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We Were Warned!


March 20th, 2030

By Jill van Mierlo Current Resident writing for all of World State 1

Real People Interviews

It has officially happened. Robots and artificial intelligence have taken over! We now fully depend on technology to do every day tasks. TechGeneration World uses technology for everything. Robots have taken our jobs, so the economy is also hindered as

well. Even scarier is that the robots have taken over the economy. There is an increasing lack of social skills from technology taking over and now 95% of the economy is controlled by artificial intelligence. At 7am on Monday of 2030, it was stated that we officially have no control of the economy any longer.

This student, Emily, says she is fearful because she doesnt know who is going to teach her, since professors were all fired due to robots. This man, James, was interviewed on Monday and he stated that he depends on technology and is fearful for the younger generation. He is happy that his life is coming to an end so he can escape the problems of this world.

We Are In Trouble
technologies across all sectors of society, changing life in our workplaces, homes, skies, factories, and schools, just to name a few. Much of the controversy surrounding these technologies is based on true fears. We knew this would happen eventually, but we just didnt know when. Rescue forces to help the economy have been called in by other World States, but no word on if they are willing to help has been

Since robots have taken over, the government has no control. Us, as a community, have let technology get the best of us. Robots were created with souls and now they want to be better than mankind and have control. People have manipulated robots to engage in destructive behaviors that go beyond what any individual human can do. This has been an evergrowing issue in our World State, but just recently, educated professionals stated we are in a world of distress. Robotics is poised to generate disruptive

heard yet. People are going into isolation mode, as they dont know what to do. Communities have closed its gates to not let any more foreign robots in. We do not yet know yet if they have created intelligent, deadly weapons. The President is trying to bargain with other World State to see if we can get help. He said the only way to solve this is to kill the race of robots for good. Many have warned the citizens of what could happen, but now it is really coming true. The future generations will rely even more on robots to do absolutely everything. Smart houses are also starting to help people with every day chores, but professionals are unsure if these will hurt or help the citizens of TechGeneration. Since the fall of the economy, many people have lost their jobs and dont have anywhere to turn, except

towards the comforting robots. The monster-robots took control of Wall Street and the economy leaving citizens of TechGeneration clueless and fearful. Despite all the warnings, citizens did not stop creating robots. They became smarter than humans and multiplied. Therefore, yesterday, the economy officially crashed and fell into the hands of artificial and

This is a picture of one of the robots that is taking over our jobs and making the economy terrible.

More affected areas where the economy has destroyed the people and they have very little supplies for basic living.

man-made robots. Supplies like food and water and basic living needs are also decreasing because no one has money to buy or supply the products. Humans will start to starve if we dont fix this problem as soon as possible. The people who first made robots are being taken into custody and questioning by the World State This is a picture of the World President. This State that is most heavily questioning might also affected by the collapse of the get insight into how to kill this race. Lastly, real economy. human teachers will not educate the younger generation so this makes citizens less smart. Robots will take the job of teaching children. This is scary because we dont know how much these kids will actually learn. All we know now is, that if this technology ever

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dies out, we will have a massive problem with no citizens knowing what to do.

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