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Chapter 9: The training is getting intense, Tris is very sore. Beatrice is good friends with Christina. Will and Al are friends with the girls. Peter, Drew and Molly- joined together Peter- Evil Drew- sidekick Molly- enjoys torturing ants Four and Eric do not agree on teaching styles, seems to be a competition between them. Eric enjoys the fighting. Christina cant handle the fighting and quits and she is forced to hold on for dear life. Christina proves she is not a coward. Chapter 9 is about the fighting and how physically strong they are. We learn a lot about their characters and get a real insight on Tris and Christinas relationship. They start to protect one another as well as teach each other about different people and their old factions. Its nice to see Tris with a friend. We also learn how different Eric and Four are at training their new members. I think I like Fours style much better than Erics. It seems extremely cruel to make a young girl hang from an edge just to prove a point. It was very brave of Al to stand up to Eric for Christina as well.

Questions: Were Eric and Four in the same initiating class? How did they get their positions? Why was Tris so hesitant to help Christina? Why does she think of her father at this time? Will Al be punished for helping Christina?

Quotes: Pg. 95 A brave man acknowledges the strengths of others, Four replies. A brave man never surrenders. I feel like I am looking at two different kinds of Dauntless- the honorable kind, and the ruthless kind. Pg. 104 No, she doesnt, Al growls. She did what you said. Shes not a coward. She did what you said.


Chapter 10:

Questions: Why does Four leave the fight? Does Al have feelings for Tris? Will Al ever stop crying at night? Tris mentions not being attracted to someone that fragile. Abnegation is pretty fragile, is that part of the reason she left? Why didnt Tris trust her parents with the secret of being Divergent? Will she really never tell?

Peter writes stiff on Triss mattress. Al helps Tris clean it. Tris gets beat up badly by Peter. Friends meet her in the first aid area. We learn about visiting day Triss father did not have a good reaction to both of his children leaving. Tris is frustrated and doesnt want to look weak.

Tris is forced to fight Peter for her first fight. Although it seems like an unfair match up, Tris has a lot of buildup anger towards him and how nasty he is. At first I thought she might put up a better fight. The fight was brutal and Tris got hit several times. She is a very determined, mentally strong person though. Whenever she got hit, she knew she needed to get back on her feet. I thought this showed a lot about her character. She really wants to make it into Dauntless and will take a severe beating to prove it. I thought it was interesting that Four walks away from the fight. It was nice to see Christina, Will, and Al visit Tris at the first aid station. They all seem to be helping each other with the transition a lot. Im interested to see if Triss parents will visit on visiting day. It must be hard to keep such a large secret and not even know what it really means.

Quotes: Pg. 111 On my feet on my feet. Pg. 114- It was a nice thing to say, but he acts like it meant more than just the words. I hope I am wrong. I could not be attracted to Al-I could not be attracted to anyone that fragile. Pg. 117- Maybe if I could have told them I was Divergent, and I was confused about what to choose, they would have understood. Maybe they would have helped me figure out what Divergent is, and what it means, and why its so dangerous. But I didnt trust them with that secret, so I will never know.


Chapter 12: Randomly have to get out of bed, and have five minutes to get dressed. Going to play capture the flagtradition Four vs. Eric Teams split up-Four tells his team to create a strategy thinking is part of the training Tris climbs the Ferris Wheel to be up high and get a good view point Tris realizes she has feelings for Four. They find the flag, tell the team and come up with a plan to get it. Tris lets Christina get the flag, jealousy happens Everyone celebrates and congratulates Tris
The idea of playing capture the flag seems very fitting for their initiation. They have to prove they are smart, know how to use a gun, and physically fit in order to get the flag. All of their training will be used. I thought it was very clever for Tris to climb the Ferris Wheel. She is very smart, and knows how to solve problems. She also wasnt worried about the rest of her team, she went off independently. It was a huge development to realize that Tris has feelings for Four. She is very nervous around him, yet, calm enough to tease him about being afraid of something. This was also very important to the story because the leaders appear to be fearless, but that proved not to be true. The tension between Christina and Tris leads me to believe that Tris is questioning her friendships. Should she share her winnings with others or be completely selfish. This is a battle Tris is continuing to fight within herself, but it appears that her friends are holding her back. Once they have the flag, Tris gets a taste of success and what Dauntless life might be like and she enjoys it.

Questions: Why does Four scan the transfers first? Why does Four pick Tris first? Why does Christina give Tris such a patronizing look when they find the flag? Does Tris start to second guess her friendships? Will Tris keep some of the Abnegation values in Dauntless? Are the Dauntless born initiates going to be accepting of Tris now?

Quotes: Pg. 131- His eyes lift to mine and stay there. I stare back and forget that all the transfers around me are getting out of bed. Pg. 138 I have realized that part of being Dauntless is being willing to make things more difficult for yourself in order to be self-sufficient. Pg. 143 Then I realize what it is. Its him. Something about him makes me feel like I am about to fall. Or turn to liquid. Or burst into flames. Pg. 145- Youre afraid of heights, I say. How do you survive in the Dauntless compound? Pg. 156- I realize that all I have to do is get through initiation, and that life will be mine.

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