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Source of Environmental Concerns Facing Businesses

Pressure Groups






Environmental Pressures - Customer Requirements

Commercial pressure to improve may pass right up the supply chain

Customers exercise their right to buy

Certification of EMS and products is developing rapidly Peer pressure relates to larger organisations

Environmental Pressures - Market Trends

Some Examples
Pesticides, refrigerants and solvents usage changed Solvent use is reducing due to water-based alternatives Wood alternatives are being developed Sodium hexafluoride (SF6) market as insulating gas under threat

Environmental Pressures - Financial and Insurance

Cover used to be very broad and non-specific (Conventional Public Liability Cover)
Environmental Impairment Liability Insurance available Insured must exercise high level of risk management and site operation. Requires management system in place

Environmental Pressures - Public, Media & Pressure Groups

The Public - Concerned about the effects of pollution on a local level

The Media Always on the lookout for a story

Greenpeace & Friends of the Earth Now using Internet to disseminate information

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