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Do you know how your height is passed on? Have you ever wondered why you are so short or so tall. Your height is decided and gured out by your parents genetics. Each of your parents pass 3 genes down to you. So mom gives you three and dad gives you three, so you will end up with six total genes for your height. For an example, let's take the mother who has the gene makeup as AaBbCa and the father with aaBBCc. Uppercase equals tall genes and lowercase equals short genes. With three "tall" and three "short" copies of each, they are both average height because they both have the same amount of recessive and dominant genes.

Eye color

Have you ever wondered why your eye color isn't the same as any of your parents eye color? Well it's not as simple as blue+blue=blue. It could simply be blue+blue=brown. This happens because your parents each give you two genes and they are either BB,Bb, or bb. The two uppercase B's (BB) will give you a for sure eye color of blue, Bb will give you blue, but bb will give you a different color. Let's say the uppercase B is blue and the lowercase b is brown. The uppercase B over powers the little b. So when it's Bb, the blue over powers brown.

Skin color

When we look at a family we can clearly see that skin color is passed on from the darker skin parent it's just like the color black controls the color white it takes over skin color is kinda the same if you take a dark skin parent and a light skin parent and they have sex, the sperm will go to the egg to fertilize. After the the egg is fertilized the cells will start to creat the baby, you would think it would be a dark skin baby, it's not always like that.

! Hair color! ! ! Have you ever wanted to know why your hair is brown and your parents both have blonde hair? Well it's because you hair color is decided by the amount of eumelanin on and eumelanin off genes you have. The eumelanin on genes is dominant and eumelanin off genes is recessive. You get four genes from each parent, so you will have eight all together. Brown hair is dominant and blonde hair is recessive. For example if you have two uppercase B's and six lowercase b's, you will have lighter hair. But if you have ve uppercase B's and three lowercase b's,you will have brown hair. But if you have an equal amount of lowercase and uppercase B's, you will have brown hair. This happens because the four uppercase overpowers the lowercase.

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