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EDUC 429 Family Communication Plan

Teacher Work Sample #10


Before the first day of school, preferably with the student placement papers, I will have my introduction letter sent to the parents and guardians of each student that will be in my class ( Example 1). In this letter I will introduce myself to the parents/guardians telling them about my background and educational philosophy. In the introduction I will also explain certain expectations for myself and the students in my class. I will give notice to the fact that each month there will be a news letter sent home explaining what is up and coming in our school year (Example 2). This will contain field trip information, academic progress, etc. Another item of importance that will be present on the introduction letter is my contact information. I will have my phone number, email, and school phone number so that the parents can contact me about any issue or concern dealing with their childs academics. I will encourage parents to text or call my cell phone. I think that a communicative relationship between the parents/guardians and the teacher is instrumental in the students success. A list of classroom rules will be sent home and signed by the students, parents/guardians, and myself once they are created on the first day of class (Example 3). Based on Lakeviews policy on parental knowledge of misbehavior; write-ups will be sent home and signed by the parent/guardian. Write-up offenses include fighting, foul language, vandalism, etc. In addition to write-ups going home for signature, if I think that a situation does not require principal involvement, or does not merit a write-ups severity I will either call the parent/guardian myself or send a personalized note home for signature notifying the parent/guardian of the malfeasance (Example 4). Communication with Colleagues In my introduction letter sent to parents and guardians I will ask if any are willing to come into the school and teach the class about their profession. I would like the students to see a variety of community members speak about their jobs. I will also collaborate with any community members I know or are willing to take time to teach our class about their profession. I will also communicate with my

EDUC 429

Teacher Work Sample #10


fellow grade level teachers in order to provide my class with the most diverse and effective lessons (Example 5). I will email the principal and ask if there are any issues or topics I can have the students write to her about for persuasive writing strategies (Example 6). For this the students will write the principal a letter in attempt to persuade them. The principal will then write the class back with the decision. I will communicate with the guidance counselor, special education teacher, or social workers as needed based on my students.

EDUC 429 Example 1

Teacher Work Sample #10


Dear Families,

August 12th, 2014

I hope your summer went well and your children are excited to be back in the classroom. My name is Brett Jankouskas and I am a Pennsylvania native. I realize my last name is a mouthful so do not worry Mr. J will suffice. I am here to teach your children to the best of my abilities which contain a variety of methods. I am a large advocate of hands-on learning. For math especially there will be a lot of manipulates in my classroom. I conduct my lesson in a collaborative way that consists of student to teacher and vise versa, as well as student to student. At the beginning of the year I will be testing your children to better understand their learning modalities which will ultimately provide me with the information needed to customize lessons in order to be most efficient with your childrens time. As a class we will be creating our classroom rules during the first week of class, and will be sending home for parent/guardian signature as well as your ch ilds and my own. Finally if there are any parents/guardians or other community members that you know of that are willing to take the time out of their days to come teach our class about their profession I would be more grateful. That being said; I am very excited to be working with your children this upcoming school year. We will learn a lot and have a lot of fun doing so. Feel free to contact me at any time regarding your child or any concerns. Monthly there will be a newsletter sent home with your child that will update you on academic progress as well as any information such as field trips, banquets, etc.

Thank you and have a great ending to your summer, Sincerely, Brett Jankouskas

Contact Information:

Phone: (717)679-3674 School Phone: (555)555-5555

EDUC 429 Example 2

Teacher Work Sample #10


Dear Families,

February to March, 2015

Over the past month we have created information books on our solar system, a readers theatre script depicting the United States three branch government, and have even gained a class pet; a turtle named Shelly. One of our students Jane Doe has been recognized as this months Lakeview fantastic student. We are holding a PTO information booth and dinner in two weeks on the 14th. There will be booths informing you about safety, summer camps and sign-ups, as well as a Chick-Fil-a dinner for a reduced price. Exactly one week later on the 21st our class will be performing our readers theatre skit during Parents Night. I encourage all flash photography and taping. Next on our agenda will be mixed numbers, the Moons cycle, expository writing, and key inventors prior to 1865. Shelly; everyones favorite turtle, will be gaining two new friends. These turtles are much younger than Shelly. I hope all is well and I see if able on the 14th and 21st. Thank you, Sincerely, Brett Jankouskas Here is a new picture of Shelly. She is getting big. I might spring for a new tank this month.

EDUC 429 Example 3 Classroom Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Teacher Work Sample #10


We will be respectful at all times. We will be responsible for our focus and our actions. We raise hands at appropriate times. We encourage each other. Our classroom is clean at all times. When in doubt, choose the safe route. We are a team. We are a community. We are a family.

Example 4 Dear Parent/Guardian, John was caught holding Janes amethyst crystal that she brought in today to share with the class without Janes permission. I do not want to jump to conclusions, and John denied accusations of malice. The reason that I felt you needed to know was because Johns reasoning for having the crystal was that he found it on the playground. I know that Jane did not take the crystal to the playground because it was on my desk due to distractions. I am not writing John up for this, I just want the issue to be known by all parties. Therefore a similar note was sent to Janes parents. I hope you have a nice evening, and thank you. Sincerely, Mr. Jankouskas Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________ Comments: ____________________________________

Example 5 Hello Ms. Carver, I was looking over the next science lesson on standard 4-2.5 regarding organisms changing for their environments. I was wondering if I could borrow your chameleon to show the students while I taught the lesson. I would have different printed out scenarios that will cause the chameleon to changes colors. I am more than willing to change my science lesson time to fit your schedule. Just let me know and thank you. Brett Jankouskas

EDUC 429 Example 6 Hello Dr. Frodo,

Teacher Work Sample #10


I was wondering if it would be possible to have my students write letters to you in an attempt to persuade you towards their opinion. This would be a great opportunity for student engagement while developing their persuasive writing process. If that is fine with you; can you give me any issue or concern that is a realistic or even actually occurring problem you are dealing with that will be applicable to the students? If not that is more than fine. I will then have them write about school uniforms and why or why not we should have them. If this assignment is okay with you it would be great from a student perspective if you responded to the class as a whole. This way the students will be able to see that their letters meant something. Thank you for your time, Sincerely, Brett Jankouskas

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