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Kimbell 1 Madison Kimbell Dr.

Guenzel ENC 1102-0014 February 23, 2014

Research Dossier: Transition from Print Media to Digital Media on the Previous Generation

Introduction to the Research Dossier My topic covers the transition from paper media to digital media and how it is affecting the generations brought up around print media. Has this transition been beneficial to the spread of knowledge and information on past and current generations? Since I am a Broadcast Journalism major, I believe that the results found from my research will benefit me in finding successful ways to share news and media in both paper and/or digital form. From my current sources, Ive gathered that digital media has created a worldwide availability of current news while making its availability easier and quicker for humans to have access to. With this, Ive also gathered that digital media has created false and nonreliable sources of news and media that ultimately fail the public in providing correct knowledge, news, and information. The generations affected by the digital-age have experienced an increasing demand for faster access to information because the human population wants to see new, different pieces of current events and news with new technology allowing for its easy and quick access. Past generations have grown up with newspapers that were written with new material only once every day with magazines that printed once every week or even just once a month. The introduction of digital media has presented humans with instantaneous access to ever-growing sources of news. This demand, in turn, is what has caused nonreliable and non-relevant sources of news to spring up. Sources are publishing articles at such a fast pace that it becomes less about the accuracy and relevancy of the news and more about entertainment and keeping the publics attention. Articles are published with a wide-variety of topics that have allowed for biased information, which makes for false sources. In fact, journalists are no longer the only ones capable of researching and publishing media. The digital-age has allowed anyone the capability to write and publish information online with no professional attributes to justify the information they claim. This lack of credibility gives the human population sources that may not be entirely correct. In fact, journalists have turned to Twitter to instantly send out a topic or title of breaking news for a large portion of the public to see at one time. With this, media sources have now found it easier to copy and paste specific information and breaking news from other publishers just so they can claim to have the story too. This has lead to a lack of fact checks and inaccuracy, causing the possible false story to proliferate. Print media mirrors television media as far as the change of the times the news was presented and what kinds of stories were being presented. News on the television used to have two cycles: one around 6 PM and another around 11 PM, just like newspapers were only printed once everyday in the mornings. Now, media is published 24/7 online with multiple news sources

Kimbell 2 providing a wide variety of stories just like television news is now on 24/7 with multiple channels displaying different news sources. In addition, many people now have access to news that are relevant to their opinion or position on current events and politics. For example, portions of the public prefer CNN news versus Fox News based on their opinions on current events, especially politics. Fortunately, the previous generation is now presented with a large variety of news that is way easier to access than seen before. Unfortunately, this can lead to skewed pieces of information. With the move to digital media, the news is more personalized with the allowance of comments and opinions on current events. Versus in past years, the news simply presented the topic and described the scenario. Contrastingly, people may use this to their benefit by reading multiple views of one subject to enhance their knowledge on that information. My research will help clarify the good and bad with the current digitalage on the previous generation and how it has developed from the print-age. Research Map Keywords: Digital Media Print Media Opinionated Articles Instantaneous News Sources Twitter FaceBook False Sources Non-Reliable Easily Accessible Journalist: Professional/Non-Professional Research Question: How can the transition from print media to digital media be described? What are the PROS and CONS of digital media on the previous generation? How has news and media changed with the introduction of digital media? So far, Ive found sources that mention both PROS and CONS of digital media on the previous generation. Ive printed out these articles and placed them in a binder where they are organized based on the source. I plan on highlighting key information from each article that I plan on incorporating in my final research paper. Some obstacles I plan on anticipating are going through the large and growing supply of news articles that serve to aid my research and main points. Some of these articles will be from The New York Times, Huffington Post, The Economist, Breitbart, peer-review journals, books and more. Unfortunately, because of time constraints, I can only go into minimal detail on social network-media websites. My research is more on the EFFECT of digital media on the previous generation, which doesnt include an analysis on FaceBook, Twitter, etc. My research only mentions these as a way journalists put out information, as well as copy and pasting information from these sites. My paper is going to stay confined to official news sources, only mentioning these social websites to help clarify how these news sources are

Kimbell 3 making news easier and faster to access, while putting out information to audiences that agree with their specific opinionated topics/commentary. The use of FaceBook, Twitter, and other social-networking websites serve only to aid my main points. Other research, similar to my own, analyzes the effect of opinionated news. This includes, most specifically, politics and current events in government all over the world. Two articles analyzing the same topic on a current event may be completely different based on whether the journalists opinions favor liberal or conservative values. I mention this briefly to aid in my explanation of how digital media has been a direct cause in this transition to opinionated articles and how this can serve to make news irrelevant and false, instead of simply stating the topic at hand and describing the scenario (as news once used to do). The results of research analyzing opinionated news articles conclude that the information we are receiving from sources may not be entirely correct. This outcome relates to my issue and serves as a piece of evidence for my claim. Annotated Bibliography-Works Cited I used APA format for these sources in the past, but I am changing it to MLA format for this assignment because I believe it is the correct format based upon my major and subject for this paper: Journalism. 1. Sivek, Susan Currie. "City Magazines And Social Media: Moving Beyond The Monthly." Journal Of Magazine & New Media Research 14.2 (2013): 1-17. Communication & Mass Media Complete. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. This source is an academic journal and will be used in my research paper to explain the print-side of media and how it is changing. This source specifically mentions magazines and how they have transformed over the years with the introduction of digital media. This source is credible because it is a peer-review journal from the UCF Library database. The author describes how magazines have changed through out the years, which will aid my research question of analyzing the transformation of print media. The author believes that media is moving beyond their monthly prints to a digitalized form in order to keep readers interested in reading from that source. 2. Aase, Sara. "Print Vs Online: Can There Be A Cohabitation Of Competing Media And How Readers Can Benefit." JournalOf The American Dietetic Association 4 (2011): 500. Academic OneFile. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. This source is an academic journal and will aid in my analysis of some pros and cons with print and digital media. This source also serves a large role in helping me describe how readers can benefit from this transition to digital media. This source is credible because it is a peer-review journal from the UCF Library database. The author helps my research of Pros and Cons in the transition to digital media. The author believes that readers can benefit from multiple sources (bias sources) on one subject by reading multiple perspectives on that one subject.

Kimbell 4 3. Prowse, Louise. "Defining Decline In The Newspaper Press: Local Responses And National Narratives In New South Wales Country Towns 1945-2006.(Report)." Rural Society 2 (2012): 85. Academic OneFile. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. This source is an academic journal and will help me define the decline in print media and its effects on specific societies. This may help predict the results we may see in the U.S. in the decline of print media. This source is credible because it is a peer-review journal from the UCF Library database. The author describes the decline in newspapers and its effects within that area. 4. Farhi, Paul. "A Costly Mistake? When The Associated Press Decided A Decade Ago To Sell Its News Content To Online Portals, It May Have Hastened The Decline Of The Daily Newspapers That Own The Wire Service." American Journalism Review 2 (2009): 36. Academic OneFile. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. This source is an academic journal and will help me analyze the pros and cons of the transition of print media to digital media. It will also help me analyze what has caused this trend towards digital media and why the print media is declining. This source is credible because it is a peer-review journal from the UCF Library database. The author believes that the decline of newspapers is a costly mistake on society. 5. "The Newspaper Industry: More Media, Less News." Economist 24 August 2006, n. pag. Print. This source is a newspaper-print edition that will help me discuss how news is becoming more opinionated with commentary for the sake of audience attention. This source is credible because it is a newspapers perspective on the decline of paper media. The Newspaper Industry talking about the newspaper industry. The author believes that with the introduction of commentary on news pieces, news sources are focusing on entertainment rather than the traditional introduction of a current event in the news. 6. Haughney, Christine. "Newspapers Post Gains in Digital Circulation." New York Times [New York City] 30 April 2013, n. pag. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. This source is a newspaper-web edition that will simply help me identify how news is becoming digitalized. This source is credible because it is a newspapers perspective on the decline of paper media. The Newspaper Industry talking about the newspaper industry. This author directly states how newspapers are now turning to digital form to stay accustomed to societys growing knowledge on the use of new modern technology in order to keep audiences attention.

Kimbell 5 7. Blodget, Henry. "Some Thoughts on Digital Media and the Future of the Newspaper Business." Huffington Post 21 July 2010, n. pag. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. This source is a newspaper-web edition that will help me analyze the future of print media. This source is credible because it is a newspapers perspective on the decline of paper media. The Newspaper Industry talking about the newspaper industry. This author will help aid in support of some of my statements. The author describes the future of the newspaper industry (declining) with the introduction of digital media through new technology. 8. Goldstein, Allison. "Reinventing The American Press Institute: A Casualty Of The Decline Of The Newspaper Industry, The Highly Regarded Journalism Training Organization Was Absorbed Earlier This Year By The Newspaper Association Of America Foundation. Is There A Vibrant Future For API In The Digital Era?(Organization Overview)." American Journalism Review 3 (2012): 46. Academic OneFile. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. This source is an academic journal that will help me identify the possible future for newspaper industries transforming with the digital-age. This source is credible because it is a peer-review journal from the UCF Library database. The author believes that the newspaper industry still has a change to survive in the economy by reinventing themselves in digital form. 9. Winget, Megan Alicia, and William Aspray. Digital Media [Electronic Resource] : Technological And Social Challenges Of The Interactive World / Edited By Megan A. Winget, William Aspray. n.p.: Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, c2011., 2011. UCF Libraries Catalog. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. This source is a book that will help me analyze the social challenges with the transformation to digital media. I like how this book refers to digitalized society as making an interactive world. This source is credible because the book is written by a Professional Journalist and the book was found through the UCF Library database. The authors describe the social challenges presented by digital media on society. The author believes that digital media has created a lot of negative impacts on society by changing the form of our communication. 10. Messaris, Paul, and Lee Humphreys. Digital Media : Transformations In Human Communication / Edited By Paul Messaris & Lee Humphreys. n.p.: New York : Peter Lang, c2006., 2006. UCF Libraries Catalog. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. This source is a book that will help me analyze human communication and how it has changed/been affected by the digital-age. This source is credible because the book is written by a Professional Journalist and the book was found through the UCF Library database. The authors describe the direct

Kimbell 6 changes in communication among humans with the introduction of digital media. The author believes that with the introduction of digital media, human communication has ultimately changed, most likely for the worst.

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