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What is Cancer?

Cancer is a cell that is unknown to your body. This cell is also known as malignant cells. A cancer cells destroy other cells in your body and eats up the nutrition of the body. Cancer cells are different from the normal cell, normal cells divided and stop growing but cancer cells keep growing and it doesn't divided or die. It spread through your body fast and eats everything that in its reach. That makes the body gets weak.

Childhood Cancer

What is childhood cancer? Childhood cancer is children will cancer. Only kids 0 though 14 can have cancer, because the cells start to show them self and it will decided that if you have more life span or less life span. When the body can't handle any more of the cancer, because the cells eats all the heathy tissues and organ and other.. This make the weak and hard to move.

Treatm ent for Cance r

Their are 4 ways to treat cancer one is surgery, two is radiation, three is chemotherapy, and four is biologic therapies. These treatment doesn't always work cause it's meant for certain type of cancer. Surgery is for children with leukemia or lymphoma because of this two cancer it dose make it difficult them to do surgery. Radiation is to us the light energy to kill or damage the cancer cells, and it increased risk of malignancy and infertility. Chemotherapy is to kill the actively dividing cells, but the hold have to be a certain age, type of cancer, and it depend on how serious it is. Biologic therapies a man-made substance normally made by the immune system to help slow their body growth.

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