Adam Vanderpool

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Local Address 2712 South Main. Maryville, MO 64468 Mo ile!


Adam Vanderpool

Permanent Address 8904 North Saint Clair, Kansas City, MO 64154


a( a (otivate$ youn* %ro+essional ,ho is $riven to,ar$s rea'hin* a hi*her stan$ar$. ) 'o( ine intelli*en'e an$ har$ ,or- to 'o(%lete the tas- at han$.

North,est Missouri State .niversity Maryville, Missouri /a'helor o+ S'ien'e 0e*ree" Ma1or in #*ri'ultural /usiness 2elevant Course 3or #ni(al S'ien'e Cro% 4ro$u'tion 5ar( Mana*e(ent #*ri'ultural 6'ono(i's May 2015

Complete Outdoor Services Maryville, MO May 2012, to 4resent Landscape Designer 2es%onsi le +or the 'ultivation an$ 'are o+ the lan$s'a%in* an$ *roun$s surroun$in* a usiness or uil$in*. 4lant +lo,ers, (o,, %ull ,ee$s, re%air stru'tures, an$ (aintains outsi$e o+ uil$in*. Toad Holler Ranch Maryville, Mo Mar'h 2012, to %resent General Laborer

#tten$ to live +ar(, or ran'h, ani(als that (ay in'lu$e 'attle, shee%, *oats, horses. #tten$ to ani(als %ro$u'e$ +or ani(al %ro$u'ts, su'h as (eat. 0uties (ay in'lu$e +ee$in*, ,aterin*, her$in*, *ra7in*, 'at'hin*, an$ loa$in* ani(als. May (aintain re'or$s on ani(als8 e9a(ine ani(als to $ete't $iseases an$ in1uries8 an$ a$(inister (e$i'ations, va''inations, or inse'ti'i$es as a%%ro%riate. May 'lean an$ (aintain ani(al housin* areas.


3as a,ar$e$ a s'holarshi% out o+ hi*h s'hool to %lay +oot all at Southern )llinois .niversity. #lso trans+erre$ to North,est Missouri State .niversity ,here ) ,as also *iven a S'holarshi% to %lay +oot all. 3as na(e$ Ca%tain o+ the +oot all tea( as ,ell as the ase all tea( (y 1unior an$ senior season

3as na(e$ #ll State in +oot all (y 1unior an$ senior season, ,hile also ein* a 1st tea( all"'on+eren'e sele'tion (y senior year, an$ se'on$ tea( (y 1unior season.

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