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Roles for literature circles: Passages: Please mark any words, lines, or sections of that text that stick

out for you. These passages might be important, puzzling, curious, provocative, dubious, or well-written- whatever grabs your attention. Reactions/Connections: What were your feelings and responses to this text? Did it remind you of past experiences, people, or events in your life? Did it make you think of anything happening in the news, at work, or other books you have read? Craft: What did you notice about the authors style, language, point of view, literary devices, or structure s/he used to create the text? Questions: What questions came to mind while you were reading this text? Were there things you wondered about, doubted, or didnt understand? What would you ask the authors or characters if you could talk to them? My Role: Passages: Chapters 22-24

Before he pulls away, I reach out to touch the cut on the side of his lip but stop when I realize what I am about to do, my hand hovering. What do you have to lose? I ask myself. I touch my fingertips lightly to his mouth. (Roth, 2011, pg. 283)
This is the first time Tris takes actions about her feelings towards Four. It shows that their relationship is becoming stronger and they are getting closer with one another. I was impressed that she thought about it and just did it. She was right, what did she have to lose?

He pulls his wrist free and, to my surprise, rests his hand on the side of my face, his thumb skimming my cheek bone. His fingers are careful. (Roth,2011, pg 284)
Four is opening up to Tris and showing her emotion as well. He demonstrates that he cares about her. The author creates a clear image in the readers mind.

The others wont be as jealous if you show some vulnerability. Even if it isnt real.
(Roth, 2011, pg. 285) The others are becoming Jealous of Tris and she needs to be vulnerable to show that she has weaknesses just like everyone else. I thought this line was very important because this is something she needs to do, so that others will not question her ability and intentions. This will continue to help hide that she is Divergent. It also shows that Four is trying to help her again.

Do me a favor, he says, and dont call me that. What should I call you, then? Nothing. He takes his hand from my face. Yet. (Roth, 2011, pg. 287)
Four is going to tell Tris his real name. He must believe that she will make it past initiation if he is going to make her wait! This is a good sign for Tris.

They attacked me to make me feel weak. I can pretend they succeeded to protect myself, but I cant let it become true. (Roth, 2011, pg.290)
Tris has thought a lot about why they attacked her. This passage also shows that it is more motivation for her to prove that she is strong. She will not let this incident prove her to be otherwise. She is more determined than ever to make it into Dauntless.

This is because it requires you to control both your emotions and your body-to combine the physical abilities you learned in state one with the emotional mastery you learned in stage two. To keep a level head. (Roth, 2011, pg. 297)
We learn the importance of all three levels of initiation, and the goal is to keep a level head. The initiates will need to prove they can do all of this soon. There may be some irony in the phrase, to keep a level head.

Somewhere inside me is a merciful, forgiving person. Somewhere there is a girl who tries to understand what people are going through, who accepts that people do evil things and that desperation leads them to darker places than they ever imagined. I swear she exists, and she hurts for the repentant boy I see in front of me. But if I saw her, I wouldnt recognize her. (Roth, 2011, pg. 300)
This is a very powerful passage by the author. You can really see how Tris is thinking and feeling. It also demonstrates the changes she is making. If she were in Abnegation, she would have to forgive Al for trying to kill her, but she is not. She does not feel bad for him and that is made very clear in this passage. I really enjoy the emotion you can picture while reading this.

The shape falls with a thud on the Pit floor. A pale arm, swollen with water, flops onto the stone. A body. (Roth, 2011, pg. 302)
Very detailed yet leaves the reader still curious. Flatly states that it is a body they have found. This stood out to me because it demonstrates how hard the initiation process. How it is able to impact their mental abilities. It also demonstrates that many people including Al, would rather be dead than factionless.

He wasnt brave! He was depressed and a coward and he almost killed me! Is that the kind of thing we respect here? (Ruth, 2011, pg. 309)
Tris feels no remorse for Al dying. This makes me believe that her desire to win will change her judgments on people and what is right and wrong. It seems like she is siding with Eric and the way he believes Dauntless people should be, rather than Four.

They are watching you. You, in particular. (Ruth, 2011, pg. 310)
The leaders think that Tris is Divergent and they will kill her. She really needs to be careful now and listen to Four.

Roth, Veronica. Divergent. New York: Katherine Tegen Books, 2011.

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