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The Economist

Asmost profits from print are in in decline, For newspaper companies society has experienced more media the developed world, 2005 was and less news. The Economist miserable. interviewed Jim Chisholm, of iMedia, a joint-venture consultancy with IFRA, a newspaper trade association, who predicted that a quarter of print classified ads will be lost to digital media in the next ten years. Overall, says iMedia, newspapers claimed 36% of total global advertising in 1995 and 30% in 2005. It reckons they will lose another five percentage points by 2015. In addition, the value of online ads grew by 70% in the first half of 2006.

Sara Aase
Print will never abandon us.

Christine Haughney
New York Times Newspapers may have suffered from a slight decline in circulation, but they benefited from an increase in digital subscriptions.

According to The Economist, even the most confident newspaper bosses now agree that they will survive in the long term only if they can reinvent themselves on the Internet and on other new-media platforms such as mobile phones and portable electronic devices. The Internet offers so many specialized sources of information and entertainment that readers can pick exactly what they want from a variety of different websites. As a result, people visited newspaper sites infrequently, looked at a few pages and then vanished off to someone elses website. In their article, The Economist describes the introduction of digital media as a negative impact on publishers and readers.

Even though the output of printed materials may decline with the introduction of iPads and Tablets, the print industry is predicted to continue making revenue for the next 2o years, claims Sara Aase, a writer and editor who has written works for numerous big-name companies.
The Internet has provided for innovation that has never been seen before and has allowed for digital versions of print that have enhanced reading and reading tools. It has made collaboration easier and makes those connections more meaningful. According to Aase, the transition to digital media will depend a lot on how quickly most of us adopt mobile devices while the big hurdle for publishers is the cost of going digital while maintaining a print product. In her article, Aase works on combining print and digital forms of media for the benefit of both readers and publishers.

Christine Haughney from New York Times admits that the nations newspapers have suffered from a slight decline in total circulation over the last six months compared with the year before, but these newspaper companies have ultimately benefited from an increase in digital subscriptions, which now make up nearly 20% of all daily circulation. She works on persuading readers that going digital has been for the best.

Newspapers showed growth because they started to include more varieties of digital editions. In fact, digital circulation for The Wall Street Journal grew by 62.6% to 898,012 in March 2013 from 552,288 in March 2012. Additionally, stated by Haughney, The New York Times Company announced that their paid digital subscription had grown to 676,000 by the end of March.

Print VS Digital: The Transition and You!

Digital media has created a worldwide availability of current news while making its availability easier and quicker for humans to have access to. Although it has provided for immediate benefits, it has also led to negative impacts for the print industry and readers. The result is that digital media includes false and non-reliable sources of news and media that ultimately fail the public in providing correct knowledge, news, and information

By Madison Kimbell
Works Cited 1. Newspaper Industry: More Media, Less News." Economist 24 August 2006, n. pag. Print.

2. Aase, Sara. "Print Vs Online: Can There Be A Cohabitation Of Competing Media And How Readers Can Benefit." JournalOf The American Dietetic Association 4 (2011): 500. Academic OneFile. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. 3.

4. Haughney, Christine. "Newspapers Post Gains in Digital Circulation." New York Times [New

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