Week 8-Strong Verbs Activity

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WEEK 8: STRONG VERBS ACTIVITY Find verbs that vividly show movement and create a strong mental picture

of the action.

Chapters 19: Creeps Attacking Knocked Scan Storm Scream Struggle Digging Shove Insulting Shrieks Smiles Shrug Flirting Leaps Rushes Elbow

Chapter 20: Bled Pounds Creep Touch Crouch Rises Scream Slap Drag Breathe Float Gasping Thrash Burns Ache Shatters Gulp Sighs Manipulated

Chapter 21: Accusing Troubled Charmed Rushes Ball Held Ordered Twist Dragging Swallowing Screams Cries Stare Whisper Hiss Crane Clench Bullies Spills Trickle

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