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VAKOG Preference indicator exercises

Instructions Step 1 put a letter (a, b, c or d) next to each sentence below. There are two spaces in front of each sentence below. The other space is for numbers, which youll choose in the next step later. a closest to describin me b next best description c less often d last choice 1. I make important decisions based on : ! !! ut feelin ! !! what rin s true or sounds best to me ! !! what loo"s clear to me or when I see a ood idea ! !! re#iew and study of all the issues $ options 2. The mood I am in is often reflected in : ! !! the way I loo" and the clothes I choose to wear that day ! !! what I ha#e to say and how I say it ! !! my internal dialo ! !! the way I wal", sit and carry myself 3. During an argument I am most likely to be influenced by : ! !! the other persons tone of #oice or #olume of #oice ! !! how I see it #s. how they see it, or the display the other person is ma"in ! !! the lo ic of the other persons ar ument ! !! thin s that rapple with feelin s, % whether or not I feel touched$empathetic 4. I am usually the best one to : ! !! select the ideal #olume on the stereo or T& ! !! select the most comfortable piece of furniture ! !! select the best colour combinations ! !! select the most mentally stimulatin or intelli ent discussion 5. I can say that I am definitely : ! !! #ery ood at hearin what sounds the best ! !! #ery adept at ma"in sense of new facts and data ! !! #ery ood at feelin out the best textures of fabrics, or the warmest % cosiest ! !! #ery ood at choosin the accessories that loo" the best . The easiest !ay for me to tell !hether people like me "or not# is by : ! !! the way they loo" at me ! !! the way they spea" to me ! !! the feelin I et from them ! !! the interestin discussions we et into Step ' (o bac" now and put a number next to each letter as follows) *ut a + next to each a

*ut a , next to each b *ut a 1 next to each c *ut a - next to each d Step , now transfer the numbers directly from your answer sheets abo#e to here below) 1 !!. !!/ !!& !!/d !!/ !!. !!& !!/d ' !!& !!/ !!/d !!. !!/ !!/d !!. !!& , !!/ !!& !!/d !!. !!& !!/ !!. !!/d

Step 0 2 3ow transfer the abo#e number scores to the sheet below)




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1 ' , 0 + 1 Totals

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