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Cancer is a very di!cult thing for the person who has it and for the family.

Cancer also has a lot of unique and di"erent phases. Chemotherapy is a very common thing that people use when they have cancer. There are also viruses that are associated with cancer.# # When people have cancer they often use Chemotherapy. One of the main ways people use chemotherapy, is to kills the cancer cells. The only problem is, is that it doesn't always work on everyone (how stu" works, 2014). Some peoples body rejects this treatment. Kimo can also cause people to loose their hair, and become very weak. It can also be used to slow down tumors so that it is possible for doctors to do other treatments.This is called neoadjuvant. # # There are a number of factors cancer causes, and some we cannot controle but some we can controle. An uncontrollable factor is gene mutation. An oncongene is the reason why cells grow uncontrollably( why it's done, 2014). They e"ect the way cells use energy and multiply. Another common cause in Cancer are mutations in tumor suppressor genes( why it's done,2014). This is what protects a cell from an oncongene. If the genes get damaged they can allow cancer to develope instead of preventing it.# # Cancer is a group of diseases that can cause almost any sign or symptom( signs and symptoms, 2014). Wherever the cancer spreads that's what determines what kind of signs and symptoms people get. They get spread all throughout the body. Cancer will start to grow on your lungs, organs, blood vessels, and nerves. It can cause symptoms like fever, extreme tiredness and tiredness. # # People have so many bumps in the road when they get cancer. By avoiding smoking, and other things that are bad for your body, it reduces the risk of cancer. If you get cancer you have to go through so much like chemotherapy. As you can there are so many problems that cancer gives. You have to make sure sure you keep your body healthy.# # # # #

# # # Citations:# # # Cancer: What You Need to Know." HowStu"Works. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.# Chemotherapy." Why It's Done. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.# Website Title: Signs and Symptoms of Cancer# Article Title: Signs and Symptoms of Cancer# Date Accessed: April 11, 2014# # # # # # # #

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