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Real Time Clock using ATMega16


The ATMega16 chip has a real-time counter that operates asynchronously when a 32,768hz watch crystal is connected to it, providing a real-time clock. The watch crystal needs to connect to pins TOSC1(pin 28) and TOSC2(pin 29).

Hardware requirements

ATMega16 32,768 KHz crystal LCD display

>> the following software (using codevision avr compiler ) uses timer 2 CTC compare match and ther are three switches used to adjust seconds,minutes and hours. >> timer 2 use prescalar 1024 and the OCR value will be 32 or (20 hex).

code sample
#include <mega16.h> // Alphanumeric LCD Module functions #asm .equ __lcd_port=0x1b ;PORTA

#endasm #include <lcd.h> char s=0,m=0,h=0; char t,u; // Timer 2 output compare interrupt service routine interrupt [TIM2_COMP] void timer2_comp_isr(void) { // Place your code here s=s+1; if (s==60) { s=0; m=m+1; if (m==60) { m=0; h=h+1; if (h==24) { h=0; } } }

// External Interrupt 1 service routine interrupt [2] void int0(void) { s=s+1; if(s==60) { s=0; } } interrupt [3] void int1(void) { m=m+1; if(m==60) { m=0; } } interrupt[19] void int2(void) { h=h+1;

if(h==24) { h=0; } } /////////////////////////////// char tenth(char a) { t=a/10; return t; } ////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// char unit(char b) { t=b/10; u=b-t*10; return u; } //////////////////////////////// // Declare your global variables here void main(void) {

// Timer/Counter 2 initialization // Clock source: TOSC1 pin // Clock value: PCK2/1024 // Mode: CTC top=OCR2 // OC2 output: Disconnected ASSR=0x08; TCCR2=0x0F; TCNT2=0x00; OCR2=0x20; // LCD module initialization lcd_init(16); TIFR|=0x80; // Global enable interrupts #asm("sei")

while (1) { // Place your code here lcd_gotoxy(0,0); t=tenth(h); lcd_putchar(t+0x30); u=unit(h); lcd_putchar(u+0x30);

lcd_putsf(":"); t=tenth(m); lcd_putchar(t+0x30); u=unit(m); lcd_putchar(u+0x30); lcd_putsf(":"); t=tenth(s); lcd_putchar(t+0x30); u=unit(s); lcd_putchar(u+0x30); }; }

proteus simulation

>>>> here is a link containing the project avr and its proteus simulation

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