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SMART Goals Name: Jordan Nowlan SMART Goal Reality: In an environment w ere medical emergencies are li!

ely to present t emselves" it is important for ed#cators to be properly trained in $irst Aid and %&R' Goal: &rior to contin#ing my Ed#cation degree in $all ()*+" I plan to renew my $irst Aid,%&R certification wit a local training organi-ation' Strategies and Action Steps Researc t e St' Jo n Amb#lance website for available co#rses in my area' %ontact regional SJA branc for availability Responsibility Myself Timeline J#ly ()*+ Evidence of Effectiveness /in! to website for co#rse registration: ttp:,,www's0a'ca, Englis ,eReg,&age s,defa#lt'asp1 Notes from conversation wit SJA %onfirmation of registration

Myself,$irst Aid and %&R provider

J#ly ()*+

Register for Myself Emergency $irst Aid wit %&R and AE. co#rse' Attend and complete t e co#rse' Myself,Instr#ctor

J#ly ()*+

A#g#st ()*+

%o#rse certification

SMART Goals Name: Jordan Nowlan SMART Goal Reality: %oac es can be one of t e most infl#ential persons in a st#dents life' In order to coac oc!ey at t e ig sc ool level" coac es m#st complete t eir training in t e .evelopment * %ertification program' Strategies and Action Steps Responsibility Timeline April ()*+ Evidence of Effectiveness Notes from conversation' /ist of available coac ing clinics'

%ontact 3rian Myself,3rian 4 ite ead" 4 ite ead E1ec#tive .irector of 2oc!ey New 3r#nswic! for available coac ing clinics' Register for .evelopment * coac ing clinic' Read pre5tas! readings and complete pre5tas! wor!boo!' Myself

April ()*+

%onfirmation of registration,receipt %ompleted pre5tas! wor!boo!


May ()*+

Goal: &rior to September ()*+" I plan to enroll in a Attend and coac ing complete clinic' certification program t ro#g 2oc!ey %anada and receive my .evelopment * %ertificate'


S#mmer ()*+

.evelopment * %oac ing %ertificate

SMART Goal Name: Jordan Nowlan SMART Goal Reality: In t e profession of teac ing" ed#cators will be presented wit vario#s 6crisis7 sit#ations' T ey will need to react in a manner t at promotes safety and minimi-es t e e1pos#re to liability concerns' Strategies and Action Steps Responsibility Timeline September ()*+ Evidence of Effectiveness Email sent to %randall professors regarding possibility of an N:%I co#rse'

Email %randall Myself,%randall professors and find professors o#t if t e #niversity will be osting N:%I co#rses in t e fall semester' $ind o#t w en co#rses will be available and register' Myself

November ()*+

Record of registration,receipt

Goal: &rior to Attend and Jan#ary ()*8" I complete t e plan to complete a co#rse' non5crisis intervention 9N:%I; co#rse to better prepare me for my interns ip'


November ()*+

Nonviolent %risis Intervention %ertificate

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