLLers.
6. We need Lo know how much money ls belng spenL on energy leavlng lrederlcLon. uo Lhe research ( food ,
LransporLaLlon done ln a greener way.)
7. lnformaLlon Lo be Lracked so LhaL acLlon can be Laken.
8. 8ulld a neLwork so LhaL acLlon can be Laken
9. 8rlng ln youLh and unlverslLy educaLlon
10. CommunlLy gardens and buy local
11. ubllc consulLaLlon, revlew
12. Make a separaLe enLlLy LhaL does noL have Lo fall under clLy guldellnes, communlLy drlven,.
13. CovernmenL should work LogeLher wlLh communlLy Lo solve lssues, clLlzens Lo make declslons and
governmenL Lo respond.
14. ClLlzen commlLLees
13. neLworklng hub LhaL coordlnaLes acLlvlLles LhaL ls ongolng
1. Addlng Creen MaLLers Lo 1ranslLlon lrederlcLon
2. 1he CreaL CaLherlng group should be lnvlLed Lo Lhe nexL meeLlng aL Creen MaLLers.
3. A Creen MaLLers CommunlLy commlLLee should be formed ) from Lhe greaL gaLherlng group
Summary Looklng Lo form a commlLLee from greaL gaLherlng group Lo form an advlsory commlLLee and

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
advlse ClLy.

2M - kea||st|c D|scuss|on on eak Lconom|c Growth

Sess|on 2 8reakout M
1op|c 8eallsLlc ulscusslon on eak Lconomlc CrowLh
Convener n/A Contact n/A
Note 1aker n/A Contact n/a
8abylon SysLem
Wlll Lhe fuLure look llke Lhe pasL?

Summary n/A

2N - 8reastfeed|ng Ir|end|y Commun|t|es

Sess|on 2 8reakout n
1op|c 8reasLfeedlng lrlendly CommunlLles
Convener kaLe Mackey Contact Cuv.greener.klLchen[
Note 1aker 8achel 8oleyn-Le8lanc
kelly LbbeLL
Contact 8achel.boleyn-leblanc[
Why does breasLfeedlng have Lo be a blg deal?
Pavlng spaces avallable for women Lo breasLfeed
Lack of havlng someone Lo glve supporL (how was your nlghL, lL wlll geL beLLer)
Pave supporL, flnd supporL - need Lo have supporL feed Lo feed
lood cenLre - have klLchen avallable when noL belng used for moLhers who wanL Lo breasLfeed
lrederlcLon breasLfeed promoLlon commlLLee - new members welcome, parLnershlp wlLh Creener vlllage

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
Pave good lnlLlaLlon raLes - buL duraLlon ls noL Lhere - drops off very qulckly afLer hosplLal dlscharge
MoLhers need Lo know whaL Lo expecL when sLarLlng breasLfeedlng
?ou can breasLfeed wlLhouL belng noLlced
1. WanL everyone Lo feel welcomed and comforLable Lo breasLfeed anyLlme, anywhere.
2. n8 has some munlclpallLles LhaL have 8aby lrlendly ollcles (supporLlng breasLfeedlng famllles)
(Culspamsls, LdmunsLon, kedgwlck, new Maryland)
3. n8 Llbrarles now have a 8aby lrlendly ollcy
1. lrederlcLon Lo adopL a 8aby lrlendly ollcy
Summary 8reasLfeedlng ls a hlghly effecLlve way Lo proLecL Lhe healLh of lnfanLs and moLhers. Saves
healLhcare dollars, beneflLs Lhe envlronmenL and brlngs poslLlve soclal change.
need Lo creaLe an envlronmenL where famllles feel comforLable breasLfeedlng anyLlme,

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
Sess|on 3 - 11:1Sam - 12:00pm

A - lndependenL medla
C - PealLhcare revenLaLlve/PealLhy Llvlng
u - Access Lo !usLlce for All
L - CompuLer Lessons and erpeLual upgradlng
P - lmprove 8ullL LnvlronmenL
l - ?ouLh AcLlon 1eam of lrederlcLon
k - lnLegraLed Pouslng
M - lrederlcLon Area neLwork volunLeer Councll

3A - Independent med|a

Sess|on 3 8reakout A
1op|c lndependenL medla
Convener vadlnl Mahablr Contact vadlnl.mahablr[
Note 1aker MaLL !ohnson Contact maLLhew.mark.[ohnson[
We need local medla.. noL conLrolled from ouLslde Lhe provlnce...
CommunlLy channels
n8 Medla Co-op... lLs all volunLeer.... lL can peak and fall away preLLy qulckly... wlll pay for lnvesLlgaLlve
ulsLrlbuLlon ls a challenge
8esearch.... local documenLarles
LnvlronmenLal damage
Cplnlons vs news...
8logger medla wlll concenLraLe on an lssue and Lhey don'L focus on an lssue

More local medla
lundlng dlsLrlbuLlon
Soclal medla
L medla
lrvlng's own 99 percenL of Lhe medla....

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
Cnllne arLlcles noL accesslble
rlnL medla ls noL assumed ...
Shareable medla
WhaL ls lndependenL medla
lsn'L Lhe lnLerneL Laklng over

1 coallLlon of lndependenL medla. CenLral Webpage wlLh all bloggers and lndependenL medla...
2. LeL more people know abouL Lhe medla co-op
3. We need Lo be savvy medla consumers
4. Llnks Lo unlverslLy press
1. lnformal coallLlon of lndependenL medla research lnLo lLs exlsLence
2. CoallLlon wlLh sLudenL press
3. Campalgn for beLLer medla consumpLlon awareness and press
Summary 1. CoordlnaLe conversaLlon
2. 8esearch exlsLlng
3. Awareness and 8

3C - nea|thcare reventat|ve]nea|thy L|v|ng

Sess|on 3 8reakout C
1op|c PealLhcare revenLaLlve/PealLhy Llvlng
Convener Madellne 8errevoeLs Contact madelelneberrevoeLs[
Note 1aker Palley Pughes Contact halley.hughes94[
Cverspendlng on "ellLe" sporLs
ulsLrlbuLlon of funds
Lncouraglng oLhers Lo be more acLlve

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
uleL, AcLlvlLy, eLc.
1oo much focus on slckness, noL enough on wellness
More educaLlon, more Lechnology, need Lo encourage acLlvlLy
hyslcal educaLlon programs are lacklng
Spends Llme Lalklng abouL wellness, buL doesn'L puL Lhe same level of fundlng on wellness
Cause and effecL - prevenLaLlve
CovernmenL's problem?
Why noL puL our money lnLo prevenLaLlve lnsLead of afLer?
Can'L remove lllness and response Lo lL
CovernmenL responslble Lo coverlng all deLermlnanLs of healLh - healLh, economlc, soclal, educaLlon, eLc.
arenLs need Lo be role models - need more educaLlon
revenLlon ls good for lndlvlduals or communlLy as a whole?
Where should money be spenL?
1ake lL away from Lhe governmenL?
CommunlLy programs?
keeplng yourself healLhy, noL belng dependenL
lncludes menLal healLh
lnLegraLlng all of Lhese Lhlngs LogeLher - lnsLead of worklng separaLely
ubllc LranslL, docLors, and communlLy parLners - how would we connecL Lhem?
Cver servlng ellLe? underservlng poorer communlLy members?
noL necessarlly...
CerLaln programs already exlsL - buL noL everyone who needs lL ls geLLlng Lhe supporL
roblem of LransporLaLlon, dlal-a-bus, eLc.
lree programs are sLlll lnaccesslble Lo many people
noL necessarlly relylng on Lhe governmenL
lrederlcLon CommunlLy lood CenLre - gardens and cooklng classes, n8CPC garden and cooklng classes,
lallsbrook cenLre free school, SmarL food, eLc.
WhaL ls prevenLaLlve healLh care?
AcLlve llfesLyle, menLal wellness, nuLrlLlon, educaLlon, lnformaLlon sharlng,
1. Cne organlzaLlon Lo share all lnformaLlon abouL Lhese servlces, lnformaLlon hub - webslLe, phone llne, eLc.
2. CreaLlng a dlal-a-rlde program - problems of gas, eLc.
3. ClLy should lncrease program wlLh free Lokens on Lhe bus Lo communlLy evenLs - should go Lo people who
need Lhem
4. More prevenLaLlve measures
3. romoLlng cosL effecLlveness of prevenLaLlve measures
6. ConLrols fuLure economy of our socleLy - look aL causes
7. CulLural shlfL

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
8. CosL and CuallLy of Llfe - puL more efforL on Lhese Lhlngs
9. LlfesLyle change
10. Addresslng lssues LhaL cause problems wlll help prevenL problems from conLlnulng
11. uocLors as Lhe hub?
12. CommunlLy healLh advocacy
13. PealLhy llfesLyles expenslve?
14. 8uylng healLhler food, communlLy garden - worklng from your own home, someone could plck lL up and
redlsLrlbuLe lL
1. Cardenlng ln Lhe communlLy
2. CommunlLy healLh advocacy
3. ulal-a-8lde program
4. More promoLlon
S. 8ulldlng Lhe communlLy, lnformaLlon sharlng
Summary 8y uslng Lhe governmenL and communlLy Lo Lake more prevenLaLlve measures.

3D - Access to Iust|ce for A||

Sess|on 3 8reakout u
1op|c Access Lo !usLlce for All
Convener n/A Contact n/A
Note 1aker !udy CoaLes [udycoaLes[
8arrlers for Lhose who have a crlmlnal offense ls parL of Lhe dlscrlmlnaLlon
Plrlng pollcles wlLh employmenL
Crlmlnallzlng/bullylng Lhe poor
ardon pollcy
Access Lo legal servlces for Lhe poor
Legal ald noL avallable
need Lo ldenLlfy people who have confllcLs and can'L access servlces

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
Age as a barrler Lo access servlces (!ohn Poward SocleLy)
CovernmenL cuL backs
Who ls helplng Lhose who canL read access [usLlce?
eople are avoldlng seeklng help due Lo sLress and Lrauma of Lhe process
Lack of medlaLlon and courL Soclal Workers
1. lrederlcLon Labour Councll should be presenLed wlLh lssues people are faclng
2. need for re-lnLegraLlon servlces for Lhose leavlng prlson
3. revenLaLlve programs Lo avold crlmlnal record
4. need for real legal advlce for free
3. need for a provlnclal [all
Summary n/a

3L - Computer Lessons and erpetua| Upgrad|ng

Sess|on 3 8reakout L
1op|c CompuLer Lessons and erpeLual upgradlng
Convener n/A Contact n/A


3n - Improve 8u||t Lnv|ronment

Sess|on 3 8reakout P
1op|c lmprove 8ullL LnvlronmenL
Convener ulane Morrlson Contact demorrl[
Note 1aker !ess Murphy Contact Lhe[esmurphy[

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
romoLlon of parklng sLrucLures
Cpenlng sLreeLs Lo pedesLrlans and cycllsLs

Wheelchalr accesslblllLy Lo bulldlngs, Lo cycllsLs and pedesLrlan (safeLy)
eople can park far away and walk - box sLores come ln handy - deslgns
3. can promoLe Lhe exerclse and Lrafflc calmlng
1. Walklng Lo LranslL *
a. CreaLe bus "Lrunk llnes"
b. edesLrlan shed
2. 400 meLers beLween parklng and bulldlng (no cars)
3. 8lke parklng ln parklng loL *
4. Cafe culLure - soclal aspecL
3. LducaLlon *
6. ueslgn guldellnes *
7. LxLend and connecL blke lanes *
1. romoLlng cycllng and walklng by creaLlng a safe area - "pedesLrlan shed" and parklng space for cycllsLs
2. romoLe Lhe soclal aspecL of dolng Lhe acLlvlLles
3. LducaLe people on Lhe healLh facLors
4. LducaLe on deslgn for accesslblllLy and creaLe
3. ConnecL blke lanes Lo parks and Lyplcal resL sLops, and make Lhem larger on Lhe sLreeLs
- cars and blkes are frlends!
Summary 1hls dlscusslon was geared more Lowards Lhe promoLlon of healLhy llvlng, and whaL Lhe clLy
can do as well as whaL we can do as people of Lhe clLy

3I - outh Act|on 1eam of Ireder|cton

Sess|on 3 8reakout l
1op|c ?ouLh AcLlon 1eam of lrederlcLon
Convener lshLar Al-1ahlr Contact lshLaralLahlr712[
Note 1aker Anna !ohnson Contact hfkdp[

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
?ouLh AcLlon Leam ls a group LhaL alms Lo geL youLh lnvolved an acLlve
Looklng for new members. ?ouLh and adulL allles.
MeeLs every second Monday 6:00-7:30, 618 Cueen SL.
?ouLh don'L know abouL acLlvlLles avallable Lo Lhem. We need a way Lo lnform youLh and geL Lhem ouL Lo
?ouLh AcLlon 1eam survey (Aprll 7) flnd ouL whaL exlsLs ln communlLy and whaL we need.
1. ConnecLlng wlLh organlzaLlons ln Lhe communlLy.
2. ?ouLh week and youLh forum
3. 8oys and Clrls Club may be able Lo provlde a space.
4. lnsplrlng and empowerlng youLh
3. ConnecLlng wlLh youLh Lhrough posLers, soclal medla, word of mouLh.
6. hyslcal acLlvlLles, soclal acLlvlLles, food securlLy, alLernaLlve LransporLaLlon.
7. Servlce learnlng granLs for youLh groups LhaL have a clear plan.
1. lor more lnformaLlon abouL membershlp conLacL lshLar.alLahlr[ or check ouL a ?ouLh AcLlon
1eam meeLlng.
Summary need Lo connecL wlLh organlzaLlons around lrederlcLon Lo lnsplre youLh Lo geL ouL and be

3k - Integrated nous|ng

Sess|on 3 8reakout k
1op|c lnLegraLed Pouslng
Convener kaLhleen CruLLenden Contact kaLhleen.cruLLenden[
Note 1aker !ohn CoaLes Contact [coaLes[
Where Lo llve as a senlor, klnd/slze of house, locaLlon, are Lhere enough Lo flll Lhe condos belng bullL
Many wanL Lo sLay ln own home
lsolaLlon even ln a crowd
uo we need new models of how we wlll be llvlng?
Co-Pouslng ls an exclLlng ldea (shared common areas, mulLl-generaLlonal, shared Lools,...)
need someone Lo look ouL for you!!
CulLural preference for dlsconnecL - slngle-famlly household

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
need Lo creaLe communlLy ln very local areas, need noL break down Lo bulld up
Pow do we go from ldeal Lo acLlon Lo resulL? - sLarL wlLh folks who are lnLeresLed or of Lhe same mlnd
8ulld up ls one opLlon buL does noL necessarlly remove lsolaLlon
1here may be a llmlL Lo Lhe slze Lo malnLaln soclal conLacL

1. need Lo nurLure communlLy as an essenLlal componenL
2. Look lnLernaLlonally for models LhaL have been successful
3. Such as Lhe Lden model and Lhe resulLs of sLudy by ALlanLlc Senlors Pouslng 8esearch Alllance (AShra)
1. 8ecommend looklng lnLernaLlonally aL models LhaL have been aLLempLed and have been evaluaLed
2. SLarL wlLh dlscusslons among people abouL whaL Lhey would llke when Lhey are senlors. erhaps resurrecL
a senlors commlLLee
Summary Ask folks and Lhen do research

3M - Ireder|cton Area Network Vo|unteer Counc||

Sess|on 3 8reakout M
1op|c lrederlcLon Area neLwork volunLeer Councll
Convener Chrls Crady Contact cgrady[
Note taker 8achel Clarke Contact sLraLeglccoordlnaLor[
CranL for $23,000 was acqulred one year Lo spend. 8ulld a webpage as a polnLer webpage and provlde
homepage for Lhose who don'L have lnLerneL presence. lL wlll encourage volunLeer acLlvlLles ln Lhe
communlLy. Senlors and youLh do beLLer ln clusLers, go and conLacL organlzaLlons LhaL have a need, and
asslsL Lhose organlzaLlons. 8rlng vlslblllLles Lo Lhe communlLy of volunLeers wlLhln Lhe clLy and beLween
volunLeer groups.

Core group members are reLlred or ln LhaL age brackeL, needed someLhlng Lo do.

Pave recondlLloned old compuLers and redlsLrlbuLed Lhem back lnLo Lhe communlLy

6 members whom volunLeer Lhelr Llme. Would llke Lo see 8-10 members.

Clve publlc face Lo organlzaLlons and generaLe clLy wlde lnLeresL and awareness, as well as encourage for
new people lnLo Lhe organlzaLlons.

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060

1. resenL Lo 8oLary Club

2. 8ulld a daLabase wlLh a reference plan so LhaL each webpage doesn'L have Lo be bullL from scraLch.

3. vlsual references such as logos
1. uevelop lnfrasLrucLure Lo susLaln webpages and reallze a buslness plan for long Lerm fundlng.


CreaL CaLherlng was an excellenL opporLunlLy for Lhe lAnvC Lo lnLroduce lLs pro[ecL for Lhe
year. 1hey are looklng forward Lo worklng wlLh Lhe communlLy of Lhls pro[ecL.

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
roceed|ngs: Saturday, March 1S - 1hemes, Strateg|es, and Act|on

Sess|on 4 - 1:00pm - 2:1Spm

A - lreddle Coes Creen
8 - ?ouLh 8ocks
C - lreddle on Lhe 8oad
u - CulLure
L - lreddle CeLs llL

4A - Iredd|e Goes Green
eak economlc growLh
Creen maLLers

Sess|on 4 8reakout A
1heme lreddle Coes Creen
Convener kelsey Wllson & ArLhur 1aylor Contact wllson.kelsey.a[
1hlngs sLarL buL don'L conLlnue
o LducaLlon - Lhey come and Lhey go
o Advocacy and clLlzens advlsory group
o AC ([usL buslnesses and governmenL)
o lncluslvlLy

Concrete Act|ons
Sklll share board Lo be posLed aL CaplLal ClLy Cycle wlLh conLenL mlrrored on webslLe
uemand based workshops

Measureab|e Cutcomes
uevelopmenL of a 8lke Share
Car Share

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
o LxlsLs ln Pallfax
o MarlLlme 8lde Share
1ool Llbrary
o Makers space
o labrlcaLlon Llbrary
Land share
Landless gardeners
edesLrlans SLreeLs
Close sLreeLs - once a week or monLh
Pave Clvlc space
Sklll share
o lree school (maybe CharloLLe sLreeL arL cenLre)(renalssance college)
o Senlors Leachlng Lhelr skllls and Lrade
o uaLabase
Skllls exchange
o Soclal neLwork
o !ob board aL CCC
o Workshops by donaLlon

48 - outh kocks
Servlces for youLh
?ouLh AcLlon 1eam

Sess|on 4 8reakout 8
1heme ?ouLh 8ocks
Convener n/A Contact n/A
Concrete Act|ons
WhaL ls avallable now? ?ouLh Councll
Look for granLs avallable
?ouLh promoLlng youLh ! mlddle-hlgh school - 1-2 year worklng
uevelop more soclal medla for ?ouLh Councll
romoLlon ln schools
ulscuss wlLh clLy counsellor
Lmpower youLh
Measureab|e Cutcomes
LducaLlon on menLal lllness and geLLlng rld of sLlgmas
Sexual healLh educaLlon LaughL by younger people raLher Lhan by Lhe Leacher, people LhaL youLh can
relaLe Lo

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
LducaLlon on safe sex pracLlces - lncorporaLe lnLo currlculum
Pave ouLdoor acLlvlLles lncorporaLed lnLo currlculum
1rafflc calmlng area Lo play ouLslde
Pave a more acLlve a vlslble ?ouLh Councll
1ranslL Lo safe play areas/safe rouLes
Lmpower youLh, leL youLh have a volce ln decldlng Lhelr llves
Pave free condoms avallable ln school and educaLlon
Who |s respons|b|e
Cn8: 8esponslble for changes Lo currlculum
use soclal medla Lo puL forward youLh perspecLlves and needs

4C - Iredd|e on the koad
1rafflc calmlng
Sunday LranslL
1ranslL lssues

Sess|on 4 8reakout C
1heme lreddle on Lhe 8oad
Convener 8lll Mckenzle Contact blll.mackenzle[
Note 1aker !ohn CoaLes Contact [coaLes[
Concrete Act|ons
SeL up a clLlzens commlLLee
ConLacL Creg Lrlcson-
ConLacL oLher Lowns Lo see how Lhelr clLlzen advocacy works
Challenge councllors Lo use LranslL for a perlod of Llme!
Llke 11C ln 1oronLo
AdopL a bus sLop
Measureab|e Cutcomes
SeL up a clLlzens group Lo geL broad represenLaLlon Lo advlse, advocaLe for changes Lo Lhe LranslL neLwork
ln lrederlcLon.
lnclude a bus drlver or Lwo
Pave a clear focus and agenda, and noL a free for all so Lhe commlLLee has a coherenL and sLrong volce.

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
ls Lhere a naLlonal LranslL day?
CeL access Lo rldershlp sLaLs
CeL people or buslnesses or non-proflLs Lo clean a bus sLop ln exchange for a free pass? "adopL a bus
ConLacL oLher groups such as healLhy llfesLyle or Lralls or blkes abouL llnks wlLh oLher groups - such as
blkes aL bus sLops on edge of Lown so people can conLlnue lnLo Lhe clLy by bus.
lmporLanL for one volce vs many slngle volces speaklng Lo Lhe clLy

Who |s kespons|b|e
uerek ness, uoug Mullen are lnLeresLed
senlors, drlvers, MCAl, 8uslness reps from norLh and SouLh,
lnvlLe old members
uoug wlll reconvene a flrsL meeLlng of old group and new members wlLh Lhe ldea of seLLlng up a LranslL
advocacy group wlLh a wlde represenLaLlon. llrsL meeLlng wlll address gaps ln membershlp

Summary lorm a clLlzen group Lo advocaLe for beLLer LranslL, presenL a coordlnaLed/coherenL approach
for a sLronger volce

4D - Cu|ture
CulLural developmenL
lnLergeneraLlonal lrederlcLon

Sess|on 4 8reakout u
1heme CulLure
Convener 1lna uespres Contact Llnadespres[
Concrete Act|ons
Make nelghbor reacLlvaLlon commlLLee, makes nelghborhood lnvlLlng, need Lo look afLer each oLher
need for co-ordlnaLlon and communlcaLlon
ClLy plannlng needs Lo mesh allgn wlLh all Lhe lnlLlaLlve by varlous culLural groups
romoLe lnLer-general sharlng of wlsdom and experlence
CpporLunlLles for lnLergeneraLlonal lnLeracLlon (eg many ways, volunLeer senlors, connecL wlLh lmmlgranL
youLh, cross culLural, lnLer culLural

AlLernaLlve medlcal care/alLernaLlve Lheraples, lnLerculLural learnlng's
WesLern aborlglnal LreaLmenLs, herbs

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
Sclence knowledge can be found ln unexpecLed places
need for communlLy bulldlng Lhrough communlLy cenLre where lnLergeneraLlonal

8ulld soclal caplLal vla nelghbourhood

Make nleghbourhood reacLlvaLlon commlLLee - makes nelghbourhood lnvlLlng, need Lo look afLer
Measureab|e Cutcomes
CelebraLlon of Lhe vlbranL culLures we have
CulLural groups (eg LheaLre) Lo recognlze co-ordlnaLlon communlcaLlon
Pavlng maLure generaLlon Lhe supporLers of culLural evenLs

Who w||| do th|s
1lm Lo make nelghbourhood reacLlvaLlon commlLLee

4L - Iredd|e Gets I|t
lmprovlng bullL envlronmenL
lood securlLy
revenLable healLhcare
Senlor care programs
8reasLfeedlng lrlendly nelghborhoods
Servlces for persons wlLh dlsablllLles
Advocacy for persons wlLh dlsablllLles

Sess|on 4 8reakout L
1heme lreddle CeLs llL
Convener n/A Contact n/A
Concrete Act|ons
uevelop a MenLorshlp rogram (Approach volunLeer CenLre)
o Senlors, youLh eLc
" 8eLlrees supporLlng oLhers
1lme & LxperLlse
LducaLlon on whaL already exlsLs (SLepplng sLones, 8ed Cross, !ohnsLon Senlors
Skllls Lralnlng for free

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
Shared reclprocal menLorshlp program
o Sklll sharlng
" knlLLlng eLc
ConnecL Lhrough Lelecare for senlors
o Senlors Cnllne ulrecLory
8ullL envlronmenL - creaLe lL Lo be more lnvlLlng and creaLe safer nelghbourhoods - deslgn Lo be
communlLy focus
Lnsure sldewalks and roads Lo be clear and accesslble
Crocery sLore deslgn
Mlxed use nelghbourhoods
romoLe mldwlfery
o rlmary care/healLh
Cne sLop shopplng for healLh
o CommunlLy cenLres
MenLal healLh and addlcLlon
use naLure resources as gym
Smaller ls ofLen beLLer
o Lncourages people Lo be moblle/acLlve
1rafflc calmlng
o ueslgnlng walklng nelghbourhoods Lo lncrease pedesLrlan/blklng frlendly whlle respecLlng
o Less car cenLrlc
uLlllze green space more
1urnlng dead" spaces lnLo communlLy spaces
8reasL feedlng frlendly spaces
rogram Lo help senlors access acLlvlLles
Ask sLepplng sLone senlor cenLre lf Lhey promoLe Lhls already
lmprove Lrall sysLem
o ConnecLlvlLy

Measureab|e Cutcomes
MenLorshlp program
o CreaLe a sLeerlng group
" LlsL of organlzaLlons
" AsseL mapplng
o volunLeer cenLre faclllLaLe?
" Llnk

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
Sess|on S - 2:1Spm-3:30pm

A - lncluslon ln lrederlcLon
Affordable Pouslng
Advocacy for ulsabled
CompuLer lessons
AdulL learnlng and llLeracy
Access Lo [usLlce
Cne sLop soclal servlce cenLre

SA - Inc|us|on |n Ireder|cton

Sess|on 3 8reakout A
1heme lncluslon ln lrederlcLon
Convener uennls ALchlson Contact uennls[
Note 1aker !eff 8lchardson Contact [eff[
Concrete Act|ons
Many separaLe lLems relaLed Lo an lnLerconnecLedness LhaL ls aL Lhe core of an lncluslve lrederlcLon.
uevelop an umbrella Agency
o Pelp/connecL wlLh servlce and advocacy
o LxlsLlng dlrecLory: lred lnfo
" 8ulld on Lhls
" Servlce n8
" Cff and onllne
" need Lo ldenLlfy gaps such as for folks wlLhouL a compuLer.
ueLermlne Pow Lo communlcaLe/connecL servlces
o newspaper
o newsleLLer (wlLh waLer blll - n8 ower?)
o nelghbourhood cenLers
" lnLergeneraLlonal
" CommunlLy/nelghbourhood focus
o lrederlcLon lnLerculLural cenLre
" 8road communlLy mandaLe
o CommunlLy-based bulleLln boards
" use green spaces for boards
CreaLe CommunlLy awareness - lncluslvlLy
o Lx: sensory dlsablllLles, newcomers
o Sklll share/skllls board
o CuLreach Lo/from [obs agencles
Pave a cenLre LhaL creaLes LemplaLes for opporLunlLles for lnLeracLlng and creaLlng communlLy, such as

Greater Ireder|cton Soc|a| Innovat|on | www.gfs|-| | |nfoQgfs|-| | S06.262.S060
plannlng evenLs for chlldren, senlors, ... sharlng servlces such as a lawn mower,
eople who wlsh Lo can come LogeLher Lo creaLe. erhaps look Lo uslng exlsLlng bulldlngs - re-purposlng
exlsLlng sLrucLures.
close a secLlon of a sLreeL regularly (once a week) so people can lnLeracL more easlly
Pave smaller communlLy dlscusslons uslng Lhls model
Measureab|e Cutcomes
nexL meeLlng: know ?our nelghbourhood
CaLherlng spaces
o Welcomlng clLes
o lncorporaLe: bulleLln boards
o Skllls semlnars
o LvenL spaces
" Workshops
" Creen
8ulld Lhe local olnL - leL communlLy declde
o Schools
o Churches
o llre hall
o SLreeL closures
o A la !azz and 8lues
o 8egular meeLlngs - monLhly?
Pow/Who can make lL happen? (aL Lhe nelghbourhood level)
o ClSl/ConversaLlons LhaL maLLer
o ldenLlfy or reclalm spaces
o Pow do we acqulre/Lransform exlsLlng space

Who w||| do th|s

lrederlcLon norLh - Madellne 8
WesL laL - 1aeyon
Sunshlne - uerek ness
uevon - Lrlc M
Skyllne - uavld Coon
new Maryland - Almee l
8arkers L - Sherry Coffey (lower SL. Marys/noonan)
uoone/Wllson - 1ammy M
8logs/ uunns corner - lshLar

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