First Artifact For Standard Two Artifact Descriptions

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ARTIFACT DESCRIPTIONS: PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Answer each of the items below that pertain to your problem.

Put a checkmark in the box beside each potential solution indicated by your analysis.


What is the job or title of the person whose performance (or lack of it) you are concerned with? Diabetes specialists

2. Be specific. Exactly what is it that you are dissatisfied with?

SHOULD: What should they be doing? Diabetes specialist should be knowledgeable and up-to-date on diabetes treatments. They should be able to teach diabetic people how to use new treatments such as a pump. They should be able to train diabetic people how to connect the pump to their bodies carefully.

ACTUAL: What actually is happening?

Diabetes specialists have no information about the pump and how they can teach diabetic people to use it in the right way

Go to 3


What is the estimated cost or value of the discrepancy? What is the discrepancy costing you each year in terms of: Time lost: 720 hours Money lost: for a visit see one diabetic /day$ 200. 72,000 a year Material waste scrap: $4000 Equipment damage: $2000 Lost business: good looking and $10000 Customer impact: $5000 Amount of work completed: 500 diabetic Accuracy of work completed: 850 diabetic Accidents (or potential damage): Duplicated efforts: 150 hours Added insurance premiums: Extra supervision: 15000$ Other costs: Total estimated annual cost =$ 94000 Go to 4


Were you able to assign a cost to the discrepancy? YES Go to 5 NO

Then complete this sentence. If the discrepancy were ignored (allowed to continue) the serious results would be that: Diabetic people will not be able to use the pump properly and therefore will not have the treatment they need Go to 5

5. 6

Now be honest. Is this discrepancy really worth doing something about? NO Go to 18 YES Go to 6

. You have a discrepancy worth doing something about. Now try to discover what discrepancy. Could they do it if their lives depended on it? NO, NOT SURE Go to 7

causes the

YES Go to 11


They cant do what you expect of them. There is a skill deficiency. Can you avoid

training by simplifying the task or job? Could you change the job, the tools, the labels, the forms, the requirements? Can you provide job aids? YES Potential solution: Simplify Describe the simplifications. They can hire new diabetic specialists who have experience to deal with a pump from overseas. NO Go to 8


Go to 11 Consider the situation form the point of view of those doing it right. List all the

consequences to them when they perform as desired (do it right). When they perform as desired: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. They are able to inform diabetic about the pump in clear way. Diabetic people will believe in the diabetes specialists. They are more knowledgeable about new technology. They will make doctors satisfied with the job they are doing. They give their patients more hope about living with their disease.

Are any of these consequences PUNISHING to them? YES Potential Solution: Remove Punishment How can you reduce or eliminate the punishing aspects of desired performance? __________________________________________________ Go to 12 NO Go to 12 CHECK HERE


List all the consequences to your performers when they DONT perform as

desired (i.e. when they do it wrong). When they do it wrong: 1. Diabetic people will not think about better treatment options. 2. Patient will move to find a better place to have treatment with the pump. 3. Diabetes specialists will feel like they are useless and do not have enough information.

Are any of these consequences REWARDING to them? YES Potential Solution: Remove Rewards How can you reduce or eliminate the rewards for undesired performance? __________________________________________________ Go to 13 NO Go to 13 CHECK HERE


Review the consequences you described for items 11 and 12. Write some ways you can make it matter MORE to them whether they do it right or wrong. How can you make their world brighter when they do it right? (1) They will have more knowledgeable in their life. (2) They will feel that they are being helpful and useful for diabetic people by have better lives with a pump. (3) They will become familiar with new medical technology.

How can you make their world dimmer when they do it wrong? (1) They have less knowledge than other who are in the same position as them. (2) They will feel useless and unable to help diabetic people. Go to 14


Are there any real obstacles to performing as desired?

NO Go to 15


Now review the items you have checked and the potential solutions you have described.(a)

List all potential solutions and the approximate annual cost of each, and (b) add additional ideas if they arise. Note: your solutions should do something about all the items you checked.

SOLUTIONS 1. Training program 2. Have many pump for training 3. Lecture and workshop



Describe the best solutions or combination of solutions (Note: the solution should cost less than the problems.) The best solution is to make a workshop and lecture for diabetes specialists in order to teach them how to train and give diabetics people all the information they need to deal with a pump Describe how the solution will be implemented. (a) Who will initiate the changes? (b) How will they be introduced? (c) How will proper application of the solution be maintained (reinforced)? The solution will be implemented with a week workshop for diabetes specialists. On the first


day, they will be given general information about the pump, and then they will practice with the pump. On the second day, they will be shown how to connect the pump to the diabetics body. On the last day, they will meet some diabetic people who have the pump and will be able to ask them about any difficulties they had with the pump.


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