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Rebecca Wadsworth

(616) 334-2116

Brigham Young University Graduation Date: 2016 Davenport University; Grand Rapids Main Graduation Date: !A Jenison High School; "enison M# Graduation Date: "une 2011 April 2013- Present Sept. 2011- March 2013 Sept. 200$-"une 2011

Work Experience JC Penney Ma% 2013- Present 1200 &o'ne (entre )l*d Ste )+ Pro*o &o'ne (enter Pro*o+ ,& -.601 Phone: /-010 -12-3100 Responsi2ilities: Greet custo3ers+ assist the3 in 4indin5 the shoe the% 'ere loo6in5 4or+ pro*ide e7cellent custo3ers ser*ice+ place online orders+ 'or6 a re5ister. Davenport University Au5ust 2011- Ma% 2012 6181 9ra4t A*e Septe32er 2012-March 2013 Grand Rapids+ M# .8112 Phone: /6160 68--$111 Responsi2ilities: Set up athletic e*ents+ record score at 2as6et2all 5a3es+ 'or6 score 2oards+ set up *arious other e*ents held at Da*enport. Berry & Berry PLC "une 2011- Au5ust 2011 1$0 (olle5e A*e+ Suite 320 April 2012- "ul% 2012 :olland+ M# .8.23 Septe32er 2012- "anuar% 2013 Phone: /6160 $86-8600 Responsi2ilities: Greet clients+ ans'er 3ulti-line phone+ data entr%+ 3aintain closed-4ile data 2ase+ scan and cop% pro;ects. Volunteer Experience Me32er+ Peer <ducator Me32er+ =eadership Acade3% >olunteer+ 6th Grade (a3p (ounselor =ead 6th Graders in 5roup acti*ities Pro*ide 6no'led5e o4 nature >olunteer @.A.R (hest Sept. 2008- "une 2011 Au5. 2008- "une 2010 o*. 200- ? April 2011 Au5ust 2011 ? 2012

Awards & Accomplishments

>olle%2all-Da*enport ,ni*ersit%- 2 %ear participant+ recei*ed a'ard

A#A (ha3pions o4 (haracter

&rac6-Da*enport ,ni*ersit%- 2 %ear participant+ recei*ed 2 A#A (ha3pions o4 (haracter a'ards >olle%2all-"enison :i5h School- .-%ear participant+ >arsit% tea3 co-captain+ ri5ht-side hitter &rac6-"enison :i5h School- .-%ear >arsit% participant+ tea3 captain+ All-con4erence athlete Po'erli4tin5- "enison :i5h School- 1-%ear >arsit% participant+ 1.1 @( State (ha3pion (hoir- "enison :i5h School- .-%ear participant+ MAAB+ 4irst soprano+ Solo and <nse32le participant Crchestra- "enison :i5h School- .-%ear participant+ *iolin 2011 C9 Red "enison Be3ale Athlete o4 the Aear

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