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Liked August 29, 2013

Ali Pasha and his wife Miss Vasiliki. Ali Pasha of Janina or Aslan of Janina (Lion of Janina) ruled an autonomous empire within the
Ottoman empire which expanded from Shkodra all the way to Morea. Vasiliki Kondaki was an Orthodox Cham woman from
Pleshavica near the town of Filat. Ali Pasha was a Bektashi Liap from Beishta near Tepelena.
Vasiliki was attracted to Ali's power and eventually ended up in Pasha's harem for trying to save her brother's life, Jorgo Kio who had
been ordered to be arrested. Vasiliki's father was Kio Kondaki, an authority in his town. Like Boari, Andruo and others, Jorgo also
served in Ali Pasha's court and became instrumental in the Arvanit War of Independence in 1821.
During Ali Pasha's rule, many Orthodox Churches and schools were opened and Kosma the infamous Aetolian freely spread
propaganda against the Albanian and Vlach languages in the region. Although the official doctor and linguist in pasha's court, Jani
Vllarai attempted to consolidate a single Albanian alphabet, unfortunately none of the new schools were in Vasiliki's or Ali Pasha's
native tongue. Today, all of the above individuals now appear in Greek schoolbooks as 100% ethnic Greek historical figures.
Meanwhile, the Bourimiri media covering the Greek fashion designer's Mihalis......Aslani's recent suicide death placing blame n a
young female student from Albania... Greek history repeats itself etsi?
in Plisivtsa.

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