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English 2010 Notebook Entry 5 Prompt 6c February 23, 2014

6c. Write or create a PSA on for your issue in which you explain the causes and effects of a problem associated with your issue. Explain what should be done to address the problem.

A Public Service Announcement brought to you by me.

Citizens of these United States. There is a hidden problem with corruption within our government. It is not just something that occurs in other parts of the world. Everyday innocent people are being incarcerated, beaten, and even killed because of this corruption and the fatal mistakes that are being made by police officers, right here in the United States.

Although, the problem lies within people themselves and police officers are just people who are put in a position that encourages them to, either by mistake or intentionally, abuse the powers that they are given. For this reason, we can not always blame the police officers for their mistakes, as they are only people trying to make a living like the rest of us. Nor can you blame the criminals, who are, in fact, not always criminals or bad people.

The problem lies in the system, under which they are trained, and must operate. Not that the system is necessarily flawed either, in theory. However, do to the nature of human beings and the stresses of a police officers job, as well as the pressure to uphold the laws that are unnecessary or are outdated.

When there are bad cops, their corruption is covered up by the mainstream media, except when the case is so severe or already made public, usually with the rare video evidence caught by a citizen, that it can not be ignored. It is covered up by other police officers even when they do not agree, in fear of being an outcast, being ridiculed, or worse by their peers. It is covered up by the police departments at all costs, in fear of looking bad to the community and anyone else who cares, and the government covers it up as well, to make the country look better than it is. We must fight this corruption on our own, we can not rely on the powers

that be. Our first defense is to


to these issues,

and SPEAK UP! When you see it.


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