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West Michigan LGBT communit ! ad"ocates react to tem#orar halt on same$se% marriage ruling& McVicar, B. (2014, March 22). West Michigan LGBT community, ad ocates react to tem!orary ha"t on same#se$ marriage ru"ing. MLi e. %etrie ed &rom htt!'(())).m"i!ids( Com#lete summar of Article -n .rida ! March /0! /001! a 2&S 3istrict 4udge Bernard .riedman '(Ws and )* 'Who! What! o"erruled a ga marriage 5an! 5elie"ing it to 5e unconstitutional& Since then! When! Where! Wh ! and )o+,* man same se% cou#les recited their "o+s! in the count of Mus6egon! -a6land! Washtena+! and 7ngham& )o+e"er! -tta+a count and 8ent count +ill 5e +aiting to issue a licenses until a federal court decides on an a##eal& Core 3emocratic 9alue's* 0& :;ualit /& 4ustice 3& Pursuit of )a##iness <ationale for each of the C39s 0& :;ualit fits this issue 5ecause! of the meaning of e;ualit & This issue is 'Wh does the C39 ou chose sho+ing ho+ e"er one should get treated the same& fit this issue,* /& 4ustice fits this issue 5ecause! the LGBT communit in Michigan is finall getting treated fairl & 3& Pursuit of )a##iness fits this issues 5ecause! #eo#le are finding ha##iness in their o+n +a & Branch of Go"ernment The 5ranch of go"ernment indicated in this issue is the =udicial 5ranch indicated in this issue AND ho+ 5ecause the are referring to the constitution re"ie+ing la+s! and deciding do ou 6no+, cases in"ol"ing states> rights& Le"el of Go"ernment +ith The le"el of go"ernment +ith =urisdiction is federal! 7 5elie"e it>s federal =urisdiction ? AND ho+ do ou 5ecause a 2&S district =udge +as in"ol"e in the o"erruling& 6no+, /$3 .ocus ;uestions ? ho+ 0& What>s an e%am#le of ho+ Michigan fulfills one of the #ur#ose of +ould ou lead a su5stanti"e go"ernment in"ol"ing e;ualit , discussion on this article as it /& What are some issues in"ol"ing the state of Michigan! +hich can relates to the Core 3emocratic relate to the #ursuit of ha##iness and 4ustice, 9alues,

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